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  1. 2 points
  2. 1 point
    only need to re-vin a car if the rego has lapsed, which happens at 12 months from expiry. The current owner/seller pays the back dated rego that is owing. You would only have to pay to update the rego like normal.
  3. 1 point
    I recall talking to a guy not so long ago who told me the E34 540i held the fastest production car record in NZ for quite some time. Apparently the only modifications allowed were removal of the govenor, rear seat & spare tyre, and a set of high speed tyres fitted. No idea of whether said claim is genuine, but it made for a good story nonetheless
  4. 1 point
    I went through the same debate when converting mine to manual, in the end I just couldn't justify the extra cost in going to a lighter flywheel when the car will be lucky to hit the track maybe twice in its lifetime. Only real difference I've heard about is with the lower rotational mass the revs do tend to drop a little quicker between gear changes. Worthwhile if you're uprating to a stronger clutch but otherwise marginal IMO Edit: Headers, de-cat and perhaps a less restrictive backbox will most likely give the best results for around the 2-ish k mark
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Hi Chaps, Thought I would share my minions and I effort for Red Bull Trolley derby with you all. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsDfia-_GHQ&feature=youtu.be
  8. 1 point
    Turbo the snail was awesome, they did an awesome job on the bodywork. We had Red Bull visit us for an interview and sent us boxes of Red bull throughout. Must have been 250-300 bottles/cans sent to us in total. we also has 4 live come arround and various radio stations calling us. Our 15 minutes of fame! haha he seems to know alot of people. some of the other teams were ChCh based and he know them too..
  9. 1 point
    I'm picking you don't work for yourself or employ any staff.............
  10. 1 point
    LCI is just a ghey name for facelift. Somebody had WAY too much time on their hands to come up with that.
  11. 1 point
    Hmmm... are we talking Production sedan? Does the E34 M5 count - Weren't they the last handbuilt "M" cars? and the E39 M5 went into standard factory production? 1. semantics /sɪˈmantɪks/ noun [usually treated as singular] The main purpose for internet forums. The study of discussing the meaning/interpretation of words or groups of words within a certain context; usually in order to win some form of argument.
  12. 1 point
    I like the weaknesses those parts are the excuse to spend and bavauto does not help
  13. 1 point
    Well, for a 20 year old car designed to last 5 mine is still holding up pretty well. As is Corys, by the looks of it. Yes, there are a number of inherent weaknesses on the car, but given the alternatives there are far worse cars to be driving on a daily basis
  14. 1 point
    Good luck with this one buddy. Now I'm going to run along before I do something the wife will find hard to forgive
  15. 1 point
    "Perky" ?!?!?!?! Those are some nice figures for a daily!
  16. 1 point
    Got the final bits installed this week except the boost guage (its seems to be angled for LHD drivers - and they told me it wasn't Wavetrak LSD DEFIV lockdown kit Been running a e40 map the last couple of weeks , been quite happy how perky it's been got it up on the dyno this arvo , was quite hot and humid when doing the runs -
  17. 1 point
    5k max between oil & filter changes. To hell with the manufacturers recommendation! If it's done 360k already, with a little preventative maintenance (as Graham seems to be doing) I reckon this little guy will soon be threatening Brents 520k on his E28 Plus at nearly 55000 ks per year we won't have to wait too long to find out!
  18. 1 point
    my neighbour put a 4m wide steel tube in the gutter as that area had angled curbs but no cut outs for driveways. worked great unless he lined up perfectly on it in which case it occasionally turned into a dyno roller when he planted it to go up the hill, made heaps of noise
  19. 1 point
    Just sitting her watching and laughing love how this started out as a simple can I put a m62 in my e39, to me trying to swap cars to now a fight about which is better an m3 or m5 even though they have always been designed to be 2 completely different cars. Yes the v8 does make the 39 front heavy but then it was never designed to be a race car, it was at time the fastest sedan in the world until the m5 came out
  20. 1 point
    Nope, still truck steering!!If you're comparing 6 cylinder e39's to v8s, the power and torque more than make up for the "inferior" handling. My e36 318is handles way better than my 540i touring but i still love driving the v8!!
  21. 1 point
    Bastardised cars can be nice and also deliver more than what you might expect.... I know this.. and many others will also agree with what they have experienced. Think outside the square and don't follow a leader into the same old, same old fit this fit that DIY upgrade
  22. 1 point
    Kiwi blokes south of Hamilton tend to have 'Action Man' rather than 'barbie' - Action Man tends to be fairly dirty from fixing stuff all the time, so he tends to run through a shower rather than use the kitchen sink......... And if he had a bbq - on the odd occasions that it might genuinely maybe need a clean (usually after some-one with funny bumps on her chest has maybe suggested it'd be a good idea........), he'd probably use the water-blaster to clean it. Please note - water-blaster must be petrol powered, as those silly little 240V things don't count...... Welcome to NZ........... Southern land style...........
  23. 1 point
    Link to build thread? Would love a 4-Door E30 Facelift with a S14.
  24. 1 point
    Welcome. I'm sure you will find lots of advice and help with parts around here. What can I say, its a 20 year old car that was designed to last 5 so crap will need replacing.
  25. 1 point
    XBOX tested XBOX Live to run on both PC and XBOX to allow users to play against each other on different platforms. They decided not to go ahead with it because the players on the PC got their asses handed to them everytime.
  26. 1 point
    Awesome. Automatic gearbox tuning ftw!
  27. 1 point
    That's always been an interesting idea to me! A proper revvy motor, but also still has heaps of torque. 540i's aren't that hungry, but they can have expensive engine issues. I really like the 6's, and with a proper gearbox (with 3 pedals), aren't slow at all.
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
    Welcome to the site. And agreed - nice wheels - rest of it is 'a E36 thing' - you'll be alright, each bridge as ya come to it sorta thing - you'll learn lotz............ Besides which none of it matters so long as it looks gooood & the wheels still go around on it.....
  30. 1 point
    Hi Glenn, thanks for your input although I don't understand the relevance of this comment. Have you mistaken me for someone who has done the aforementioned? In response to your previous comment: Fair enough that repairers can only install parts they sell but the reality is money is money. I'm not sure of your circumstance but I'm sure some repairers aren't in the position to turn away business, particularly in this economic climate. It wasn't directed at you at all Tristan, It was an add on to my reply to Juxu. Alot of repairers are getting fed up with diagnosing & helping people with their cars at a very low cost or a freeby to gain work, only to loose the work to a back yarder or mate when the problem has been identified. Our overheads are calculated on a labour + parts mark up less costs to run our businesses. We must guarantee our work and cover risk. Remove the parts margin and it's cheaper to drink coffee and not incurr the risk installing parts of an unknown source or quality supplied by an owner at a labour only rate.
  31. 1 point
    Gotta rhetorical question for ya. If you had a low km NZ new blue M3 with leather interior, would you sell it for 12-15k??
  32. 1 point
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