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Everything posted by mark247

  1. lolololol wrong place wrong time! haha. soz bol!
  2. I'm pretty sure it had a OBC, and by OBC i mean "On board clock"
  3. Ok so I have now replaced the coolant hose so that is out of the way. Now it's just a matter of getting the car running. I removed the ECU and found that the plug did have some water in it. I think when the steam enter the cable it must of got into the plug and caused havoc. I'm not sure if the ECU is fried or not so I have borrowed one of John ( cheer for that mate ) and once I have dried out everything I will give it a go. I think I will leave that until Sunday. I have the heater going in the shed so hopefully that will get most of the moisture out, also I will give it all a going over with the hair dryer.. Once I have that ECU in, I will check for spark and fuel and if they are both strong I will throw the manifold back on and try start it... Does that sound like a good plan? Cheers Nathan for lending a hand and giving me a lift into town, also cheers again John for lending the ECU, much appreciated.
  4. The wiring loom isn't well insulated, but I just find it amazing that water instantly caused it to stall. I've had the engine soaked before and water has never caused any trouble. In saying that, it will be the first thing I look at tomorrow morning. The hose only has a smallish split on one side, so it is possible the jet of coolant coming out was quite strong and going directly at something important. I'm going to check the wiring, check for spark, check fuel ( it did pump some out when the fuel pump primed ) and then work from there. If I do find water in the wiring, I'm going to cut it all open and let it fully dry out.. hopefully that will sorted it. Cheers for the offer, might take you up on it if I have no success.
  5. mark247

    World Cup

    Way to go Italy! If you are going to suck at least don't bring down little old NZ with you!!
  6. I haven't put the maniofld back on yet. But I have marked them so I dont put them around the wrong way when I do put the manifold back on. The no start problem has been since the car's coolant hose blew, not just since I got it home and tried to fix it. Cheers.
  7. The steam just appeared instantly. The coolant light never came on. But I guess this is a possibility. There appears to be some left in the system, but it did lose a lot of it once I had stopped. It just seems to be strange that one the pipe finally let go, it was exactly at that point that I lost power. Before then it was singing like a bird on the way down from Hamilton. Cheers mate. If I find this too much, I'll give you a call.
  8. Cheers bro, if I need a hand tomorrow I'll let ya know! Also. I just went out and turned they and the ICV hums and the fuel pump primed and fuel came out.
  9. So i drove from Hamilton to Wellington today... all went well until about 2 minutes before getting to my parents place in Wellington. Driving threw down town my car decides to drop all its coolant and steam pours everywhere. Right when it does this I lose power and the car crawls to a halt and I cant start the car again. I get the car home and I've taken the inlet manifold off and found the hose which decided to blow. It's the one that goes into the head just to the bottom right of the rear inlet manifold. ( my heater isnt hooked up ) So I know that's why the coolant dropped out, but I still dont know why I cant start the car now. I've taken the spark plugs out and checked to see if there was water in the cylinders.. all are dry. When I try to start it it cranks normally, not fast or slow, and it sometimes gets going for 2 seconds and then dies. Throttle makes no difference. I haven't checked for spark or fuel yet, I'll do that tomorrow. Also, it didn't get too hot before the pipe exploded, it wasn't even at 3/4 on the temp gauge. Anyone got any ideas what it could be? Water in the loom possibly? Any ideas would be great.
  10. I'm glad you are going with gold. With the Alpina design you have on the front in the gold stripe it will look fantastic. Going with any other colour is going to add yet another colour to the mix where, as you said, the green and the gold really look great.
  11. Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold, GOLD!!
  12. Time for some trumpets
  13. Oh yes I know, with uniqueness the e28 is ahead of the e30 certainly. Especially yours . But if you are looking for an e30 nothing else will do, I've learnt this before we an e36, and one or two e28s.. one of which you may know of
  14. mark247


    At least you dont need to take the gearbox off to get the sump off like me
  15. mark247

    World Cup

    I understand it entirely. NZ are very much the outcasts in the World Cup, along with N. Korea, and we are actually doing quite well and surprising a lot of people. We aren't treating it as a win, we are just celebrating doing pretty damn well against teams ranked way way above us on the FIFA World Rankings. What isn't there to celebrate about? Maybe some people have jumped on the band wagon but I've always taken notice of the All Whites when we have managed to make it into the Confederations Cup and simular. The All Whites are proving themselves well, good on them, and deserve the good attention.
  16. mark247

    World Cup

    If we draw we are going to need the Slovakians to beat Italy for us to go through I think
  17. Make it quieter and go to the VTNZ and get another wof. Dependings on how you make it quieter will be the costly part. We fulled my mates motorcycle exhaust up with pinkbatts to shut it up once, I wouldn't recommend that though.
  18. I like to call myself an entrepreneur
  19. When I sell my car I'm just going to sell it as a bottle open with an e30 attached to it, just to save on trademe fees
  20. mark247


    I'm having deja vu just looking at this
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