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Everything posted by zero

  1. To market it you are going to need to have a dyno pull video with the resulting graphs in one constant shot to prove its the same car. You will also need to include in the same shot the air/fuel ratio graphs and torque graphs, and detail what ecu has been used and what tuning the ecu needed.
  2. Yup. Protectionism is a very dangerous thing, and always hurts the people it is meant to help. America is in for a world of hurt economically if Trump gets a second term. Thank goodness in NZ Labour flip-flopped on stopping the tppa trade deal, and is also progressing trade talks in Europe and the UK. Unfortunately we are just an acorn on the ocean though.
  3. A common myth, but here are the facts; Between 2008 and Budget 2017, the health budget increased by $4.85 billion a year from $11.92 billion to $16.77 billion – a 40.7% increase. Also front line staff over the same time frame was increased by a large margin; Population growth 8% 38% more doctors 25% more nurses 45% more senior doctors 45% more senior nurses https://www.health.govt.nz/publication/health-workforce-new-zealand-annual-report-minister-health-1-july-2015-30-june-2016
  4. And with the US dollar going up in the short term on the back of taxcuts its not a good time to buy from there either. Just wait till the protectionist policies flow through in the states, and their dollar will drop badly - thats still a couple years away though. And by then the 'amazon tax' will have kicked in here in NZ, so its not going to get better any time soon.
  5. Buy from Europe instead. Sadly the NZ dollar has dropped since the election, so will be somewhat of a factor no matter where you buy offshore.
  6. Why? Me and @BatMansWilly tried it on his e36 and it lost power and it was too loud to drive.
  7. Can you please just post the link mate?
  8. Do you mean this? https://www.bmwgroup-classic.com/en/offers-and-services/bmw-classic-parts-shop.html
  9. zero

    SOLD - 2002 E46 M3

    Sorry to hear about your sons health. Hopefully he can get the treatment he needs.
  10. zero

    2001 318Ci

    Just 4 litres? Tell us more on your funky battery recovery stuff.
  11. zero

    Gissa job!

    Good luck Graham. And if you dont get the job, take the repco one so we can all bug you for discounts.?
  12. So you made a custom manifold? Thats pretty amazing - do you have any pics?
  13. I've never used the hankooks or the dunlops, but I'm sure other have and can chime in.
  14. Nice dyno. Do you have a more recent dyno with the upstream mods you mentioned?
  15. It would be interesting to see a pic of a bmw where someone has done this so we can visualize it.
  16. I have run both 255's and 245's on my style 194's and style 68's. Both work fine, and I like the slightly wider 255's on my e46's, but bear in mind the speedo will read slightly out if you use the non stock size.
  17. The cheap impacts are pretty sh*t, and yes it will damage a standard socket, so only use a cheap socket you dont care about. I have a $600 gun and impact sockets, which I'm happy to help you with, but I wont be back in Auckland for a week.
  18. Do you have a dyno graph, and the specs of the cams?
  19. What model is this? I love it.
  20. I'm in Otahuhu if you want to bring it by and I can take the nut off with my rattle gun.
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