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Everything posted by dubman

  1. Yes i have. The accents were rubbish, no where near good as 1st one. It lacked the brothers "chaos" which made the 1st boondock saints a cult. Only good bit was the end scene....i better not spoil it. Worth the watch tho.
  2. auction got pulled already. that was quick
  3. dubman

    good job

    A Re-tard if i ever saw one
  4. Quote from wikipedia "Although Japan is often thought of as a hard-working society with little time for leisure, the Japanese seek entertainment wherever they can" how true is that after seeing that video.
  5. dubman


  6. dubman

    Fuel tank issues

    I have no idea why, but your car looked hot as hell when i saw you take off at Newton Rd cnr of Ian McKinnon Dr traffic lights
  7. +1 on that. Always get what i'm looking for with zero time wasted
  8. Coz they are hard assed Sons of GunsEdit: The VTNZ guys, not the auction guy lol
  9. dubman

    Ghost Rider

    www.ghostridermovie.net/start.html saw this whilst looking at Getaway in Stockholm 10 trailer. Have any of you guys seen their dvd's?
  10. I mostly engine brake when its a speed bump. I've got 20 speed bumps on my road But if you're delivering pizzas, i'm sure i wouldnt be happy if my pizza came all mooshed up
  11. If you want a Daily driver, autos are better. Especially when traffics slow. Thats damn tidy, but for a straight swap not really worth it. I'd ask cash your way.
  12. dubman

    E30 Lean.

    LOL. I guess it is. Coz we lean wit it rock wit it
  13. I had a leak similar to your situation. I had it pressure tested, turns out that 2 hose clamps werent tightened. My two leaks were from the cylinder head connecting to breather hose, and leak from top radiator hose on cylinder head connection
  14. saw a silver m325 tech1 'vert parked on england st at ponsonby. looked damn tidy
  15. get the e30 if you want a good daily driver thats economical. 3rd party Insurance is around 400 for me, and i'm 19 as well. the e30 seems to be the better financial decision.
  16. i go to Greig at Jordan Panelbeaters opposite BM Workshop. I wouldnt say they are cheap, but they are reasonable and do a good job.
  17. Got a scammer alert from trademe for that m3 lol. at least they take action, unlike trade and exchange.
  18. i'd say do it. I've certainly thought about it, but i dont have the coins to do it. My car's not even half as tidy as your 316, but i'm so attached to it that i dont see selling it for a power upgrade as an option for the future. m42 would be an awesome upgrade. More power but you still have remnants of your 316's previous characteristics.
  19. dubman

    Exhaust Opinions

    I have a oval shaped tip and i still have the 1st muffler in there, and its waaay too loud. Its a deep sound, and it puts all those jap tuners to shame with its loudness. Dual square tips seem to be better sounding. They sound mint and look awesome.
  20. how the hell did that happen?? i didnt hear a BOV, so how'd he blow his engine lol
  21. Tidy car mate! I love manual windows and who needs air con when you can cruise with the windows down. check trademe daily, one good tyre-mag deal will pop along, then pounce on them once you do. altho most of the good deals require spacers to run them (in my experience)
  22. cheers, mystery solved. I bet the fan keeps your palms dry whilst ripping through the gears
  23. I was just comparing that one to Atta's one. It didnt have that grill thingy ( i dont know what that is) in front of the gear stick. I just assumed all tech2's had that still a bimmer noob, apologies
  24. i do it, but i make sure i park it close enough so the nozzle could actually get into my gas tank lolol. This ensures you get every drop without people eyeballing you when you stretch the pump line hahahah
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