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Everything posted by zero

  1. zero

    Top Hose Burst

    Wow Glenn, hope your ok.
  2. I'm surprised two posters have listed Hyper. I've always found them incredibly expensive.....
  3. zero

    Import tax

    We are going to Fiji on Tuesday, and the trip was nearly $500 cheaper booked online. We went to the travel expo and even there they couldn't beat the price.
  4. zero

    M20B25 Refresh

    Taylor Automotive are very good. I have a new cam wheel for a m20 that i dont need - could sell if you want.
  5. zero

    Import tax

    No - in their first term.
  6. zero

    Import tax

    Only difference between the two is Labour campaigned on no new taxes.
  7. Thanks for that. And I guess the weight difference is minor?
  8. What a great build! Why did you go four door, and not a coupe?
  9. zero

    Import tax

    It wont cost us less for orders under $400 though.
  10. zero

    Import tax

    If the supplier is required to add the gst themselves, then that will increase the cost of the goods.
  11. I wonder how much it cost per kilometre driven....
  12. zero

    Quick rant thread.

    Yes it is - they cancelled the irrigation schemes, are introducing fart taxes, and are planning on limiting herd numbers.
  13. zero

    Quick rant thread.

    Labour campaigned on borrowing more than National, and also campaigned on paying down less debt than National, and campaigned on paying down debt slower than National. Debt to gdp is the correct measure to use (this is what economists use), and by world standards ours is very low. This is due to the Bolger and Clark governments paying down alot of debt that had been racked up by mostly the Muldoon government, and due to strong global economic times in the decade before the global financial crisis, and due to good economic management through the aftermath of the global financial crisis. To put it in perspective our debt to gdp is 22.2%, and peaked at 54.8% in the aftermath of the Muldoon era. Japan is at 253%, USA at 104%, and the UK 85%.
  14. zero

    Quick rant thread.

    Norway makes its money from mining and exporting oil. Labour is already shutting that industry down here, so that rules that out. Our income comes mainly from dairy which is already being attacked by Labour and the Greens, so maybe that golden goose will be maimed. The only way Labour knows how to increase income, is by raising taxes and borrowing more than before.
  15. zero

    Quick rant thread.

    Its already over $3 for 91 in some places; https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/107701845/some-kiwi-motorists-shelling-out-more-than-3-a-litre-for-fuel
  16. zero

    Quick rant thread.

    National campaigned against the regional fuel tax - they even had an advert that attacked Labours myriad of taxes, including the regional fuel tax. National has promised to cancel the regional fuel tax if elected. Heres the old advert from the election campaign;
  17. zero

    Quick rant thread.

    National opposed all the regional fuel taxes. They actively campaigned against it.
  18. My research on LS swaps has taught me to stick to the bmw rear end - much less painless, and much cheaper.
  19. Done well to get this far if those are the original guides. Looks like you stepped in just in time.
  20. How many kms on the engine?
  21. 210 all the way - do it once do it right. Talk to Kayne Barrie, he will advise the best option within your budget.
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