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Everything posted by Forrest

  1. ^^ w00t. I remember I went to use it when desperate times caused for desperate measures about a year ago. 3 guesses who that was for....
  2. Forgive me, but doesn't the My Controls -> Manage Ignored Users option already do this?
  3. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-277951847.htm
  4. I have about 5 on my list
  5. I loooooove it. That moulded rear wing is teh secks. Cheers for the desktop.
  6. There is/was a red E30 touring on trade me getting parted out a week or so ago, maybe try get on that. Shipping it if you aren't local maybe another matter. Try Ray and go from there, if he doesn't have a spare, nobody will.
  7. Totally agree with this. As someone said before, like the Rugby 7's..you mostly go for the atmosphere. Apex love your work as usual.
  8. Forrest

    325i touring log

    Looks good Max, hope to see it at the Hams meet. Nice to see each E30 you have is slightly better than the last
  9. Forrest

    E30 24V

    Was about to add heater hoses, I thought the same thing on my M20, tightened them up and it is fine now. It is hard to torque them up to how tight they should be when a motor is in the car, maybe give that a crack before you start being a drama queen
  10. ^ Cut and connect bro, its not a show car....
  11. IMO you can't have a daily faster than the weekend car, so take that into consideration lol.
  12. I suggest before you start taking it apart, wait for someone to give you advice otherwise you will be doing double the work if it could just be something else. Measure twice, cut once....
  13. Forrest

    HB Paul (#14)

    HB Paul, hope you have an awesome day, will have to catch up soon.
  14. ^ Who cares about having a TV when the scenery is far more interesting flying by in a 6spd V8??????
  15. The guy might be a douche nugget.....like 95% of morons that list cars like this on trade me... But the car still has one of the rarest options of any E30 on the road today..... An unbroken fuse box cover. I will give him props for that, least that hasn't been butchered like the rest of the car.
  16. Well the Falcons are moving to a front wheel drive chassis, from memory it was the Taurus/(insert common as dog sh*t american ford sedan chassis here).
  17. I beg to differ. I know of a certain car that could do that
  18. According to my Dad there was a story in the Sydney Morning Herald yesterday stating most of what has been said. CBF'd searching online for it but I am sure it was there. Sounds promising, but it is basically saving the series from certain death in it's current format.
  19. Yeap, it has been on there before. Needs more Laguna Seca Blue IMO
  20. Nothing can beat GTA: Vice City. Must have clocked up 1000's of hours on it, never got old to play. Gran Turismo's used to be awesome too till I found out it was more fun to play with real cars
  21. You could buy a cheap PFL 318i for the same price as a cambelt change....lol
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