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Everything posted by Wom

  1. AvP3 ... AvP2 came out in 2001 yea I go online (xbox live) every now and then to get my a** kicked lol
  2. the problem is that doctors are so quick to diagnose and prescribe pills for it maybe if there was some support and kids went to councilors rather than popping pills, then they may think twice about it
  3. Wom

    My rights

    it really does make a huge difference just a simple phone call can really help, even if the news isn't what you want to hear
  4. Wom

    Blu-ray via PS3

    if there's a pc involved anywhere in that setup then just get a bluray drive for way less than a PS3
  5. I had similar symptoms ... on the way to a mates wedding, stopped at red lights and they took forever to change when I took off from the lights, no power in the engine ... look down and the temp gauge is almost in the red and the car is in limp mode it was fine when it was moving, but if I stopped then it would overheat end result - viscous fan coupling had failed
  6. Wom

    Fuel pump

    This is why I love going to Page European, the guys there will take the car, suss out the issue and call you straight away to discuss the situation. They will give you an estimated time frame for the repair and if it's not going to be ready they will call to let you know. They will also call you if there's any trouble with parts delivery or if they have trouble sussing out the issue and need to spend more time on it before starting to repair it. And they washed my car for me no extra charge ... guess I'm becoming a prefered customer ... the warranty company has sure given them plenty of money over the last couple of years LOL It was the complete opposite for the panel beater and the auto transmission specialists that have worked on my car. If I was paying for those repairs I would have taken the car elsewhere. Just because they're tradesmen doesn't mean that they don't need to have customer service skills.
  7. Wom

    All you sad LOST people

    yea those 1tb 7200.11 have a rather short lifespan and high failure ratethe new ES.2's are supposed to be really good (I'm planning on getting 4 of them for my htpc lol, mmmm 4tb of space)
  8. left side ball joints replaced, wheel alignment done steers good now
  9. Wom

    My New Toy

    if only my new years resolution was to spend as much money as possible rather than trying to pay off as much debt as possible
  10. Wom

    1996 m3 Evolution..

    I also have the same wheel I have in my E36 323i
  11. the mechanic has had a look at it today he said that the left ball joint is pretty stuffed and he'll replace that couldn't find anything else wrong, so he's pretty sure that replacing the ball joint and getting a wheel allignment will fix it all up he also said that when taking it for a road test that he didn't notice anything wrong with the steering ... which is something I also noticed .... that it is only noticable at very low speeds (less than 15kph) unfortunately wont be able to pick it up until wednesday as they're quite busy at the moment
  12. Wom

    1996 m3 Evolution..

    looks really tidy, very nice blue I'm jealous
  13. spotted Jimbo's little red Merc on SH2 northbound from Wellington
  14. 1997 Camry Weighs 2 tonne, needs all of it's 185hp 3litre six just to move, no such thing as a manual v6 either in that generation of Camry. A full 75 to 80 litre gas tank would be empty after 250kms (once got 300kms max out of a tank doing a long motorway mission). I put this down to requiring a heavy foot to get the thing rolling. Used just as much water as petrol, I actually carried no less than 10 2.25litre bottles full of water in the boot at all times. Handled like a barge, guess that comes from being a 2 tonne front wheel drive with a 3 litre six up front. My mate's called it the SS Camry because of it's resemblance to an ocean liner. 1979 Lancer Learnt to drive in this thing. 4 speed manual, 1200cc engine ... took a solid minute or 2 to get to 100kph with your foot flat lol Would have been great if it had some power and had decent supsension. 1997 Pulsar This is my gf's current car. Base model, 1500cc, 4 speed auto, poverty pack option lol. Even with your foot flat you lose speed going up any slight hill. I don't think it has much sound proofing as there is a lot of road noise in the car. Only has 2 factory front speakers, have to turn the stereo up real loud just to hear the music over the road noise ... and by the time it gets to that loudness, it's already distorting from the bass ... yet the bass is on -5 lol. Has almost identical fuel economy as my E36 with 1 litre less of an engine (and a tiny fraction of the power). Going from driving that thing to driving my car makes mine seem like a supercar lol
  15. He's at uni? I never would have guessed from his awesome command of the English language. And yes red cars are better, black is just way too common.
  16. nice looking e30 mate, right amount of doors too
  17. quick update, gave the mechanical warranty company a call to discuss and they said to take it into the mechanic to get fixed, so looks like it's covered under warranty (boy has that saved me a bit of coin) rung the mechanic, all booked in for Monday morning he thinks from what I told him on the phone that maybe something has broken, possibly a universal joint, but he can't really pinpoint what's wrong without hoisting the car up and having a look around thanks for your time and help everyone, it is very much appreciated I'll post up the results once I get it back from the mechanic
  18. spotted an E46 M3 run a red light on The Terrace in Wgtn this morning and nearly took out some pedestrians that were crossing at the traffic lights
  19. that and the rather large list of spare parts that comes with it would be worth a fair bit
  20. lol yea used up a whole can of degreaser on it last night and still didn't get it as clean as I would like it if it helps with diagnosis, I was doing a wee bit of off-roading on Saturday, only briefly (less than 1km) but it was gravel and quite bumpy just thinking that it may possibly have made something fall out of place Kerry - will take a picture tonight when I get home [edit] mods - could you maybe update my thread title to Strange Noise + Steering Issue
  21. yep gonna degrease it shortly and take it for a drive cheers for the help so far everyone if there's any more pics I could take or any further info I could provide, let me know ... actually, I might try getting a sound clip of the noise it makes have to wait until late though, traffic noise tends to drown it out
  22. ok, checked the power steering reservoir, plenty of fluid in there I wiped the dipstick on a rag and it is nice and red but when I looked down into the reservoir it didn't look that red anyway, I jacked up the car to have a look underneath damn it's oily under there and there's a couple of spots on the driveway that look dirty red took some photos (I can post hi-res if required) ... I noticed this piece in particular looks like it has snapped off from where it is supposed to be oh and also, I spun the wheels, just the slight noise from what I'm presuming is the friction of the brake pad but I did notice that the bump stop is sitting at the bottom (this is the left wheel) is it supposed to be there, because on the right wheel it stayed up when I jacked the car up also the orange rubber part appeared to be broken cheers
  23. hey Sorry I haven't got around to jacking the car up and checking the wheels yet. I'm hoping that it wont be raining tonight so I can give it a go (no fun doing it in the wet, and don't have a garage). anyway, I think I have another issue now I've noticed in the last couple of days that it's taking quite a lot of turn on the steering wheel before the wheels start responding very noticable at slow speeds (anything less than 30kph), like backing out of the driveway for example I'm having to turn the wheel further around than normal just to get small corrections in the wheels while moving slowly on the motorway it's hardly noticable at all happens while reversing and driving forwards could the noise and the steering possibly be related? I'm guessing that question is like asking how long a piece of string is I'm thinking this might be best to get checked out by a pro, but am curious as to what kind of repairs / repair bill I may be in for, or if there may be something I could check out before taking it to a mechanic?
  24. my mate has a reset tool if you don't mind doing a journey to Upper Hutt from some online guide .... "turn the ignition key to position II, but don’t start the car. Get out of the car and go to the data port. Always connect pin 7 first. Once you’ve inserted one end into pin 7, insert the other end into pin 19 and hold it there for 4 seconds. Then remove the paperclip. Check the dash and the oil inspection lights should be reset. The reset occurs upon removal of the clip"
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