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Everything posted by kwhelan

  1. True Detective was good, but Fargo was better. Especially the Billy Bob Thornton series
  2. We all have varied tastes but some things are worth a plug here's mine over last few days new pearl Jam album not their best but growing after a few listens the Sounds radios I'm painting all day inside they have been running a letter of the Day promo all sounds yesterday were V and W some great tracks being played, Westworld series 3 stunning visuals shot on 35mm digital, old fashioned one ep per week which I enjoy the anticipation over binging a whole season
  3. http://www.meremeredragway.co.nz/events/325-AEROFLOW-OUTLAW-NITRO-FUNNY-CARS---MEREMERE-COMPETITION-MEETING-4.html and quoted from facewhere so not debating any facts or fiction below TOP FUEL ACCELERATION PUT INTO PERSPECTIVE * One Top Fuel dragster 500 cubic-inch Hemi engine makes more horsepower (10,000 HP) than the first 5 rows at the Daytona 500. * Under full throttle, a dragster engine consumes 5.4 - 6.8 litres of nitro methane per second; a fully loaded 747 consumes jet fuel at the same rate with 25% less energy being produced. * A stock Dodge Hemi V8 engine cannot produce enough power to merely drive the dragster's supercharger. * With 3000 CFM of air being rammed in by the supercharger on overdrive, the fuel mixture is compressed into a near-solid form before ignition. Cylinders run on the verge of hydraulic lock at full throttle. * At the stoichiometric 1.7:1 air/fuel mixture for nitro methane the flame front temperature measures 7050 degrees F. * Nitromethane burns yellow. The spectacular white flame seen above the stacks at night is raw burning hydrogen, dissociated from atmospheric water vapor by the searing exhaust gases. * Dual magnetos supply 44 amps to each spark plug. This is the output of an arc welder in each cylinder. * Spark plug electrodes are totally consumed during a pass. After 1/2 way, the engine is dieseling from compression plus the glow of exhaust valves at 1400 degrees F. The engine can only be shut down by cutting the fuel flow. * If spark momentarily fails early in the run, unburned nitro builds up in the affected cylinders and then explodes with sufficient force to blow cylinder heads off the block in pieces or split the block in half. * Dragsters reach over 480 KPH before you have completed reading this sentence. * In order to exceed 480 KPH in 4.5 seconds, dragsters must accelerate an average of over 4 G's. In order to reach 320 KPH well before half-track, the launch acceleration approaches 8 G's. * Top Fuel engines turn approximately 540 revolutions from light to light! * Including the burnout, the engine must only survive 900 revolutions under load. * The redline is actually quite high at 9500 RPM. * THE BOTTOM LINE: Assuming all the equipment is paid off, the crew worked for free, & for once, NOTHING BLOWS UP, each run costs an estimated $1,000 per second. 0 to 160 KPH in .8 seconds (the first 60 feet of the run) 0 to 320 KPH in 2.2 seconds (the first 350 feet of the run) 6 g-forces at the starting line (nothing accelerates faster on land) 6 negative g-forces upon deployment of twin parachutes at 480 KPH An NHRA Top Fuel Dragster accelerates quicker than any other land vehicle on earth . . quicker than a jet fighter plane . . . quicker than the space shuttle. The current Top Fuel dragster elapsed time record is 4.420 seconds for the quarter-mile (2004, Doug Kalitta). The top speed record is 540.12 KPH as measured over the last 66' of the run (2005, Tony Schumacher). Putting this all into perspective: You are driving the average $140,000 Lingenfelter twin-turbo powered Corvette Z06. Over a mile up the road, a Top Fuel dragster is staged & ready to launch down a quarter-mile strip as you pass. You have the advantage of a flying start. You run the 'Vette hard up through the gears and blast across the starting line & pass the dragster at an honest 320 KPH. The 'tree' goes green for both of you at that moment. The dragster launches & starts after you. You keep your foot down hard, but you hear an incredibly brutal whine that sears your eardrums & within 3 seconds the dragster catches & passes you. He beats you to the finish line, a quarter-mile away from where you just passed him. Think about it - from a standing start, the dragster had spotted you 320 KPH & not only caught, but nearly blasted you off the road when he passed you within a mere 1320 foot long race!
  4. or it get it custom airbrushed like a hotrod
  5. can you substitute an angle grinder, battery drill or whatever with foam pads or a wool sleeve or microfibre pads etc. Whats the difference over a proper polisher specifically, is it rpms related?
  6. it looks like a carpark? to me no such thing as a speed limit if thats the case, may be signs but thats not a legal thing, reversing in the wrong, no if buts or whatever from a legal aspect same as nose to tail, its relevant why the person in front stops
  7. exception? Hastings they didn't want the mayors proposed new 30 odd million water museum to get out in the public before election and when it was leaked 10 days before the election they are now hiring investigators again using public money to try and find the leaker. Public reaction has been complete shock at the waste of money for a, the museum and b, the investigation. They always seem to have illusions of grandeur and try to build suspect cost effective things as some sort of personal monument instead of sticking to their knitting of running the place efficiently. thank god for whistleblowers, the council are a law unto themselves and disregard public with impunity. look at the mess wellington is in, theres no way they are acting in the publics interests regarding the gridlocked roads
  8. first step is to clear any old ones out, run car and see what reappears. some of them are probably generic glitches from some time ago I take it you have something wrong or are you just curiously looking
  9. https://www.motor1.com/news/363180/2020-corvette-c8-walkaround-video/
  10. kwhelan

    Key Coding E90

    no you need a blank key cut then have the chip coded.
  11. kwhelan

    Radar Detectors

    agreed there's nothing more stressful than driving over a long weekend when there is basically zero margins on speeding, you spend way too much time checking the dash to avoid accidental creep especially on downhill runs rather than concentrating on the road. The people that die on those weekends were never going to be saved by that stupid temp limit either.
  12. that lift off oversteer looks entertaining to say the least
  13. good visibility out the back and side windows, easy to park,easy to judge front and rear extremities. good stereo and heater, good demister, good steering turn radius, good aircon, not likely to get stolen. plenty of cup and storage holders for the commute. something peppy over the first 100m from the lights and short enough to squeeze into tight parks for a city dweller with short doors that don't open too wide
  14. 850 seriously or is that an exaggeration, you'd have to drive home in 4th in your 8 speed to make it work and you'd be buggered in a cvt TBH i don't think it really matters with modern motors except the obvious really hard caning from cold, you don't see rentals or lease vehicles that appear to be any worse than private ones despite peoples lack of care so they must be pretty sorted
  15. there's extremes to both arguments and bit of history to some that probably doesn't apply anymore. the first gen 1.5 laser/mazda had many stories of glazed bores due to people nursing them too much but that was possibly more a new engineering tolerances type bug, workshop would take them out and thrash the living daylights out of them to fix it. not saying that applies to newer models where all the tolerances have been changed significantly over early 70s/80s engines . oils have changed,onboard computers are self adjusting in realtime now alot of very fancy car makers bench test their engines before they're even installed into the chassis and they're hitting big revs on the testbeds
  16. agreed I had 19s on a e39 and hated them, the low profile tyres were fine on Auckland motorways but I lived in HB. each pothole felt and sounded like you had hit the rim and rattled your teeth, if you saw one coming you ducked, crunched and waited for impact, it was horrible, even a manhole cover was something you swerved , car was lowered too so that added to the issue. talking to wheel shops the woman driving hubbys v8 commodores can smash a 20" just parking and hitting the kerb. looks great but just not practical.
  17. its the little things, high kms means wear, seat springs, windows mechs, door handles, key barrels,hinges, rubber seals on doors boot etc the engine and drivetrain can be fine but when you start talking shocks, steering, braking everything has a life, they may still be working but they are never tight like a low kms car, of course some old cars are immaculate and some new ones are cheap weak crap but generally eventually you do tire of older vehicles when you step in a reasonable newer one
  18. for that money your in the v36 skylines which are bullet proof, don't go 2.5 though as they were built for taxis only in japan to meet there stupid regulations. the 3.5 is better in every way and actually cheaper on gas. I have a 3.7 and its the best car Ive owned in years, cost nothing but an oil change every year and eats long trips at alarming rates 245kw and I get 700km from a tank. take one for a test , you will be impressed,great brakes, handling too, small boot is the only negative https://www.drifted.com/vq37vhr/
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