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Everything posted by Wom

  1. the changes to lighting on trailers is long overdue it's ridiculous that you can follow someone towing a trailer and have absolutely no idea what they are doing because you can't see their car's lights and their trailer doesn't require stop lights
  2. Wom

    WTB: E36 Diff

    Hi, I recently had a manual conversion done on my E36 323i and now I'm sitting on approx 3200rpm at 100kph. While the quick acceleration is awesome (really really awesome), the car isn't for racing and I'd like to bring the revs down to something that is a bit more economical on the petrol. Just looking for an open diff (as I'm a bit poor after the conversion) and something that will go straight into my car with no modifications. From what I've read online, the auto diff is a 3.64 (for the Jap imports at least) and the factory manual 323i had a 2.93. I want to compromise somewhere in between (ie good acceleration and about 2400rpm at 100kph), so I reckon something in the low 3's would be perfect. Car is a 1996 E36 323i Coupe (pre-facelift) Cheers
  3. yea mate, find something to keep yourself occupiedfor me ... it was xbox LOL I have to say, I clocked a lot of games in the 6 months after becoming a non-smoker
  4. everything on that list will start dropping away soon drink plenty of water, eat good food (ie very little or no junk food) and if possible try to get in a bit of exercise, even if it's just a quick 20 minute walk (increase as you get your fitness back) and every time you get a craving, go tinker with your car and before you know it it'll be a couple of hours later
  5. weird, even the lowest level cable plans are 15Mbps down and 2Mbps up
  6. yep no worries mate I'll drop it off in the next couple of days
  7. manual conversion, cooling system overhaul and some offset bushes cheers jono, legend
  8. I get ultra slow readings when I test using the Wellington server, so went with Auckland and get what I should be getting
  9. or just rig up a switch for it
  10. I'm all for the new rules I just wish it was coming in sooner ... now people are going to be thinking about it for a year and a half and I bet there will be a few people that will try to use the new rules before they come into effect Also, what about the people learning to drive at the moment? "You do this now, but in 18 months you need to remember to do the opposite"
  11. my aunty sent me an email to rub it in that in Western Aussie, the 91 octane has dropped to $1 a litre they block a lot of visibility on the roads and car parks, and around Wellington the people who drive them think they are better than everyone else and drive with that attitude it's never a bad time
  12. they better start using some of that money to build some good roads for once
  13. +1 to Graham's post spot on mate the indication thing is a real gear grinder for me I hate waiting for someone indicating right when they are going straight and then have to wait another 5 minutes because that was the only potential gap
  14. yea you never notice it when you are a smoker, but once you stop, wow you can really smell it now I know what everyone was complaining about when you could smoke in pubs etc good stuff Glenn, keep up the good work keep yourself busy (I doubt that's hard with your workshop and knowledge) and you'll do fine
  15. looks very cool from those pics, would love to see more and read more detail about the project
  16. My friend got a ticket from a parking warden for no wof and no reg and she's complaining about it even though both ran out months ago apparently it's the parking warden's fault that she got a ticket ... not her fault for not abiding by the law
  17. welcome that car looks very nice!
  18. 2 very simple things that make a huge difference a lot of people don't really consider stuff like that
  19. I'd be overhauling that cooling system if I was you
  20. Meguiares and Mothers range both are great I use Meguiares Nxt Gen car wash (with a wool wash mit) then dry it with micro fibre clothes (usually go through 3 clothes) then apply Meguiares Quik Detailer (yea they like to spell like a teenager lol) looks mint as takes me about 3 hours all up but I do like to take my time as I'm a perfectionist, so maybe it could be cut down to 2 hours
  21. yea quite reasonable cost I thought like you said, the inconvenience and the fact that someone would actually do this is the worst part
  22. did you boot into the command prompt, or did you use the command prompt within Windows? if you make a bootable usb drive, or cd, then use that and format via the command prompt
  23. haha yea I really notice the smell now dirty smokers lol
  24. Nah not me mate, bastard, like green slime now! I saw a yellow E36 M3 today too, might have been the same one that Andy spotted maybe? plate is QIK M3 (not sure if that is you or not Greg?) had a racing number on the left rear window, 36 I think it was it was heading from Lower Hutt to Wellington and followed me pretty much the whole way in (I was in the black Pulsar hatch in front of you if the owner is reading this)
  25. $90 yea he said they tried solvent first but it wasn't coming off, so had to go ahead with sanding it
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