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Everything posted by Apex

  1. Apex

    120D - Mods

    Its not an entirely paltry sum of money, my Superchip was $1,100, I did gain nearly 30kw and over 50nm of torque though! I think of it as optimizing the detuned factory ECU, it just raises the thresholds the accountants at car companies insist upon. There is a lot of information on the net about “re-maps†and how they work. http://www.superchips.co.nz/
  2. Wouldn’t it be nice. And if my dad’s girlfriends brother had millions of dollars Id call him uncle too… but not in a Uncle Bully kind of way.
  3. I wouldn’t have thought them to hard to find, a wrecker should have a few. BMW would sell them no doubt, why not try them?? I found there pricing more reasonable than expected.
  4. Apex

    $1res crap for sale

    Are we all aloud to advertise on Bimmersport??
  5. Go Frank. Who is Frank? Wouldn’t have picked these those two as competitors.
  6. Apex

    bmw mag

    Performance BMW is like fast fours, Total is more a enthusiast restoration publication that focuses more on older stuff. Both are 50% advertising for businesses on the other side of the world and both lack serious content and both are overpriced.. Much of a muchness. I prefer Performance BMW as it has a lot more in it and has better feature cars.
  7. Apex

    bmw mag

    Paper Power sell it in Kura. $15.
  8. Yep, it was as big as or bigger than the E60!! Looked like an obese FTO to me I would have a AM DBR, James bond wouldn’t drive an italian piece of cuck.
  9. Apex

    E39 535 or 540

    I suppose it would be less than desirable to a potential customer on a yard but I personally thought it was a steal considering its service documentation and the fact it was a NZ facelift car. A lot of people will only buy NZ new. How many Crapanese import 545i’s have been sitting on Trade-Me for 6 months?? It was like 535i one only M-Sport and high KM’s. Just threw it in the topic as an idea as to their true cost. Would have traded it if it was a 540i
  10. Highly illegal is manufacturing P in your garage while raping 12 year olds… Having slightly loose springs is just dodgy.. I ran around for years with slightly loose springs in my car, there is no way in hell they could have come a drift and yet they were deemed un road worthy. Funny thing is I had spent 1,500 on new suspension only to fail on a slightly loose spring yet you can get a warrant with shocks that are completely knackered and bushes that are nonexistent .
  11. Apex

    E39 535 or 540

    Show me a 2001 (Faclift) NZ New 535i for less than 10K and I’ll buy you a box of beer wise guy
  12. Unfortunately as stated, no it won’t. I have had a car fail at VTNZ because like Josh the inspector could move the springs, I questioned him stating that I had just spent a considerable amount of money (well at the time it was) on shortened shocks and springs. Never went back to VTNZ and gave my $50 to the guy up the road instead.
  13. Apex

    E39 535 or 540

    The guy I sold my 545i to was offered 10 grand for his 190,000km NZ new 2001 535i so that is an indication as to what they fetch wholesale.
  14. So why do we give this guy sh*t?? He seems to be a BMW fanatic, look at all his cars!! I see he has a rapidly appreciating Suzuki Cappuccino also. His house looks bloody nice
  15. Thanks guys, sounds like my car is quite normal then, it doesn’t crash and bounce it simply vibrates and flexes im going to put it down to Bushes and the fact it is a Touring and lacks the structural rigidity of the sedan. I guess the Touring handles quite poor in comparison to the sedan and coupe.
  16. The F/L E30 has low rear arches so it may just look like that. Looking at your pictures she sits level. If it helps, I lowered mine about 35 front and 25 rear and It has what I think is a nice stance.
  17. Are you serious? If a 2001- car with moderate KMâ€S is leaking oil and water already I would avoid the whole brand!! That’s discussing poor build quality right there. I have a 25 year old car that leaks neither and could be purchased for $500
  18. I would recommend the 2001- 320i with the Valvetronic 2.2ltr over the -2001 323i with the 2.5 straight six.
  19. My advice is buy NZ new with a full service history, if you want a decent NZ car with a higher spec for 15k you will have to look at older vehicles than 2003. Get a 3 if you don’t need the extra space, they hold their value better and are often cheaper to fix.
  20. Apex

    120D - Mods

    Well done on the 120d, the missus and I drove the 123d and we were blown away at how effortlessly they cruse along, I was ultimately put off by the noise and the way you can’t rev the heck out of them. We found our Astra Turbo was more economical after the Re-Map due to the massive jump in low down usable torque, let us know what you think. Defiantly see your point of view on the OEM wheels! Can recommend H&R if you want a slight drop and a sportier ride.
  21. Apex

    Stupid Terrior

    I am extremely smart I have a Standard Poodle.. This theory is instantly flawed Pit-bull's have a high pain threshold, kinda scary thinking that if one was attacking you it probably wouldn’t stop no matter how hard you were punching it. Factoid: The only way to subdue one when its in a rage and its jaw is locked is to shov something up its you know what.
  22. Must have been a plane going over head mate It sounds like a Mitsubishi Van with sewing machine sewing steal onto steal mounted on the side.. She’s gunna stop one of these days! A Mitsubishi van would be faster too!
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