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Everything posted by dubman

  1. next week's the final of the season, and its going to be a good one hopefully, new Lambo track tested
  2. today's episode wasnt that great, more focused on the "comedic" side of TG. Hopefully they are saving material for next weeks one, as this week's was limited to 59 mins lol
  3. i waited nearly 3 months for mine, keep wait'n
  4. Sam spinning out. Bad quality images from video
  5. Thanks James! Nice meeting new people, and seeing some familiar faces as well. Awesome 1st time outing, sorry to the people behind me, got a little too ambitious with the lap times At least i didn't spin out
  6. Checklist for a 1st time noobie: Overalls Helmet Gloves Checked fluids, including coolant and engine oil topped off just above the top notch on the dipstick Brakes bled with new fluid 2 weeks ago Filled up petrol tank Brakes checked Wat tyre pressue should I be running on 195/50/15?
  7. ^ i saw a 5-6 year old boy with a faux-hawk hop out of his Rock' N ' Rolls phantom. Lucky kid. The guy owns the apartment complex opposite his secured garage and several other properties. Loaded
  8. the forecast i looked at was 9am small shower, 3pm clear with clouds. Hopefully it'll be the weather as described above^
  9. yea, see it outside sometimes as well. would have been better if it was garaged.
  10. dubman


    our cars are like women, a lift, tuck or enlargement can't hurt. some peeps just prefer the natural curves over modified ones
  11. dubman

    CL 500

    reminds me of last weeks Top Gear episode. Cheap enough for the amount of equipment, but when things break...
  12. ^ the lady daily drives it, rain and shine
  13. dubman

    Andrews E30 Sedan

    dayum, how'd u get them in? did you use some big as vice or home made tool for the bushes? awesome work
  14. ^ Andy, are sports and HD lengths different then? i.e sports are already shortened to match the lowered height?
  15. http://www.bimmerfest.com/forums/showthread.php?t=99892 have a read. once you open the hood, you can remove the latch mechanism. Something mite be broken, or the cable has popped out of its clip edit: check the bonnet lever inside ur cabin as well, the wire might have detached from its holder
  16. jealous, was the photo taken at Highland park?
  17. get another person to help out, makes it slightly easier
  18. just attach file? "AddReply", not "FastReply", has this option
  19. did you use assisted GPS or just the inbuilt GPS on your phone for racechrono? looks fast, cant wait till James' trackhack day
  20. nice, looks mint edit: looks damn nice
  21. just spotted a massive traffic jam from Symond st bridge, emergency service's lights flashing and a giant cue of cars, all lanes not moving...wonder what happened
  22. tailgating on the motorway is alrite, i just move over, but tailgating on a 50km road is just plain stupid. i had someone honk and flash their high beams because i was doing 45 in a 50 zone, it just rained and this was at 10pm. at the traffic lights, he pulled up next to me, started swearing and flipping the bird at me. his sister and mom was in the car, WTF, seriously. Then he sped off when the light was green, he was only going at 55km's before i turned off into another street. Road rage much.
  23. just say i'm doing this all by myself, can you do this trade price. i always get trade price lol
  24. dont forget to azn it, hello kitty steering wheel cover and enlarged rearview mirror
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