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Everything posted by westy

  1. 220 RWHP huh? Is that Yank horses?
  2. Not sure Queensland's all that bad as long as it falls within the CC/weight category? Pretty cool car though.
  3. westy

    Parking wardens

    Council always gets their way. 'Play ball or we'll publicly notify every resource consent from here on out'
  4. westy

    Parking wardens

    Maybe/may not. This was Hamilton recently http://www.nzherald.co.nz/hamilton-news/news/article.cfm?c_id=1503366&objectid=11065787
  5. westy

    Parking wardens

    Far as I know, while (whilst?) that applies to the police it doesn't extend to council officers. As I understand it, there's usually an agreement between the owners and the cuntcil for access.
  6. westy

    E39 540 bits

    Front seats are gorn so it's rattling around on the floor.
  7. westy

    16x8 0p / 16p 5x120

    Would be if I could justify it. Pretty cool wheels.
  8. westy

    E39 540 bits

    No way you'd hear her cosseted away behind double glazing... No rear cup holders or coin trays sorry.
  9. As unappetising as, say, '05 Nissan Latio 1.8?
  10. Dont think so, If remembering correctly (what are the chances?) was a gold colour with a tanish coloured interior. As bad as that sounds it was quite nice.
  11. Specially a 330 in manual with cloth interior...
  12. westy

    E46 bits and pieces.

    Sorry mate, went with the arm rest.
  13. westy

    E46 bits and pieces.

    Found a good heater valve too, genuine, Fiddy.
  14. westy

    E39 540 bits

    Right front guard and boot lid gone. Also have window regs drivers door and both passenger side. $50 each. And tail lights, yummy orange. Offers?
  15. I once saw an NZ new E90 330 touring in manual at Team. Cool story bro.
  16. Because the For Sale forum is for people to sell their whatevers. It aint a place to listen to other peoples self important opinions and gibber gabber. Having said that, Rays a big boy and is likely more able to deal with silly sh*t better than most....
  17. Problem with Mainfreight is their depots miles away from here. Something on the shore would be much better.
  18. Have to send a boot lid and front guard to Invercargil. Anyone got any bright ideas? Dont mind depot to depot service. Wasn't there a member doing good deals? Not sure if he crossed the straight though....
  19. 'Well' may be an understatement ha. http://performanceforums.com/forums/showthread.php?67210409-1994-M3/page6&highlight=morerevsm3
  20. Gbox sold, thanks Marty.
  21. For all intensive porpoises it's a poultry issue that could be dealt with in one foul swoop. Off with there heads!
  22. I simply cant bear/bare/beer such issues. It's all just two/to/too much too/two/to take.
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