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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/24 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Finally got around to doing something with these wheels, had them sitting in the garage for a few years.. Dismantled and had all nut and bolts zinced. Sourced a new set of 15inch lips slightly deeper than what they came with (+.5inch) this also increased the overall width of the the wheels (6.5 to 7inch). Had a local shop straighten the barrels and repair a crack in one. Cleaned up all four faces and prepped for paint and had new lips polished. Waiting on 4 new valve stems and hex caps to arrive, once these show up ill grab some tyres and install them on the car.
  2. 2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
    Used Penrite 75w90 for my diff
  5. 1 point
    NO. Just kidding... but... no, the RC car look is legit, do not dock 130s its cruel and inhumane. Welcome to the cool kids club.
  6. 1 point
    Indeed 101%! Now down to 91% full. 😇
  7. 1 point
    Other than Dave’s True Story that’s 10 mins of my life I’ll never get back ! BMW should be making elevators to go with it …..
  8. 1 point
    They are a good brand, used a few of their products over the years. These diffs are crap anyway so frequency is more important given it meets the spec. Kane Barrie recommended 30 or 40k intervals iirc after he installed new bearings for a customer.
  9. 1 point
    To be fair, most of those e46 'deficiencies' you mention aren't present on the e36 equivalent. I have a vested interest, I don't profess the following to be objective... I think the e36 M3 deserves just as much credit, if not more, than the e46 equivalent, it was the e36 after all that heralded in 15+ years of ridiculously successful chassis and engine architecture. The e36 M3 was revolutionary, the e46 M3 was simply, and certainly beautifully, evolutionary. The e36 M3 was the last truly analogue sports car BMW ever made, and a remarkable one at that, it deserves a top 5 position for sure.
  10. 1 point
    Free bump. These also fit various E8x models, I have the fronts on my E87 130i (direct swap) and rears to go (a bit more of a faff). Even just the front upgrade is epic, don't hesitate. And for 4x calipers, pads, and rotors? This price is a steal, even if you only ever use the fronts! Am also sure SJ can provide the professional installation/conversion advice you might need, top bloke all round.
  11. 1 point
    Had the honour of working on @ContrailsM535i today. What an absolute beaut of a car. I am inlove but he won't sell it to me haha
  12. 1 point
    +1 for oil pan. I don't know the size of the pool, but it sounds bigger than the diameter of a tea cup? It might be helpful to understand if the puddle continues to grow over time (suggesting it's leaking from a place with a constant supply of oil when the engine isn't running such as the sump) or the puddle gets to a certain size then stops (suggesting it's leaking from somewhere with a limited supply of oil when not running such as a vanos solenoid). My thought is that if the puddle is appearing when the engine isn't running and it's growing the longer it's sitting there it's probably a low down leak around the sump area. There's also possibilities of leaks from the oil cooler and it's lines though. There may be a little oil in the odd place in the upper parts of the engine but I wouldn't expect any significant quantity to be able to leak out once the engine isn't running. Did you have a feel for roughly where the puddle was relative to the car? e.g. was it in the front right corner ? If you haven't already it could help to take the front under under body cover (the dust cover, not the metal support one) off and leave it off so you can see where the pool is and focus in that area. Oil can travel down hoses etc so the leak may not be exactly above where the pool is, but it gives you a good start on where to start looking.
  13. 1 point
  14. 0 points
    Meant to be driven, yes. And blue is gold on these things, a really great colour. You deserve a 'Sport' aerial, treat yourself.
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