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Everything posted by Grant

  1. I stuggled to even give a set away before leaving NZ. I'm not sure who took them in the end, I was giving away everything just before we left. Nick may have taken them (I remember he took some stuff in return for some beer). Either that or it may have been Jonothan (JiB). They were bloody useful though.
  2. Grant

    Who is the Stig?

    I may be wrong in my recollection, but at the time that Hammond had his big accident in the jet car, official documents released surrounding the investigation listed Ben Collins as one of the witnesses. The documents described him as a BBC Top Gear High Performance Driver (or somesuch). I also vaguely remember a picture snapped at the Top Gear track where they were doing some performance car testing/reviews and there were two guys in Stig suits driving the cars. It is interesting though, none-the-less
  3. Grant

    Who is the Stig?

    The Black Stig was Perry McCarthy. He got canned for revealing it in his autobiography
  4. Grant

    Who is the Stig?

    You've obviously never seen me drive!I'm like a cross between Takuma Sato and Ray Charles Except when I have my kids in the car, then I drive like your Grandma
  5. I actually like it, and agree that bonnet gap is not the E36's proudest feature.
  6. I couldn't have put it better myself!
  7. Grant

    Who is the Stig?

    From what I understand there are multiple Stigs depending on what is required, however the mainly used driver is a guy called Ben Collins.
  8. This is Kerry's and is advertised on here elsewhere.
  9. Nice post! A well formed and logical opinion.Goes to show, you sift through the bullshit and will most of the time end up with a post of some use, and is exactly what the OP was after.
  10. I would agree with those who say get it checked out thoroughly by an expert (aka Glenn or Ray). If it indeed checked out OK, I would have no issue buying it at that price. High KM's are of little relevance nowadays if a car has been well maintained. When I first arrived here, I drove one of my parents-in-laws SAABs, this one had 380,000 miles on it and drove like a dream. It has been maintained from new by my father-in-law (a SAAB master tech). I guess my point is, that a good well maintained car will go for ever (figuratively). Chances are if it has been a rep's vehicle it would have been properly maintained.
  11. OK maybe I was a little harsh, but it was a pretty idiotic post, and calling the police f**kwits, without knowing both side of the story makes no sense. This is an abuse of your so called "freedom of speech"Also I'm all for less posts/ a less active forum, if it means the idiots stay under their rocks. For the record, I think the OP seems genuine, but as I have no advice or opinion outside of what has already been posted, I choose not to post rather than post crap like the one I responded to.
  12. Do you have it dyno'd to be 250hp. That is a pretty huge improvement over stock for a M52B28. I'm not doubting it, just impressed. It is a very nice car, and would be great fun.
  13. You sound like a genius. Please feel free to contribute more, the forum really misses this level of intelligence.
  14. I'd guess the vast majority of them.They are good solid workhorses that, along with the Ram, Silverado and Toyota Tundra are the backbone of the trades here.
  15. This is the Internet, 'experts' on all topics are only a mouse click away.
  16. You sound like a real expert, care to expand with a logical arguement backed up with solid facts?One of the cars we would be considering replacing the Subaru with a Jeep. I'd love to hear your opinion as to why we shouldn't.
  17. It all depends on your view of 'OK' and 'very good'. In my eyes there would very few E30s in NZ that would even make my 'very good', and only a handful that are better than 'very good'.My 'OK' would be most people's 'very good'. I also disagree that most sales are in the 'OK' or 'very good'. I would say that 90% of the sales wouldn't meet my rating of 'OK'.
  18. I don't like it, but then I'm sure there is a following for that sort of thing, so good luck to the seller.
  19. I was thinking about this last night, and was thinking that an 'OK' E30 is $6- 8k, a 'very good' E30 is $10 - 15k, and an 'exceptional' E30 (non-M3) is $15k and up. To level set, by 'OK', I mean the car is mechanically fine, car is properly maintained, thebody is OK and it is reliable. How you get to these figures is up to you. Using a 'very good' E30 as an example, you buy it in that condition for $15k, or you buy an average E30 for $5k, and spend $10k getting it up to the 'very good' level, or an 'OK' E30 and spent $5 -7k on it to get it to the 'very good' level. Therefore this creates the value. Unfortunately for a lot of E30 owners, 'OK' means it has four wheels, an engine that starts most of the time, and gets them from a - b despite having nearly everything worn out, and having to fight to make it pass every WOF.
  20. In my opinion a good, well maintained, unmolested E30 is verging on being a collectable classic car. These are a rarity and deserve the prices that are being asked. The rest, which are mostly run down badly maintained pieces of sh*t are basically worthless.
  21. Grant

    HB Nick (Nick021)

    Happy Birthday Nick. Keep up the good work!
  22. Dental floss does the trick as well. That's what I have always used.
  23. Grant

    Favourite brew

    I see that it is advertised as having 42 hops in it, yet it has an IBU (measurement of how hoppiness the beer is) of 60. That is pretty low compared with "hoppy" IPAs over here. I have often bought ones with an IBU of around 100. However I have come to the conclusion that for my tastes, the ideal IPA has an IBU of 55 - 75. Therefore I think I would like the Armageddon. The Ranger IPA I regularly drink here has an IBU of 70, and for a regularly drunk IPA I think it is about perfect. http://www.newbelgium.com/beer/ranger-ipa I was drinking this last night, it was very easy to drink: http://www.newbelgium.com/beer/hoptober Here is a link to Pliny the Elder (IBU of 100). If there was a god, this would be what he would have asked the makers of beer to create: http://www.russianriverbrewing.com/pages/b...inytheelder.htm
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