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Everything posted by antil33t

  1. Incorrect. Roam from Vodafone.
  2. I have a HTC Trophy 7 and love it? does everything I want and more. Very fast phone.
  3. I have 2degrees... on my WindowsPhone. yeaaaaaahhh. I'd probably barely use any data, as. my phone will seamlessly switch to wifi whenever it can. Rarely had issues with coverage, my old Nokia had less coverage than my new HTC Trophy 7.
  4. This. Who in their right mind would put up with most retarded computer users for free?
  5. Bug and tar remover?
  6. My Original PS2 died. even had the i-bus thing. I had some old retro computer sh*t, but I dumped it off at a mates place before I shifted. I had an old amiga, that didn't go particularly well. Issue with that old stuff, was the build quality on some of it wasn't particularly amazing, so they develop problems, dry solder joints ect. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-98377375624850470#
  7. Pics please? upload them to imageshack.us if you find it won't let you.
  8. Mine's pretty loud standard? maybe the baffels have gone hurrrr...
  9. Clinton is a pretty epic salesman....
  10. Nice. I need to put my springs in that I bought ages ago :S
  11. Registering interest... a bolt on kit would make it easy for lazy pricks like me. I really just want the wheel choice..
  12. There was some old tard attempting to un-park outside of work (shop, have a huge fkin window) watched him reverse SLAM into the customers car that I was serving. "that dude just hit your car" "that dude just took off" stupid arrogant d*ck. If I reverse into anyones sh*t, I'd at least check for damages before f**king off Some people have no respect, It's not the first time I've seen an older person ram into someone's car and just take off like nothing happened.
  13. My mate went along in his JZA70 Supra, Red with Gold wheels? Sounded like one hell of alot of fun, Didn't know about it though
  14. I did cambelt myself, because I'm a winner. It's really not that hard to mess up on a RWD SOHC car. just read the guides lots and replace the fking camshaft seal. Cookies seem pretty good for parts, 24bucks for a genuine oil filter, cheaper than Repco, and have anti-drainback where the repco ones don't. rocker gasket, 20 bucks cheaper than appco.
  15. Should have just let her hit you. then speeding or no speeding, she failed to give way. annd, this is the sh*t part about insurance and being U25. since the damage is probably worth less than the excess, It's probably not worth claiming, unless you can make her pay up.
  16. I was thinking of changing to "it usually is" USER "error"
  17. I'm going to Invercargill next weekend. + have a few mates down there. PM me if still interested in that car.
  18. When I heard about this, first thing that came to mind. "wow, what f**king idiots" Must be sh*t for the family/friends. Only takes one retarded c**t to make the rest follow and get hurt.
  19. antil33t


    I bet the owner still cried a little inside.
  20. Just snip the power steering belt off... same gain for less money
  21. antil33t

    e30 key cuts

    Be careful of just getting your key cut, if the key you are using now is worn as f**k some locksmiths might not do a very good job of your new cut. My 23 dollar key blank only works one way in the barrel because of this fuuu.
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