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Everything posted by westy

  1. You know how I know you're not really Nigerian?
  2. Pretty sure you're gonna need a cert for work involving seatbelts ect. Best talk to your friendly local certifier I'd think.
  3. westy

    The bastard child.

    Thanks! Would this be before or after the M5 Touring? I think we may have similar conditions, too many ideas not enough cars!
  4. westy

    2009 SG 335i M

    Yup, she's a goodun.
  5. westy

    bbs rk002 8 1/2 x 18

    Yup 35mm. But, since when did RKs become cool?
  6. Can I ask how close you got to your asking price?
  7. Meh, it's only a $200 fine, which no-one will pay anyway...
  8. 540 wagon motorsport's big ask I think.
  9. How'd I miss this update? Flash as cuz!
  10. There's a joke in there somewhere about surrender monkeys....
  11. That aint oils, dust supressor! Shakes fist & yells at clouds...damn you gravel road!
  12. Pretty sure their only use is get rid of meter readers. Gotta hold onto them mega profits...
  13. You know how I know you're a poof? And no, it's not mine.
  14. No. You'll have to use a M20 one. +1 for Bobs service.
  15. Nice work Chris. Where are the pics taken? Looks warm....
  16. Come on, ya know ya want to...
  17. Pretty sure the offence is 'failing to display a current....'.
  18. Doesn't even need to be on the road to be illegal. Cuncils should never have been allowed to issue anything but parking tickets.
  19. Had the other one at BMWorkshop yesterday for its service. Not in quite the same rude health as the 330. 'parently has $1600 of oil leaks, amongst other issues. It occurs to me though, that 16hundy buys a fair bit of oil...
  20. 'I was jus pizzing by za door....'
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