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Everything posted by Apex

  1. Superchips state a 12kw increase for $1,250. I’d do a Simota intake and a fit a nice muffler, it wouldn’t gain much power but would sound amazing and often that’s what makes a car more enjoyable. Or just save your money to keep it running as it should. A well serviced M3 will always be fast.
  2. I did, I am guilty of the late indicating and have a vague recollection of intersection and roundabout rules. I went to the road code and refreshed my memory of the rules last night. I suppose as a nation we are quite relaxed drivers.
  3. A few tourists have been complaining recently about New Zealand’s driving standards, so here’s the seasoned travellers’ guide to driving safely here. Locals might like to take a few notes too, though we can’t test you later. Before you venture out on New Zealand’s uncrowded, wide open roads, it’s worth noting a few facts. Firstly, despite only having something like a twentieth of your population using a similarly-sized land mass to Britain’s or Italy’s, our annual road toll is abominable. Causes and symptoms of this malaise are many and most visiting drivers will find they’ll need to drive not only for the conditions at the time, but also to compensate for the drivers around them. INDICATORS Don’t take indicators on face value. These are still a novelty in New Zealand, used erratically at best, but mostly not at all. Try to understand that when someone is indicating it’s as likely to be a mistake, or a fib, as a signal of their real intentions. Also, at roundabouts there are thousands of Kiwis who think driving straight ahead is a right-hand turn and they’ll indicate to prove it. There is a three-second rule attached to indicator use here, but most flick the stalk at exactly the same time as the wheel is turned to save effort, so you get more like three nanoseconds’ warning of manoeuvres. RIGHT-HAND TURNING RULE At intersections, this unique-to-New Zealand idea means that right-hand turners turning opposite left-hand turners have right of way, unless the left-hand turner has an extra carriageway into which they can drive. Unfortunately many right-hand turners - if you can recognise them without the tell-tale blinker, that is - forget about the second bit, and get upset even if you think that nice lane is yours for the taking. So best not to try second-guessing at intersections. TRAFFIC LIGHTS While the accepted international rule of stopping at red lights does apply here, the Kiwi driver’s loose interpretation appears to add the proviso: ‘if you want to’. Piles of broken glass at intersections commonly show the result of early leavers literally dovetailing with late arrivers, so beware and take your time at the lights. LANE DISCIPLINE For some reason, when offered two lanes in which to stop at intersections, Kiwi drivers will always opt for the right-hand one, even it it is already fully occupied and the left lane is empty. Don’t think you’ll steal a march on them when the light changes, as when the lanes merge, you won’t be allowed to do so by people who are, in their minds, ‘already there.’ On the Motorway it has become a habit to occupy the right-hand or overtaking lane ad inifinitum to the extent that New Zealand had to establish a law allowing legal overtaking on the left - a no-no in Britain, of course. Overtaking lanes are signposted up and down most of both islands, but don’t expect them to make it too easy for you as that same lumbering 83kmh SUV you’ve been sat behind for dozens of kilometres will suddenly come to life and sprint to 109kmh at exactly the moment you indicate right to overtake. And don’t think that merely accelerating will help either, for at the end of the manoeuvre, sod’s law will provide a radar gun and a hefty fine. SPEED CAMERAS As long as you understand that New Zealand cameras are mostly mobile and unmarked, you’ll realise they’re designed to catch people rather than slow them down. That’s unlike the stationary cameras you’re used to, which are well advertised and relatively easy to spot and react to. Your car-hire company will provide information so that your speeding fines will reach you at home months after you’ve returned, so keep your eyes skinned for strangely parked vans and station wagons - they may well be camera vehicles.
  4. Meh, you want an E30 The latest total BMW magazine has a list of common things that go wrong and how to sort them. If you fit space savers to the back, yes.
  5. Love the delivery ramp, how cool would it be to pick your new car up from there! I wonder if kiwi’s could do this? May save quite a bit of money. Road trip? http://www.edbmw.com/main/eded.html
  6. Welcome John. Not being able to bring the ford in isn’t the end of the world, im sure you’ll enjoy the beemer more anyway!
  7. X2 or M5 reps, there is a fully sick 318i that parks outside my gym with the M5 wheels and it looks very nice. Fitting larger and heavier wheels to a 316i is going to blunt performance somewhat though. My Aunt just purchased a clone of your car, it has leather and is the same colour, best of all it has only done 18,000km since new and as new! Love the rear drum brakes.
  8. Bloody VW’s. Have you tried Platinum? http://www.vwspares.co.nz/
  9. Hey Ultra72 what has been done on it in current years? I see you are asking a few questions in regards to the E30 and are keen to spend some money so here is some constructive input. I think with 5 stud conversion or some spacers (H&R do them) to correct the offset and the right wheels and the correct stance this car would be more appealing, something just looks funny on it, like it’s disproportioned. You could blacken out the inner guards where the flare kit joins to the body as the gap is huge and black the front/rear window chrome while you’re at it. You should also see if you can get the rear bumper to sit up a bit more and swap the rice mirrors for stock/period items. I think it defiantly has potential and would be cool with a grunty engine fitted to match the looks.
  10. What company make the stock non M shocks then??
  11. I hack sawed mine on half and cable tied it into place after ripping it off a couple of time’s, a serious design fault if you ask me. Seems most have this cover missing.
  12. Cheers, I only really like the Hamann stuff, was keen on a front lip but the missus has already ripped the front bumper off once at stock height!! New fog light plugs and bumper clips and paint are expensive! I looked for parts last time I was in Thailand but the language barrier prevented me from finding anything, saw quite a few sets of BBS split rims on E30’s when we were there and was keen to pick a set up. Just let us know when you are going back. I loo
  13. Apex

    1988 E30 Touring

    Thanks, I'll hold you to that, driving a 2.5ltr E30 might make me hurry up and buy one for mine.. Mine isn’t firm at all, the difference front to rear is very noticeable.
  14. I know we have seen this before… but Link: Bimmerpost.com Anyone who has played the Gran Turismo games on Sony’s Playstation will be familiar with the awesome cars from Amuse. I stumbled upon the Ericsson M3 when looking for some pictures and have fallen in love with this car, the dry carbon work is amazing, let’s hope this car features in Gran Turismo 5. Check out what they have done with the Nissan GTR!! Amuse website: Amuse They have some very nice E60 M5 parts too but I can’t find the Ericsson web page. Bulletproffautomotive.com
  15. Apex

    ELF racing fuel

    The Eurosport / VASK track day, I posted up details but only got stupid questions. http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....showtopic=17540 The bimmer boys are soft
  16. The M3 came out in 86, what I want to know is what is the EVO about??
  17. So its an “M3 EVO†kit that was fitted in 87? Is EVO the brand or did they make an imitation kit of a car that wasn’t out yet?
  18. Its 502ci or 8.2Ltrs! Oh my, I bet it pulls.
  19. X2?? I need an Mtec top, they are different.
  20. Can that fiberglass be removed?? Do you have the stock wheels??
  21. Nice car you guys have there, not so much a fan of the second generation Camaro but at least its early seventies. What engine does it have?
  22. Is your front bumper one or two piece?? Would be keen on the top half?
  23. Ha, have seen that plate around Papakura! Your mates with Mat from Morris Auto Electrical eh? Welcome to Bimmersport. Lowering: http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....=13177&st=0
  24. You have 500 cars?? Hey Dr Kahu are you still living in Papakura or are you staying with aunty up north? P:S I never thought it was you that killed Dona
  25. Go for some EBC green stuff pads and change your fluid.. If you require better brake feel I believe braided lines are the best rout.. Go the mighty auto 1.8Ltr midnight club racer.
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