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Everything posted by dubman

  1. thats why i got 6 NZ ones haha, to counter all the tongan ones. plus with the tourists coming into Mt Eden, need to show some love
  2. painted my bump strips, clear indicators, and added some flags XD
  3. Saw you on Symond St today, looked like it was an enjoyable day out
  4. dubman

    for sale

    you should stick it on trademe, seen a red 316i go for around 3.5k last year, and also this one recently http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=395872121 The non-power steering option might be a hard sell though
  5. woohoo, check out my options or lack of them
  6. Just replaced my water pump, then i bled the system etc and let all the air out using the bleed valve. heated up car and let it cool down 3 times and made sure it was filled correctly This morning, i checked my coolant level again. It was low, but then i unscrewed my bleed valve, followed by my radiator cap. Then the coolant rose to the correct "cold mark". Question: is this the correct way of checking coolant level when cold for a m40? Thanks
  7. Euro-italia? they are ~60 bucks back in 2009
  8. http://www.e30tech.com/forum/showthread.php?t=83511 this might help you, just remembered i've read a similar setup to the discussed setup
  9. i got a warning couple of years ago for a non-block buster movie that was around 3 years old at the time. you just never know. FWIW, 30 bucks a month on a decent seedbox or similar amount of money on VPN's/proxies etc etc is alot of rented content at your local video store considering how many good movies that gets released monthly edit: spelling
  10. welcome! a very nice and tidy car
  11. http://www.billswebspace.com/BMWE30DoorPan...nderRebuild.htm good link with pics
  12. dubman

    Quick Questions

    have you cleaned your idle control valve? my car's rpm used to jump around alot at idle. also, read you can use carb cleaner and spray around vacuum seals and intake area to detect leaks, but pretty sure it's not safe to do so, as its highly flammable lol. you could use a rag and go around wrapping your intake to see if the engine runs better edit: spelling
  13. once again David, thanks for the help and advice. Guess the clicking noise mite be the bearing's then
  14. spent the last hour reading up on water pump replacement. seems straight forward. Just to confirm, i dont have to worry about aligning anything up? as i am only touching the water pump
  15. cambelt done around ~10,000 km's ago, water pump wasnt replaced under their advisement. what about the tensioner?
  16. slow leak with a constant drip behind the fan. water pump then?
  17. hah yea, all the pro's just churn out awesome stuff without any questions. upcoming uni break, study my arse, more like e30 time
  18. hey bro. nah, its not hitting at all. heaps of clearance. will get out my inspection mirror and see where the leaks coming from.
  19. just saw it, after a tipsy mind blast that my old jdm sideskirts mite fit the e30 lolol will inspect from cold for a good hour or so when the suns up. from the service history, the water pump has never been replaced :/ . 240,000 k's and counting
  20. discovered a trail of coolant leading from front of the engine. opened the bonnet and i see a little pool of water on the lower engine plastic guard. the coolant seems to be a deposit from the centre of the engine. could it be the water pump leaking? also, i noticed a clicking/ticking sound from the belts near the fan shroud. all input would be appreciated. Although i've been wanting an excuse to convert to 6 cylinder, i only have repair funds right now
  21. too much poke imo, a little tuck would be awesome
  22. dubman

    Pommies new Project

    the engine grows on you very good score, was it a cut and polish for the paint?
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