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brockie123 last won the day on April 10 2017

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31 Excellent


About brockie123

  • Rank
    2nd Gear
  • Birthday 09/12/1989

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  • Car
    BMW E30 325 BBS
  • Mods List
    BBS body kit, RS003, genuine houndstooth recaros
  • Car 2
    BMW 130i 6speed

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  1. brockie123

    E30 coupe

    $1200 is what it would cost for a good condition sports interior, you may find one cheaper but that seems to be the going rate. Also the m20 tends to cost a bit more than the m50. usually about $1000 youll need a new clutch and may aswell do the main seals while it's not in the car. also a $500 m50 will need to go through cert legally. That will set you back another $500 plus they'll want brakes upgraded and driveshaft hoops installed from what i've seen. you are right though it worth what someone is willing to pay i was just trying to show you how a potential buyer may see it. good luck with the sale, would be good if you got what you want for it
  2. brockie123

    E30 coupe

    i guess a potential buyer would look at it and think. a 2.5 is what you're gonna want in there that will set you back upto $1500 a decent interior is gonna set you back upto $1200 if you go with the sports seats. + youll need some carpet what suspension work have you done? it could be in for $500 of bushes to be replaced what are the brakes like? if it needs new disks theres another $350 looks like it needs a front bumper and a few other trims, thats probably going to set you back another $350 the paint is going to need looking at and the wee rust patch around the boot on the left there, only looks like surface rust but i'd be worried about it in around that location. a respray is gonna cost $3000 and after all that is done + the original price of the car it's: $11,000 you'd be struggling to get your money back.
  3. welcome! nice wee coupe you have there! looks really tidy! Make sure you join E30 owners on Facebook, theres a few of us E30 lovers here in chch, occasionally we get together, would be good to see this thing there!
  4. love my German plates! look great and didn't cost me the ludicrous price that NZ plates demands. i'm here in Chch since I've had the plates i would have been pulled over 4-5 times throughout the south island and has never been mentioned or noticed by the police.
  5. Few pictures from a few weekends ago. Dad and i took the cars out for a wee drive and got a few photos
  6. If the mechanic jump started it straight off the starter that rules out the starter as an issue. i've had a problem like this recently, turned out the keyway in the back of my ignition barrell was spinning inside my ignition switch. i could turn the cars ignition on but couldn't get to the cranking position on the key. a handy trick to know if your car is motronic 1.3 as your profile suggests. Is, open up the diagnostic port in the engine bay and with the ignition on and the car in neutral and jump pin 11 and pin 14 this will crank your starter and get you going.
  7. Thanks Andy hey if you can change the name of it too that'd be awesome! just to "BBS E30" no worries if not!
  8. Hey, is there anyway i can move a thread i made from "showroom" to "projects"? would like to keep a log of my car but can only find an old thread i made in showroom, I have updated that thread but would be heaps easier than starting a whole new one and doing a massive photo dump.
  9. welcome! lovely car! i have a black msport 130i love the roof spoiler. did you add that or did it come with that?
  10. After driving 700-1200kms in the Nivara ( don't think i've driven a vehicle i loath more ) each week, jumping in the E30 on the weekend and feeling secure in the seat, the great driving position, the endless power band and the nimbleness
  11. Had a awesome time up in Taupo for the mega meet at the end of October! was great to see that many E30s and meet all the other E30 owners Car ran like a dream the whole way up from Christchurch. i think i covered about 1600km in the 4 days without a hickup. So really pleased with how reliable this car has been! Also had some sweet snaps taken of the car while i was up there, i added my favorite. Managed to get hold of a tech 1 spoiler last week which i think suits the car a lot more than the standard lip i had. Also got a blank parcel tray to go with my factory head unit blank Weekend just gone i got all the Germans out for a photo shoot on the driveway!!
  12. i have a msport 6 speed manual one. i paid about half that close to 10k. and drove it down from auckland. Have owned it a year now and have only had to replace the rear window reg. This car has done 175,000kms. so quite high for the age. she runs like a dream and still feels as tight as a new one (yes i have driven a lot of them) it has started to produce a wee leak from the rocker cover but other than these very minor issues (window reg was only $90) the car has been awesome. So at the kms mine has done with no issues and being a jap import i'd say yes they are relatively reliable.
  13. brockie123

    E87 130i

    nice buy! i have a black 6 speed one myself. we use it for weekend adventures and man does it stick to the road. enjoy, they're lots of fun.
  14. few recent pics. Really enjoying driving this car on the weekends, can't wait to take it up to taupo in a few weeks for the E30 mega meet
  15. got any pics of the barina/e30 steering linkage? i've just removed the rubber bush on mine and bolted the 2 ends together, but i'm not happy with it (z3 rack)
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