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Everything posted by Grant

  1. Grant

    HB Emily

    I must admit, I have no idea who Emily is, but hey, Happy Birthday.
  2. Please dispose of the gas properly, rather than just release it into the atmosphere. It is hard enough for pasty white guys like me with the little ozone layer we have left. Don't make it any worse!! Cheers Grant
  3. Grant

    My wagon

    Looks good. Tastefully done without going overboard. I like it.
  4. Grant

    Project 325i

    Sorry I hadn't commented before, but your car is looking great, nice work. Cheers Grant
  5. It isn't a spelling contest, but we do appreciate the use of correct spelling and grammar.Please make an effort, that's all we ask. Cheers Grant
  6. Grant

    New Arrival

    Yes, a 5 series wagon is being thought seriously about (to replace the 323i).Also, I think a beer is well due. Will give you a call once the dust settles here and we get settled into the new baby routine again. Cheers Grant
  7. Thats a jolly good question. I'm not sure to be honest. I suspect so, which would obviously be a downside of purchasing from overseas, should this need to happen. It also may depend on the brand, as they might have a worldwide warranty service??Cheers Grant
  8. Grant

    New Arrival

    I didn't feel a thing....that medical grade NOS is really good stuff!! Cheers Grant
  9. I contacted them, but they were not overly easy to deal with.I have since bought two lots of suspension from Turner Motorsport (in the USA), they were great to deal with (email responses within an hour each time), and were considerably cheaper (even allowing for shipping and GST) than buying through our local supplier. Also the package arrived in only a few days each time. I know that others on here have dealt with Turners as well, and also had good experiences. Cheers Grant
  10. I was told some time ago (when I first bought the 323i) by Trevor at the BM Workshop that you can't fix it, short of a transmission rebuild. However the transmission will keep going for ages after it first appears, he basically told me not to worry about it and just ensure the trans is serviced regularly. Cheers Grant
  11. Very nice car, looks very tidy. Cheers Grant
  12. Grant

    New Arrival

    Hi All I am proud to announce the arrival of the newest Shennen. Our second son, Clayden, was born Sunday lunchtime, weighing in at a healthy 3.7kgs (8 pounds, 3 ounces). Mum and baby are both doing well, and are home already. Dad is doing ok as well. Cheers Grant
  13. Very interesting, nice post madracer. Cheers Grant
  14. grammer = grammarpurposley = purposely (however I would have used either "purposefully" or "on purpose") Seriously, welcome and please use the correct spelling of words, and please use correct grammar. Cheers Grant
  15. I drove the track this afternoon while down there for work. Looks good. A lot of effort as gone in to the track, barriers and set up. Well done the Tron!! I have been offered seats in two different grandstands, however, have had to pass up as our baby is due between now and then. Cheers Grant
  16. Grant


    Are they for real? That is just crazy. Cheers Grant
  17. That is awesome. I guess BMW must be promoting pretty heavily in Russia at the moment with the new levels of wealth being experienced by some sectors of Russian society (at the expense of most other sectors), but hey good on them (BMW that is). Imagine the consent process and red tape hoops they would have to go through to do something similar in NZ. Cheers Grant
  18. Excellent nice work. It is great when something relatively innexpensive to fix, can make the world of difference. Well done, Cheers Grant
  19. I also think that it must take longer to think up trendy ways of typing words in a text style, than to just spell them properly, especially with a qwerty keyboard, which we have all grown up with.I agree that Penry's errors were pure punctuation, and the post was still very easy to read, and didn't require two or three reads to understand. Cheers Grant
  20. If your car is testament to the care you will have as a heart surgeon, I hope I get you as my surgeon in the future should my ticker require some work. Very nice car, I like it very much. Cheers Grant
  21. I agreeCan we please finally ban these uneducated retards. After all who really adds value to the forums, the decent helpful people we are losing everyday because they are sick of the retards on here, or the retards themselves?? 90% of the crap that they post is only posted up up their post count. This forum used to actually be quite good, now it is almost becoming worthless. Cheers Grant
  22. Haha - thats awesome. Bloody good stuff. Cheers Grant
  23. Good job, you get no sympathy from me. Cheers Grant
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