Hmmm, it's been a while since I shared anything about my Japanese toy on this German car forum. So here goes
This morning I got a warrant for the UZZ32. It had been months since taking it out for a good drive so decided to head out east to some fantastic windy B roads.
The car went so well with the new wheel and tyre setup, so much grip. The way the 32 handles on the tight bends second to none, totally effortless and builds confidence on top of confidence! Before my 32 ownership I used to ask an Aussie owner of 7 of these cars what 32s were like as a driving experience, while his comments gave me an idea of what to expect, actually driving one is the only way to really appreciate such suspension technology.
I've never driven a car that can do what it can around the bends, it might be a heavy hector but the way it's composed makes it feel like a sub 1500kg machine with race prepared suspension. How it turns into the bends with such crispness really is the business, probably one of my favorite characteristics of the cars handling dynamics.
A few days earlier I drove the folks Motorsport BMW 330i E46 on the same roads, a very nice car and plenty of fun to drive but it does require a lot more effort to put through the same bends and tends to want to loose traction easier than the UZZ32, tyres not the issue too as it was running high quality rubber like the Soarer is. Also notably, the BMWs ride was a lot more jarring and tiring than the UZZ32s when cursing at 100kp/h.
Anyhow when I reached my destination I took a few pictures of my machine, only with my mobile but they came out alright. Enjoy!