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Everything posted by westy

  1. Welcome. Pedal on the right's the go, pedal on the left's stop. All ya need to know.
  2. westy

    E30 Elec windows

    2 door Dave. PM me ya number I'll give ya a call.
  3. You need offset bushes + E36 EVO control arms. Its not a caster problem its a problem with the stub axle location.
  4. Do they build reactors small enough?
  5. westy

    E30 Elec windows

    Crickey! Actually all I need for this is the motors and, I'm guessing, guides?? I have a everything else covered.
  6. Can anybody tell me whats involved in converting from manual windows to electric windows in the E30 coupe? It should be pretty simple right? What do I need, and is anybody interested in swapping for manual winders?
  7. westy

    Sebring Mufflers

    Ha no I didnt. But Sebring is or was an exhaust brand. English I think.
  8. westy

    e30 325i 1988

    Really? They're still huge! Anyway, hows it drive?
  9. westy

    e30 325i 1988

    All e30s are feral. Some just have shiney paint. And resize your pictures man!
  10. Pm Jochen. I got mine from him new. He may be able to help. It's a CD43 from a Z3 and I believe you can get Ipod adapters for it.
  11. Yeah. It was the same one who had eyes for your cab.
  12. Ha. A forum for ti's. Aint that cute.
  13. Not so well actually ha. E36 ownership rule No. 1: Do not park outside in the sun for prolonged periods.
  14. Seen any hot eskimos lately?
  15. f%@ken do a skid bro! hahaha
  16. I think that picture you put up is either upside down or a passenger door. Probably a yank drivers door?!? As for a horn sensor, if you say so HA.
  17. They send it to Autoclutch. Call them!
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