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Everything posted by hotwire

  1. Adding to - you don't want the scenario with the oil warning with complacency & ignorance - only to ignore it revealing a future genuine problem
  2. Welcome & nice car!! Pixel failure is common - can be repaired though. Get that oil warning checked though. Might be a rogue issue but best to get on top of
  3. Dare I say - You might be lucky. Everything normally gets sold as a conversion
  4. Greg, count me out for an answer here. I agree of the IR receiver being sh*t & must admit converting had crossed my mind. That said - I quickly discounted as i couldn't be bothered researching to possibilities. I just put it in the "to hard" bin. Yes the later diamond head keys a rechargable but not sure if that will work on the older version car - again never had to compare. I also don't know the frequencies the systems run on either. Soooo...Jochen?
  5. You have already acknowledged being a ....wit so I won't expand but seriously I hope you have learned from it & count yourself lucky that you didn't hit another car. This is what race tracks are for! As for the car - get it checked properly. As Oli said - I too would doubt something is not bent. On a hoist & professionally checked
  6. Just sad full stop!
  7. hotwire

    Wrecking SA e30

    Have a look through wanted threads - a guy last week was after a long range tank
  8. ^^^^^ Yep & 99 times in a hundred he would take it successfully at that speed too Edit - & with his eyes shut no doubt. He had such amazing driving skills
  9. Got a link to that the other day too. Must admit - I also wondered on the scanning of a complete moving parts piece & the printer replicating as a complete assembled working unit. Tis way cool though - I want
  10. What a horrible sight & such a waste of a talent. Guess it shows how much safer racing on a track is - Don't have the road side hazards that are faced in tarmac/ rally events
  11. I'll answer in Matts absence. His car is not monitor equipped - he is/was looking to retrofit to
  12. Ive got an "unbroken" 4:3 video module if you require:-
  13. Yes I realise that but the Mk4 CD/DVD unit & E65 NAVI units (both CD & DVD units) all currently only read the BMW NZ produced CD discs. The current NZ DVD disc format only plays in the MOST cars. A different format DVD is required for playback in Mk4 & NAVI units. Sooo... this is probably wiping out the majority of nav equipped cars - all ibus vehicles & all but the latest E65's Ironically BMW NZ also shot themselves in the foot with the initial 2008 release disc too - compressed data format which eliminated playback ability from all CD based nav units.... until nearly 12 months later when an uncompressed format version was released - obviously after realizing they had initially excluded most E65's in the country.
  14. Not clever on BMW NZ part at all. I would bet that DVD format will be for the MOST cars & not the Mk4 format - otherwise - they are still up to producing two versions of DVD disc. This no different to now where they have one CD & one DVD to cover the range
  15. Gutted to hear. He really had some serious driving skills.
  16. Good luck - me thinks your'e gonna need it!
  17. hotwire

    Red bull

    Yup - Just like Western Springs - as you said, & for that matter - Eden Park:- Houses may well have been there at the same time (some even before) as those facilties but you can bet your bottom $ that 99% of their occupants haven't. Bloody winging muppets! I have no sympathy for them. I live about 200m away from the Kihikihi speedway track & although not really interested in speedway as such - I/we, & neigbours couldn't give a rats about the occasional noise created. Its called people having fun - shame them!
  18. Firstly - should have been able to jump start the car from under the bonnet - more so than from the rear even, due to been closer to the starter. I suspect you have sh#t jumper leads - not man enough to transfer required current. As I said earlier in the post - was never going to affect air bags etc. In regards to the negative terminal, if connected it doesn't "drain to earth" as such, it is merely completing the circuit & as a consequence - keeping the car memory awake (clock etc). Leaving it disconnected won't solve the issue completely either - a lead acid battery will itself self discharge over time even when open circuit. Adding to - a battery that sits in a discharged state will eventually sulphate & become useless. It would still need either a charge maintainer, periodic charging to maintain a charged condition, or a reasonably substantial drive every month or so - comes back to earlier posts:- Driving for an hour or two now will not "charge" the battery, merely puts a surface charge on it - it is still in a flat state. It needs to go on a battery charger for 24 hrs or more to recover it.
  19. Looks sharp Ray. Going to look the part on the track
  20. ^^^^ prolly cause the car is what it is condition wise
  21. ^^^^^^ Makes sense I guess
  22. Sooo.... has the CAS been confirmed as the fault? Could be expensive if it's a guess
  23. An auto sparky - Wholesalers I am talking of only supply to trade. Not always OEM but typicaly with ign & some electrics Edit: Can't recall exactly but I am sure the last BMW cam sensor I used retailed well under $300
  24. ^^^^^ Yes they should & also be aware - genuine OEM parts can also be supplied by some generic parts wholesalers as per suppliers we use at woork. This typically in electrics.
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