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Everything posted by hotwire

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adU1V9aiZqM
  2. From the OP's seemingly limited knowledge, it would have been much simpler/quicker to drive it to someone to fix it. Seriously - a brand new loom for the lights... My money would be a connection problem in the actual lamp
  3. Matt, google "E39 Touring rear water leak" There are a couple of threads on it. I cant link them as my mouse has just spat the dumby & no right click.
  4. Sooo - I'm not the only one who nearly threw up Bla! Trying to make an E39 look like F10 doesn't work. Two totally different cars! Like trying to put an E39 Msport front on my E12
  5. Nup, but remove the trims (if they aren't still), get wifey to lock you in there (she'll enjoy that) her control the hose & you look
  6. NUP, not at all. They still have the 88/92 as factory & depending on spec - require it. There is considerable load on these cars - over 5 amps on acc position itself Edit: Batteries - you get what you pay for too Edit !! Our Battery Town (Endurant) are around the $380 mark too
  7. Yes you are correct that the Jap Nav system is different & will not read any other market disc. I guess from his perspective they don't deal with ex Jap cars there to have struck that problem. Did you ask him on vehicle origin? Either way, not a professional way the deal with the situation Edit: I had the run around with another outfit in Aus a few years back: Navigation Systems Australia, where I was trying to obtain a NZ map disc for a VDO Dayton CIQ unit. He was assuring me the disc he had would work fine. Emails to & fro, He said it worked in BMW & VDO nav units. I smelt a rat as i knew the BMW disc would NOT work in the CIQ unit - I had been there. Once I questioned him, the emails became very terse & in the end him abusing me Naturally I found another reputable source to help me
  8. It is a common problem & should be dealt with when it first does it (if you get a second chance). When operating correctly, the barrel is easy to remove - turn to acc & insert a pin into the slot to release the barrel. Once it is permanently spinning, you cannot select acc position to allow the barrel to release. It is then a pain in the arse to remove. I have had a few over the years at work now where i have had to drill/chisel the barrel out to be able to insert a new one. Hours as opposed to minutes to do when it is still operating. Edit: To be clear - it is a faulty barrel & requires replacement. Do it now while it is easy.
  9. Once you are able to delete the scratches (hopefully) then delete the cat. One thing that gives me the screamers is cats climbing on cars! Next it will be p###ing down the vents.
  10. Admire the dedication the owner has given it but as above - fluids deteriorate. And yes - one of the several ugly Fords of that era. Each to their own I guess. Now, if it was an XY GTHO Phase 3...
  11. What a bugger most of these listings are classified - so we cant post comments for everyone to see That Toyota, sh*t that styling is bland. I too wondered about the legs with that swivel seat
  12. You mention the "battery light" has come on a few times. I assume while engine running. This is nothing to do with battery condition, rather an intermittent charging fault, probably alternator itself. Obviously if that is out, the car is going to be running on battery voltage, & low at that. You could still have a battery issue as well - past it's use by. Get it checked by a sparky
  13. As me, the 4 doors do nothing for me. Coupes & better - the vert look great IMO. That colour too is one of the best Well done!
  14. Jon, If you manage to get them freed up to flow again by the "gentle persuasion" then I would still get them properly serviced - leak/ flow/ pattern tested & a soak in the ultra sonic bath. Having one not squirting correctly runs a risk of a lean mixture - not something you want in that engine under duress
  15. Haven't had experience with that as such with these engines but it is certainly a possibility. Glenn may be able to enlighten more
  16. Hate to say it but maybe tha'ts why it ended up at the knackers yard. Seems from your description that you have checked it correctly
  17. Yes but it was a job that progressed to that. The obvious had to be repaired to confirm other problems. Owner was caught between a rock & a hard place.
  18. It has probably done substantial damage to many components - ECU's/ modules. You will need to get it professionally checked. In effect it has been fitted reverse polarity & since t=yo have had the ign on - everything has been powered up wrong polarity. LCM sounds toast for a start. As comparison, just last week I had a mid 90's Mitsi Diamante at work where the owner had fitted the battery back to front. Normally in this situation, it will blow the main fuse/s & usually not other damage. In this case, he had obviously turned the ign on & tried to start. (not that he acknowledged) - $1700 later the car lived again. Good luck! Edit: Seriously I mean, not sarcastically.
  19. They are great bang for buck now BUT - potentially a can of worms too. It is nearly 15 yrs old now - hence the pricing. They are a very complex car, & as such - plenty to go wrong & things often do. The purchase price is one thing, maintaining the car is another & with these - needs to be factored in. I have seen this so many times at work where a car like this has been purchased using all available funds, then something goes wrong & they can't afford the fix. There was one purchased recently by Clinton on here for about 1/2 the amount of this one too - that was real outstanding value. He will probably chime in soon
  20. Toyo Proxi 4 - crap on the rear of an E39. Very soft sidewall & factory neg camber cuts out inside edge & renders tyre f##ked very quickly. Fine on the fronts though.
  21. Bugger! Another set of decals required huh:- I replaced the same type on the E12 a few ago, no M badge to have to line up though. Probably just as well
  22. ^^^^ As I have said before - there are situations for slush boxes. Nice score Glenn. Would have thought though, your experience would cover all the mods being done yourself
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