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Everything posted by Wom

  1. Wom

    Movember -

    I'm in new job this year so I'm not hindered by the nazi's I used to work for in fact, my boss is encouraging his team to participate gotta remember to shave this weekend, I usually only shave once a month LOL going to go with either a Ron Jeremy sleaze mo, or a fantastic "American Cop" mo
  2. yea spotted that a couple of times makes me lol too spotted a few BMW targa cars cruising into Wellington on SH2 around 5:30pm today
  3. also, if you keep it, then get a motorsport bodykit, it really improves the looks of the E36's
  4. one big thing that needs to be done is that all cop cars need to have licence plate recognition cameras and there needs to be a lot more cops then they can easily identify whether the driver is breaching licence restrictions (sure, the owner may not be driving, but it's always worthwhile stopping them to have a quick check); whether the car has wof and rego (and ruc if diesel); and if there is a power / engine limit and compulsory insurance, then they'll be able to pick those up easily too I know I'd get rather sick of driving if I kept getting pulled over every 10 minutes the courts also need to come down harder on repeat offenders none of this racking up $10,000 plus on fines and then having it all wiped because there's no way they can pay it I reckon the threat of jail time would put at least some people off and if there are even 10 less idiots on the road, then that improves my chances of making it home safely
  5. If I had to name a price, I'd say maybe $3,500 depending on how a mechanical inspection goes and depending on how the market is when you go to sell it. I think you'd probably be better off keeping the car and doing a manual conversion yourself (that is, if you like the car enough to keep it). Since you are a mechanic you would be able to save a fair bit on labour, which would make it cheaper than selling yours and buying a manual.
  6. what if you do a "rent to own" agreement? the finance company then owns the tv until you have fulfilled the contract however you would still go back to the shop you picked it up from to have any issues resolved If I was in this position with my plates I would be pointing PPlates in the direction of the consumer guarantees act - they sold you the product, they should therefore remedy any issues I'd love to hear an opinion of a lawyer on this
  7. well if those 'b' roads are as rubbish as the roads around here (which I liken to an old worn out patch-work quilt) then I'm not surprised
  8. lol you don't adventure out to Upper Hutt much do ya
  9. I guess I could've crossed the double yellow lines and played chicken with on-coming traffic
  10. or they close the passing lanes because, "it helps the flow of traffic" no you morons, it makes people who want to drive at the speed limit so frustrated because some munter is doing 60 to 70kph on the friggen motorway ps. I got stuck behind a cop last night doing under 80kph on the motorway that's 80kph on my speedo, which is probably 5 to 8kph too high, so more likely travelling a touch over 70kph in reality if only I had cop lights so I could've pulled him over however, I did take his plate number and will be lodging it on https://forms.police.govt.nz/forms/online-c...dwatch-report/9 so hopefully they get the message
  11. amazing I'm going to keep an eye on this thread in case it happens to mine I've had mine about 4 and a half months now
  12. I spotted a few last night, radar detector was very vocal lol Didn't see any today though They mostly hunt at night; mostly.
  13. so, faster than normal? people usually sit on 70 to 80kph on the motorways here yep, just like this lady who properly stopped at a stop sign and then decided to pull out just as I was about to go past ... not only did she cut me off and I had to do some very heavy braking, she also did this very slowly (she was probably doing no more than 5kph across the intersection)
  14. a couple years ago it used to be all gravel down there, was great fun hahahagreat to see you're almost there with your car, I'd love to own an M52 powered E30
  15. wow! how old are they? I use the same car wash stuff so now I'm paranoid
  16. 95% of the upload speeds in this thread are rather slow
  17. my mate proposed to his girlfriend during the AC/DC concert, that's bogan as lol
  18. Do you know if any other neighbours are constantly annoyed by the noisy neighbours? I was just thinking that if you get enough people complaining to the police, noise control and the landlord in question, then that could get them to either shut up and respect their neighbours, or get them kicked out.
  19. the landlord of the noisy neighbours needs to sort their stuff out and kick out the tenants part of a tenancy agreement is that you don't disturb your neighbours, and it sounds like those guys are in breach of their agreement http://www.dbh.govt.nz/tenancy-index there may be some info on there that could help
  20. Wom

    WTB: E36 Diff

    All sorted, thank you for the replies everyone
  21. Wom

    Parking fine

    you should try it! or at least call the tow company I was very tempted to try and pull over a cop for not indicating when he turned down a side street lol ... alas I didn't have the guts to do it
  22. Wom

    Parking fine

    lol fair enough yea stop in the middle next time, then at least the parking guys won't get you, it'll be the cops instead, which there seems to be less of than parking wardens LOL
  23. Wom

    Parking fine

    the law is the law whether we like it or not why don't you try laying a complaint about the hookers instead and get them moved?
  24. Wom

    WTB: E36 Diff

    Not entirely sure, I'm just going by what I've read off the internet for the diff ratios No idea about the final gear sorry Tyres are standard - 225/50/16 3.07 or 3.15 could be the winner
  25. I think you only need them for trailers over a certain size people load small trailers up far too much which ends up covering the backend of their car and they don't seem to care that's when the 2 second rule becomes the 6 second rule lol
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