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Everything posted by NZ_InFerno

  1. The vanos solenoids are there, they're usually $250 each for oem ones. One for intake, the other exhaust. If they're taking them out to change the o rings hopefully they'll clean them for you too. Depending on kms they could be due for replacement. Cleaning them will extend their life potentially.
  2. Oil filter housing gasket and oil cooler gasket are $20 each. Need new bolts for the housing, another $20-30. What vanos seals? There's o rings on the solenoids and the valvetronic motor has a gasket. Sounds like they're doing a rocker cover gasket plus oil filter housing maybe? There's a lot less room to work on the engine on the E87 platform with N52 compared to the Z4.
  3. Haven't posted for a while, not much has happened to the car. A slightly concerning oil leak from the oil filter housing meant it sat for a couple months waiting for parts. A few maintenence bits and preventative stuff got done in the meantime and it got a fresh wof the other day. Failed on the rear plate bulb 😂💡 Few months back: - New Power steering reservoir fitted and new fluid after a flush. Some nasty stuff in the pipes. - Had a puncture repair back left tyre - Headlight restoration again. Hopefully lasts longer this time. This week pre-wof: - New Oil Filter Housing Cooler Gasket, to fix the leak. - Power Steering fluid flush, again to get rid of the gunk. - Coolant and Oil top up from the cooler fix - New Front Accessories Belt, Tensioner and idler pulley. Oil had been dripping on this, needed doing anyway. Belt was near end of life. Tensioner and pulley were originals. - Replacement rear License Plate light to pass WoF Lot of oil and gunk got washed off the front of the engine as well, it's had a silent leak for a while. Got a good clean in to get all the oil off and tidy the exterior after all the weather. Took a couple of quick pics today after a nice drive up north, as proof it's clean and still going strong 😂 Next up is brake lines, slight cracking noted on wof. Will fit stainless and I have all the rest of the brake parts here ready to go on. So will do full refresh on all corners. And front tyres will need replacing before next wof. Have given up on finding new kidney grills in gloss black, so maybe back to stock? Still haven't fitted steering wheel insert nor steering wheel replacement leather. I should do that 😂 And maybe, finally, the oil pan gasket/motor mounts/ all the other parts I've got for when the subframe gets dropped will happen. Maybe 😅
  4. Seem to be out of stock at the usual places.
  5. Was also recommended these lines too! That's quite a bit cheaper than the Hel lines.
  6. I was recommended HEL lines, that they would meet specs. Now I just need to source some 😁
  7. Car went through WoF today with no issues, only needed a license plate light bulb! But they did note that the brake lines are starting to crack. I had planned to replace them when I do my rotors/pads/sensors with some nice stainless lines. Apparently I need ones that meet nz requirements. Was planning to get some off ebay but not sure if they'd meet those specs. Any recommendations? Can always go oem but I'd like the upgrade if possible.
  8. Solenoids or other Vanos issues normally don't show up in the dash error codes. Definitely should own an OBD2 scanner if you own a modern BMW. Essential tool.
  9. Vanos Solenoids could be a likely candidate, definitely want to scan and check error codes to be sure
  10. Yes it was mine. I bought it from the guy who imported it originally from Singapore, who was very misleading about the cars condition. There's a bimmersport ownership thread on it. My bro in law handled the sale for me at the time.
  11. 5 seems high, but there could have been more imported over the last couple years.
  12. Looks like my BMC CCC screen had started delaminating, it's getting on now and it's time I got it replaced. Any screen/android system recommendations? To mount in place of the existing fold out screen. Also if there's any installers down Wellington way who could install an Android screen, or supply /install that would be sweet too.
  13. Fcpeuro Order two 1L cans, one for flush and the other to fill. New reservoir with filter is also cheap from fcp and worth doing.
  14. The Ali headers are down to $500 shipped https://m.aliexpress.com/item/1005003623706153.html?ug_edm_item_id=1005003623706153&pdp_npi=2%40dis!NZD!NZ%24 378.90!NZ%24 329.65!!!!!%402102f7a016685056090411001da245!12000026542908933!edm&edm_click_module=alg_product_1_8775622640&creative_img_ind=1&tracelog=rowan&rowan_id1=aeug_edm_23868_1_en_US_2022-12-05&rowan_msg_id=deviCOWS_23868_%24cc55364c656d4920b065c11794e69f04&ck=in_edm_other&gatewayAdapt=Pc2Msite
  15. Yep works a treat, I do 3k just to be sure. Or driving around at 50-60 in second/third if you're just commuting to give them a clean out every now and again.
  16. Yep that's correct, operating on no sleep is bad kids.
  17. FCP euro, was $350Nz delivered during lockdown. Probably be cheaper in the Balck Friday sale tomorrow
  18. That's either Pandoras box or a great deal
  19. I need another filter so happy to buy one off you if you buy the pack lol Otherwise I'll get the pack, think one filter was $20NZ on fcp euro before shipping. Good deal.
  20. Price is for one tail light only. Very misleading auction by that seller.
  21. There's usually 20-30 though that slowed down the last few months. The free selling yesterday has brought a few out of the woodwork. That le mans blue manual in Porirua 🤦
  22. Yeah I have a weird ring effect as well. I'm not brave enough to do a home lens replacement haha
  23. It definitely needs a road trip or two, just gets run around Welly. All bulbs were in there, I was surprised too 🤣
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