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M3 Cab

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Everything posted by M3 Cab

  1. Are ya stock piling cash for 540i fuel bills
  2. M3 Cab

    For Sale: E30

    Still selling it? Im in Auckland this weekend would be keen to have a look
  3. M3 Cab

    87 m325i

    Noticed that on trademe yesterday it looks like a good buy. Would be interested to know the condition
  4. Denny Hulme's name is not on the ownership papers it was his daily driver while racing the B & H M3. Equity Corp are a previous owner ha and Gerry Hodges (President BMW Club) also owned the car. Its a very nice example and only done 54000 ks but its a lot of money for a tidy E30 M3 with a good story.
  5. M3 Cab

    New Car

    Very nice Oliver. Multiple BMW ownership benefits include being completely broke welcome aboard
  6. I bought in an MTech 2 wheel last year for $580 (had someone bring over in suitcase so allow for postage) through www.C3BMW.co.uk. Well worth it such a nice looking wheel. Then got carried away and bought the suede version for the M3 that was a little more pricey
  7. Lovin the original wheel very Ronan
  8. Crap compared to what? I thought it was Alfa that had Selespeed which ive driven and agree that its crap but SMG is far superior to that. I assume the appeal is the best of both worlds, auto when ya cant be arsed and semi manual (more interactive than an auto) when ya wanna play
  9. Maybe just a warning that this cars SMG isnt that good. Havent had any issues with the reliability of my SMG and the cars 10 years old. Granted the shift quality isnt great but its trouble free so far
  10. Pretty sure thats Andrews old car. I remember gettin a ticket in it (andy driving) for sustained loss of traction other than that am sure Andy can give ya the run down
  11. Watched this car in action on a vid andy had. I seriously want this car
  12. Yeah had the same fault easy to fix
  13. Sweet keep me posted. Im out of town Waitangi wkend so after would be good
  14. Badass thats one sweet garage. When ya comin down fella?
  15. M3 Cab

    Hi-Tek's e30 M3

    Looks fantastic. Lovin the seats
  16. Not snobby just interesting to know where the cars been. I would be more interesting if ya did know how glam his wife was or had pics even
  17. M3 Cab


    Got any specific repairers workshop in mind for it to live in
  18. HB Paul i hear the pressure is on for that yardie
  19. Ha you must be thinking of S.L.A.G Slow Low and Gay The calenders a sweet idea
  20. Badass Sam they look tits
  21. My M325i was delivered new to some bloke on Paritai Drive Orakei and then owned by an Ad executive at Saachi's until i bought it 3 years ago at 138ks Ponsonby was more a ghetto in the 70s
  22. M3 Cab

    New Toys

    Nice work. Just put new Bilsteins in the 325 along with H&R Sports and it drives great
  23. Howdy. I like the colour combo very pimp
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