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jasera94 last won the day on May 12 2019

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29 Excellent

About jasera94

  • Rank
    1st Gear

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    135i Manual
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    E30 Cabriolet

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  1. jasera94

    LsBm2 Build

    Lekker Lekker!!
  2. It does have (unless this owner has removed them) Mandrel bent downpipes which gave it a deeper sound note. If you do get it change the springs to a stiffer application if not done so already - stock springs were terrible and probably why it felt slow.
  3. This is my old 135i.. I know cause the dash is has a slit that is lifting on the passenger side and I put in the ZHP shifter. This car put me off owning a newer BMW! it spent so much money on fixing it. ABS module failure, Waterpump failure and misfires in the same month. Also always felt slower than my mates 135i..
  4. Back to the future 2 - 633i Vert..... ?
  5. I followed the auction for it on TM 3 year back when the original builder couldn't get a cert. It eventually was put up for $1 Reserve and went for $13k.
  6. I Know!! how awesome eh. Dare I say Its quite an amazing engine despite being a Toyota..
  7. jasera94

    JB4 N54

    I un-tuned the car before selling it. would it still be locked to the Vin..?
  8. jasera94

    JB4 N54

    I have a stage 2 MHD License I will probably never use again if you wanted to try that it..
  9. Looks like the E30V8 might have been sold... did anyone on here buy it? https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/cars/bmw/325i/listing/2801624596
  10. Check this build thread out, pretty epic.
  11. jasera94


    I found the Trick to the downpipes if doing on stands is holding them up together and twist/ intertwine them towards the turbos, get someone to hold one while you threat the clamps on just tight enough so you can still twist them to align with the exhaust up. Mandrel bent downpipes form Aliexpress were inexpensive and surprisingly good quality.
  12. What did you mainly use it for? have been looking into doing the interior of my house with one..
  13. Clean as wagon, always parked up top of Forrest hill. Anyone on here?
  14. I can relate! I feel you're pain! last week my injectors were leaking, put in new O-rings and all together again.. pretty simple.. and now it runs like sh!t without having changed much at all. Still cant figure out the issue!
  15. @gjm I failed wof on my Vert for a seat belt too, got quoted $800 for a genuine one. got in touch with seatbelt specialists in Wairau for $195 for a whole assembly, fits and works fine... but will probably fail again seeing that clause.
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