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Everything posted by mark247

  1. He made a thread with the title "High ks??" and then posted a link to an e30 with 300,000km. I'm just saying those k's are really nothing out of the ordinary.
  2. gearbox, shifter setup, clutch / flywheel, pedal box, drive shaft, clutch resivour, master and slave cylinders, clutch line. Not sure what they are worth, I've seen them go for nearly $1000 on trademe but then again I got mine for $200 from pickapart.
  3. The k's are nothing. It drives good.
  4. mark247

    Pic request

    Mine is pretty low on el cheapo 14inch weaves Link http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....t=0&start=0
  5. Turbo's dont spool up on their own bro.
  6. I got it off him, it's pretty damn tidy. Bit of rust here and there though which I think was fixed by the old fella who bought it off me. Sold recently again, still looking tidy as.
  7. My old car. Unfortunately it was in a minor accident and needed a door painting, so it lost it's stripes
  8. I dont think they ever give you diversion for things such as Sustained Loss of Traction or any other charges with minimum penalties the judge must give, such as minimum 6 months loss of license. What I think they usually do ( such as in my case ) is get the charges put down to something with no minimum penalty such as "careless driving" and then they give you diversion for that. For a charge to get 'downgraded' I really think you need to get a proper lawyer. I think if you represent yourself in a situation like this you are either going to get pinged for Sustained loss of traction or get the charges dropped entirely. In my case that simply wasn't possible, but Lindin might have a case for this if he genuinely is innocent, unlike me who admited to being a muppet and just wanted to not lose my license.
  9. Dont worry about going to a paint shop. I'll be back in Hamilton shortly and I'll come around with some VHT and some box tape and a 24 pack a beer. We will have those white walls looking just dandy
  10. The duty solicitors sometimes can be really good but sometimes useless. I got let off a careless driving charge once because I wrote a detailed letter explaining the motorcycle crash I was in and showed it to the duty solicitor before I went in front of the judge, she said I had a case and got it read out to the judge and the judge just said fair enough and let me off. Basically if you have a good story and seem genuine, you could have a good chance. It's just sometime I've heard the duty solicitors can be rather useless.
  11. Get a lawyer and argue the case. You should be fine. I got done for sustained loss of traction a few years ago, and i was very much intentionally doing it ( yes muppetry ) and even I managed to get let off with just diversion due to the lawyer putting forward a good argument. They dont usually give diversion for sustained loss of traction because it has a minimum 6 months loss of license. Don't go without a lawyer.
  12. Gold w/ whitewalls or charcoal w/ whitewalls. Seriously awesome.
  13. The white door handles irritate me.
  14. It wont get better just worse as you ruin your gearbox and other little parts like that. The car is underpowered and probably cant get out of first. Give up on the skids.
  15. mark247

    Favourite brew

    Ranfurly, Tui, NZ Lager, Double Brown, etc are all fine as long as they are served ice cold. I'm yet to try Bush Mans beer.
  16. mark247

    Favourite brew

    I'm OTP? Export Dry. I feel like something nice? Amstel, Heineken, or similar shi*t Popped colar trying to look like a rich prick? I'll buy Hoegaarden or Baltika
  17. Most people grow out of binge drinking, the ones that dont in my opinion are no hopers from the beginning, with or without the alcohol.
  18. If you want to buy from the allies you are basically going to have to drive something terrible. Either French, British, American ( excluding muscle cars because they're awesome ), or Russian... go the Lada.... I'll stick with being a traitor.
  19. You dont want a m52b25 anyway, with the power they make you may as well just drop a m20b25 into your car.
  20. I found paper clips are a lot cheaper and do the same job
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