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Everything posted by mark247

  1. When I bought it and when I sold it we both paid a lot more than that.
  2. The other set on TM are recaro's, and it's the fifth auction they've been listed on. They're cracked and ripped worse than your set of comforts. They're rubbish. All we are saying is that you are wasting your time trying to find someone who is going to swap anything worthwile for those seats. I'm sorry to say this but they are a crappy seat that nobody wants and it doesn't help that they are cracked to hell. If you thought you were going to make some coin on them or swap them for something cool, you are sadly mistaken. Put them up on TM for $50 and see what happens, and then maybe find some cheap buckets and modify them to fit. More cheap, get some decent condition cloth seats and just be happy with them, in my opinion they aren't as ugly as the comforts and the cloth ones are comfortable enough. Good luck.
  3. At $200 a pop you are still better off looking for some recaro seats or buckets or just some more better condition comfort seats. You'll still be spending $200 each on seats which aren't worth that even once finished. People dont need calming down, just take their advice. As 1Rotty said, they're beyond help. Of course with deep enough pockets you can fix anything but for these seats, it's really not the most economical option. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-296730816.htm I suppose you have taken peoples advise kind of, as you have put them on trademe now. A word of advise, nobody is going to pay $300 for those seats. If I remember correctly BRS sold a full interior of good condition dark blue recaros for not much more than that just recently. I'm just sayin'
  4. It's perfectly normal. All 3 M50's I've owned have done it if the car has been left outside overnight. I think it even mentions it in the cars user manual.
  5. Gold really goes well with your cars shade of green man. Looks tits.
  6. Probably not him. He'll get a collar on his leg tho and be stuck at home for 3 months though probably!
  7. Good luck, but nobody is going to swap those for anything better. They're not recaro style so they are worth next to ning. If you are thinking of black recaros, be prepared to pay $400+
  8. The front 100% need recovering, which will cost a fair bit. So you are better to just start looking for some better ones because it will be cheaper than fixing those I'm sure. If you can get the recovering done cheap do it, other than that chuck them or just use them as is
  9. It's cracked. Nothing to going to make it go away other than recovering them. All you can do is hide it.
  10. I've got two bottle caps with tyres on them in Wellington at my parents house ( where I'm at at the moment ) which you can have for cheap as.
  11. I dont mind the judges decision. I'm sure this has all been said before. The cop didn't get a conviction so he wouldn't lose his job. He still lost his licence for 6 months and had to pay court costs. So the only thing less he got than the average case was a conviction and a pitiful fine. If he was convicted he would have lost his job which was maybe ( I haven't read much about the case ) the only thing he was specialized at. If he was convicted he can't just walk into another police station and get another job. Most other people if they lose there jobs can walk into a simular job later. You cant do that with the police. I've heard of stuff like this happening a lot, not with drink driving exactly, but I've heard of people in the airline industry losing their job at Air NZ for one reason or another and being employed by Qantas months later.
  12. I like the sound of this!
  13. Looks like quite a tidy conversion to me. Cool stuff.
  14. It's certainly not the first time that's happened!
  15. mark247


    That's up Te Matai Road. I used to live on that road Didn't go up that far often but a lot of boyracers used to go up there. They hide road cones in the bush and put them in the middle of the road and practice figure eights around them.
  16. mark247


    NOS, arm out the window, and no brakes is where it's at.
  17. mark247


    Well that Holden had a bit of power didn't it haha. That guy was straight to the point!
  18. Can never be careful enough these days. But in the end, if a person wants something enough, they'll manage to get it somehow.
  19. If you wanna have a good play around with HDR, the program Photomatix is mint.
  20. I should of been more clear Yeah, one drop on those edges and they were forked eh. Mate.. i didn't even clean my car at all before I applied mine ;P They must stick to dirt well!
  21. Sucks! Mine have held on alright other than in one part.. which was entirely my mistake. Hrmm. Maybe washing the car right before with water wasn't the best idea? =/
  22. If it means anything, I think volvo wagons are awesome. That fact they are ugly bricks makes them cool in my mind haha. Scrap the e30 and do up the volvo ( youtube search volvette )
  23. A friend of mines, trust me it is fun
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