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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/16/20 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    `01 S54 M Coupe and `00 S50 M Coupe. Buy 1 get 1 free $120000 Contact me for further details.
  2. 3 points
    The Covid-19 / Political or what ever it is thread haha! ?
  3. 2 points
    I've always wanted a pair of BMW sneakers...
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
    Open to negotiation with interested parties.
  6. 2 points
    It can be the smallest things that can hold you up, which wouldn’t normally be a problem but for a lockdown. More on this later.. I was able to source rear brake pads through NZAD as they are an essential item and we’re delivered within days of ordering. So painted and rebuilt rears as per fronts. Next I moved on to the rtabs. After a few false starts and then with some local support (who will remain nameless but Covid19 protocols observed) I managed to create a tool to remove and install the bushes. Theres a lot of online guides on the process so won’t go into details. The pockets looked really good and no corrosion. I installed some poly limiters ex FCPEuro. Replaced fluid and bleed brakes with new Dot4 and then did clutch as well. So for some reason the clutch slave wouldn’t bleed. Removed screw looked all ok so removed slave. After faffing about and getting it on the bench figured the outlet was blocked. So flushed it with new fluid. Replaced bleed screw and cross threaded it.. *&#$! So after a day of trying tap and die, then using thread tape no luck. And of course I had given my old E30 callipers away and while Supercheap had them listed and would have delivered as an essential item they oos ? Replacement ordered but here I’m stuck for now. Guess I’ll have to do those household chores..
  7. 2 points
    Man they look sweet..???
  8. 1 point
    It is very short! I think I may have a SSK kit on the car so although it looked good, I just couldn't get comfortable with it. I swapped it out for a 'Weighted Broomstick' part No. 25117896884 which I'm far happier with. I think it actually suits the interior better too.
  9. 1 point
    Just occurred to me how the CSI front bumper transforms the look of the 8 series. For the money and image of the car they all should have had that more substantial front bumper as standard.
  10. 1 point
    I've found a really interesting series on Netflix about the history of Hip-Hop. Watching it with my lad as research for his music technology assignment for school. Look for Hip Hop Evolution.
  11. 1 point
    Have had plenty of garage time and as I’ve explained to wife it’s dangerous to climb ladders currently with risk of broken bones and catching Covid19 at the hospital ? Ticking off items on the project list. Clean, paint & rebuild brake callipers Used a combo of wire brush, electric drill with wire brush attachments, dremmel wire brushes, sand paper and brake cleaner. Painted with 4 coates of Duplicolour Calliper paint and 3 coates of high heat clear over top. Blue’s my fav colour. Decided not to use MSport logos as I would have had cover up the MSport stamp on the callipers. Used ATE ex-FCP Euro seals and followed instructions placing dust shield at bottom of piston before pressing in using g-clamp. Straight forward. I’m really pleased with the results. Moving to the rear. More corrosion here and pistons were a little seized! Plus the pads had disintegrated!, Looks like a BMW stamp? So need to get replacement pads. Supercheap and Repco online is available. Anyone make any recommendations for the brands stocked? XP dba, Reco brand, TWR or Silverline? May end up being stop gap. Also replace gearbox mounts Straightforward loosening top nut then using jack to take weight then dropping gearbox bracket a bit then remove mounting nuts top and bottom before sliding out. Install the reverse.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Preparing to repel boarders when things go really wrong! (As opposed to just a little bit, like now...)
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