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Everything posted by gjm

  1. There's likely to be something less complete but similar available over here in the not too far distant future. Be assured - it's gone to a very good cause.
  2. When you're short of money and have no space for more cars, or enough time to work on the ones you have, what do you do? Buy another car. D'oh. I've agreed to buy a(nother) E30. This one is red and in Tauranga, a 1990 316i manual. It does need work but is NZ new, rego is live although WoF is out. The M40B16 needs some inlet side parts before it'll run again, and it needs a couple of front seats. Other than that, it's a poverty-spec car. Perfect for Miss M. I have 1.5 E30s here already, but there is increasing noise along the lines of "I want an auto." I'm sticking to my guns on this - she'll learn to drive in a manual, and then if she wants an auto, so be it. The thinking behind this is that this car should be roadworthy and legal for less time, effort and money than anything I have planned. What happens to the other 1.5 is up for debate but at least one coupe rolling shell will be for sale, probably sooner rather than later. Anyway, the red car is in Tauranga and I need to get it to Te Kauwhata. I have access to a legal trailer but nothing to tow it with. Usual payment applies - beer, food, fuel, )even money if that's really necessary). If anyone can help, especially if they know anything about E30s, I'd be absolutely chuffed to bits to hear from them. I've sent a couple of PMs as well, but ideally would like to sort this next weekend, but any time is good.
  3. gjm

    Clarkson Sacked

    The convolution continues. Latest idea is a 'pyramid' structure of presenters with his most gingerness, the Christopher of Evans, at the top. Two people below him - Matt Le Blanc (Porsche GT2 driver) and.... Eddie Jordan. Yes. Him of F1 team ownership fame. Below them (and I don't think I'd want to be below Chris Evans, let alone anyone else!) would be Chris Harris, Stig, Sabine Schmidt and possibly one other. This could mean the show is going to take a slightly different direction, with less silliness and more industry news. I'd welcome that... The most recent TG format was getting a bit trying. Doesn't need a return to the days of William Woollard (did you know he was an RAF fighter pilot?) and a young Tiff Needell, but a bit more actually about cars and the like would be welcome.
  4. Fixed the rear centre seatbelt on the 320d. Bugger of a job, and it seems not an unusual problem. Symptoms are a seatbelt that seems to hang correctly, but does not withdraw from the reel at all. The mechanism is designed to lock when the seat is folded, and unlock when raised. Problems occur when the seat is 'enthusiastically' locked back into position after being folded. I had to remove the seatback, then remove the back of the seat so I could get to the mech. That's the difficult bit - I was able to 'persuade' the mechanism to release the belt and even after refitting, it still works as it should. I'm going to get a new belt button as the currently fitted one appears damaged and is perhaps allowing the belt to wind back too far.
  5. gjm

    Clarkson Sacked

    More TG news: Matt LeBlanc (Joey from 'Friends') is set to join Chris Evans. Matt is a real car guy too - loves his Porsches (TechArt is his tuner of choice) and Ferraris (non-standard, whenever possible), and races dirt bikes. No mention of ever owning a BMW, though. Not sure where this leaves t'other Chris and Sabine who have already been seen recording segments for the program.
  6. They're a closer match for diameter and offset. Now what excuse am I going to use to empty the garage to get to those wheels? ;-)
  7. If they don't fit over your calipers, you have a problem! Offset could also be an issue, but as my rims are et47 - close enough to yours for this purpose - that may not arise. You're welcome to give them a go.
  8. I think they'll be OK - they're only baby little 16x7s. Does your M have the 18 or 19" rims? Are the discs likely to be big enough to cause a problem?
  9. I have my 'for sale' set in the garage. I'd completely forgotten about meeting at Kyu's this weekend, but I could be persuaded. And it'd give me a much needed excuse to get 'em out and take some pictures.
  10. gjm

    Quick rant thread.

    I read this and thought you meant Hingaia Road from SH1 west... Not if you live in Foxton, I expect. Hingaia Road has been subject to lane closures, one-way filters and more today, Right across the access to one school, and 200 yards from another. Just think how much easier it would have been if they'd done this a couple of weeks ago when school holidays were on.
  11. gjm

    Quick rant thread.

    Feckin' uselsss tossers who indicate right, move to the left side of the centre dividing line, then just before they turn right, swing left. Y'know, just as soon as you're passing their much slower vehicle on the inside...
  12. Someone must have a daily driver E36 or E46 that these would suit so well... Or are y'all hanging out for the pics? In which case... OK. I have taken some time off work. I'll spend some of it sorting the garage.
  13. gjm

    Quick rant thread.

    Not quite the same, but an item that didn't sell (no reserve, no bids) has been relisted twice. I offered a Buy Now at the start price, but apparently it's worth more than my offer. Oh well. Maybe I'll remember to bid this time.
  14. We straightened the engine bed on a Mk3 Cortina using a similar technique.
  15. gjm

    Quick rant thread.

    Didn't realise you were married, too.
  16. gjm

    Quick rant thread.

    Same here. They seem immune to the fly-killing squirty things, too.
  17. gjm

    Clarkson Sacked

    Probably 'artistic differences'. Or he's a pussy.
  18. They are the rims in my profile pic, shown to stunning advantage against the glorious blue of an E46. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/3ydjwAuB9WXsuQjEgTDX57D_X4y3X0cpEgGqdAbY81-TwCdgfnCsM1mOKyZ7QM807ju46ArUAl0iUVmIWVJlVe02d4lCROEo3Mb3YiKcxJlgam_eQ85Z2-8jGzFLkRRRNzj3xNbEXEOn_E54Vr0KHtNBItMG5yhE1BY6WwontuyqbZJtpLa-Q9WB3TjBnZTMnjURoEonO-wWu59VEVy_MnH1CuQtoyAEQqdWXq_lGbpUx-dOCrLWbETZ978HGQxBeuf-FaCObrJOt56jj0jqzOGfOEbDIKWYmFNJEvnkwaZ7_zN6vemkt8rBnjhZcHDZuzzfGFjA1kcobQ_8Y3nJX88ocA5NoMUZJbzMvsvIwDibgVVOLDm3q7BNTX1nYnBBefecCh9LHgktS3-AtWl6O8otmF1GoxAUB4U_Af8V8ZFhpSGpCYejm3Hlk5hsa02lzRsGy-s2cm9xI0zaUxJC6_AB9zVAObM4E5y42Jlnnglrwg-gFFse27FZKnKDjD_oQQBv3yNRTn6MqS72ndjM5BhYE9367zG8WLj2bvdDyomOuZVtYsCPUhTwv0CCxYMUg_cN=w1280-h768-no
  19. Toyota Corolla diesel wagon and a good sound system.
  20. A 728i is a really good, relatively low-cost and simple way to enjoy the drive to work, especially if you have any SH kms to traverse. It's one of the reasons I bought the 500SE. It's a helluva lot cheaper, and on my run can return 10km per litre. So relaxing... And you arrive at work (and home, later) in a much better frame of mind.
  21. Audi lost it on the B5-B6 transition (imho) but have picked up their game since.
  22. gjm

    Clarkson Sacked

    Apparently Chris Evans has threatened to walk! That sounds a lot like the ginger I recall from his early days... Let's face it - between Chris and Sabrine, he'd be a presenter and nothing more.
  23. C'mon guys - you' know I'm a man o' me word. Please don't make me unpack the back of the garage (moving two cars and assorted gearboxes and interiors) to take some pics of the wheels. If I'd recalled how deeply they're buried I probably wouldn't have started this thread!
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