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Everything posted by Palazzo

  1. The prices you’ve got aren’t bad when even the Tire Rack has them at $461 nzd each. And the s001 is the only run flat they offer in that size.
  2. The one on the left is prone to breaking down and giving endless trouble. The one on the right is a bit over powered for everyday use, but will make it more fun.
  3. There is a 316i coupe (white) with minor problems for $11k on FB. I get the idea the same thing has happened as you mention above, but if it’s straight, rust free and factory, I’d probably pay it on the basis I was holding it.
  4. Good luck to him. I did that with a desk years ago and ripped the seat. 🤦‍♂️
  5. As I’m fond of saying when viewing a poor tradesman’s job, that looks like I did it.
  6. There’s a kit on Spareto with conversion to single mass as well. Valeo, €442.
  7. It’s the twin to mine, 2 months older and a few more ks. Could be Wills old one? Sales timeline fits, he sold his about 08/09.
  8. Doesn’t look bad at all. Chuck some decent wheels, a spare boot lip and mtech wheel and it’s fun for not much money.
  9. Disappointed, I thought this would be the 540i “Schnitzer” from Rose City Cars that started at $35k(?).
  10. Actually comes up on MDecoder as alpine white and on Carjam. Maybe it's a TM glitch with silver?
  11. For $35k, I’d want my silver car to be silver, the gear knob to be put on properly and the model badge on the right side. For starters.
  12. The car is still under factory warranty. Get a PPI done, ask if the warranty can be extended (I think that’s possible?), negotiate on the price. After that, how far wrong can you go? It’s even the same colour I think?
  13. Slightly older, but Nz new and still under factory warranty for less money. https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/cars/bmw/320i/listing/4622201110 and similar (alright, a bit smaller), newer and Nz new. https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/cars/bmw/218i/listing/4508971344 If the dealer you’re dealing with is that sh*t at this point, imagine how good the experience will be when something goes wrong. Run away.
  14. I changed my RFTs for non on my X5. It already had a spare. The ride is significantly better (to be fair I also changed from 21”to 20”), handling is no different, don’t think I would change back. But if you get a flat on a non RFT, it will destroy the tyre in less than 1km, on an X5 at least.
  15. No, they were E53s. I looked at the Park and Sell one and another in West Auckland that was $9995 at a dealer.
  16. I don’t remember one this tidy looking. Thought about one for a while and read the maintenance log from (Termipete?) Wellington and thought “yeah, nah.” $14.5k seems like a lot.
  17. I thought that one was black? Sat there for over a year at $8-9k?
  18. Tempting as spares, even the right colour…
  19. Have a look at Spareto next time, $170 delivered for a Bosch sensor.
  20. Try Costco, they stock Bridgestone.
  21. Unless I’m wrong they’re on Rock Auto for $2.50-3.00 or thereabouts. https://www.rockauto.com/en/catalog/bmw,1977,320i,2.0l+l4,1011474,engine,oil+drain+plug,10231
  22. There was an ‘05 Nz new 330i on fb last week with 215km and a warranty until ‘25. Now sold, they’re out there.
  23. Remember Crunchy from here? He built a couple of BMW turbos at least.
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