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tawa last won the day on March 8 2017

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150 Excellent

About tawa

  • Rank
    2nd Gear

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    E36 328
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    E70 xDrive35
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    VFR750, RC31

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  1. My N55 equipped X5 has always had a small stumble at mid load low/mid revs. The wife reckoned it was quite bad on a long trip last week. No codes etc so I figured I'd throw some DI Jectron at it. Can't find any in NZ, is there anything else worth using that might make a difference? Mileage is about 150k, always had BP 98 in it when I've owned it. Ease of throwing something in the tank vs removal to clean vs cost of new ones makes this the first step if there's a chance.
  2. Another update on this, since I did it, it has flickered with LED lights on the stop lights, and thrown bulb faults on the indicators. Since I had wired the US receptacle in parrallel with our 7pin flat style one, I made a dummy plug with resistors on indicators and stop lights. This solved the indicator showing as bulb faults, but still had flickering stop lights, read somewhere this could be due to the test pulses checking the top lights on the car's bulbs (the trailer module takes the brake signal in through a wire connected to the brake lights) and that taking it from the high stop light is a better option since there is a filter on it. Sure enough, moving that wire got rid of the flashing stop lights. So now it works all good!
  3. Well the trailer module didn't quite last 2 years. Hopefully it was just a dodgy specific module rather than a 2-year consumable! Just put another one in and it works, so will make use of the FCP Euro returns policy. Will put the reverse light in while I'm doing things... And also drop the pinout here in case others are going through the same process.
  4. As per picture, I think this module has failed. Looking for a replacement.
  5. Update on this is the 16in rim didn't clear the caliper (about 10-25mm out), and 18in rims tend to be wider so the tyre availability isn't there in the narrow (205mm) range that would fit in the stock tyre hole. Even the OEM spare rim tyre size isn't showing up. So I've decided to get some of the standard size 255 (too late on the above offer unfortunately) and lift the boot floor to suit, hopefully I'll be able to make it fit in well with the original design, the OEM plastic tray thing should hide a few sins anyway! The 50mm lift should add space for a few tool trays as well, handy for my work/hobbies.
  6. Got my x5 regassed in Nov prior to summer road trips, as it was only blowing slightly cool on the passenger side so quite low, was $350 including vac test, I don't think there was a nitrogen pressure test in there, likely they just checked it held pressure with the refrigerant gas refill. Not the best on the wallet at the time, but having them vac/test it makes it pretty likely it'll last another 10 years I reckon, so not bad value. Especially with an upcoming 5 hour trip with a 2month old...
  7. 2k for a quick sale is a pretty good deal! Collected an engine and trans for a darn sight more than that last year...
  8. Thanks @Family Wagon, but I should have mentioned I'm looking for a spare that could fit in the spare tire hole in the boot, which by my measuring is only good for a 205mm wide option.
  9. As in title, ideally OEM spare, which appears to be a bit over $300NZD for the rim plus shipping from FCP euro, which sets approx price range I'm thinking. Unsure on cross-fitment, open to any suggestions. As far as I can tell it's a 120x5 PCD and 8in wide rim, spare is an 18in. Might be able to get away with a 17 or 16in (22s on at the moment have around 65mm clearance so the 16s would be very tight), far more common and reboring the center bore is a fairly easy job, but figure it's worth seeing what is around first... Course now I'm thinking about how good those e36 style 45s I have sitting around would look in matt black with some off road tyres and a lift kit... 🤣
  10. tawa

    New M2

    E36 did square-ish design language right, this one, not so much, too much contrast between the intakes/etc and the rest of the bodywork. Performance body kit looks a bit better as it leans into this contrast a bit more and makes it seem more deliberate. A lot to be desired in their new design language overall I feel, then again, I'm probably not the target audience... ... and then there is the naming scheme, M2 is bigger/heavier than the M3s of old, where's the super sporty, lightweight, nimble handling option. Humbugs be bah'd!
  11. Check for a round connector (aka pacman connector) under the bonnet. You can figure out if it is the old interface type OBD1, aka ADS (requiring a special tool) or the OBD2 type which just needs an adapter (which are pretty cheap and I may even have a spare I can send you). This link seems to describe it well https://www.car-auto-repair.com/bmw-obd1-obd2-and-ads-socket-knowledge-introduction/
  12. tawa

    M54b30 Rebuild

    A stone (1000+grit) with some oil will take off the high spots if the scratches have left any, though mostly it looks ok, I wouldn't go with sandpaper for anything more than a light go, as it's more likely to create an uneven surface. But yeh, would have expected better from a machine shop, presuming it was in better condition when it was dropped off to them, I wouldn't expect them to fix those surfaces if they were already like that.
  13. But if the duck has the $$$, give him the car! I think just go straight to setting criteria for the cash in hand, buyer to seller meet, it's a real quick way to let scammers know it isn't worth their time...
  14. What, like 10 years? So we should instead go back to being influence by the oil industry? Our energy production technologies isn't ready for widespread FCEV, it's just not energy efficient enough to produce clean hydrogen yet, so we still rely on the oil industry to produce the Gray/Blue hydrogen in vastly greater quantities than the Green hydrogen which would actually offer significant climate change benefits vs a petrol car. But hey, something to be said for slacktivism right! FCEV's currently cover both sides of the coin, they're able to be used with renewable energy created elsewhere like a BEV, or from non-renewable sources like dino-burners. The technology offers some benefits in range and 'recharge' time but efficiency is key in so many applications. Long term FCEVs will be a dead end the same way that Lithium Ion batteries will be, but both systems are stepping stones in the right direction, and we're seeing a lot of innovation that comes with exploration of newer technologies that can only benefit the industry/products/consumers overall. To be clear though, Elon needs to pull his head out of his arse, and drop the battery semi truck idea until techology catches up.
  15. Let's not overlook any congestion effects, stop/start faffing around getting off the lights slowing up the car behind, surely that's a net increase in fuel being used?
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