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Everything posted by Carl

  1. Anything is better than frontpage or other MS web designer, hell, even a text editor is better IMO if you look at the end source. E: You should be able to find trialware programs on the net and since you only need a couple of weeks a 30 day trial period from somewhere would suffice
  2. All the facelift models are Motronic, easy to spot the difference between Mortonic and Jetronic
  3. Carl

    Lack of power

    Your head casting should have a 731 on it, if it doesn't it's the pre-fl. You should do a quick ECU swap from another race car to rule that out. Lack of power sounds normal for the 320 but misfires aren't.
  4. Plan to swap the diff over, but not straight away, it's fun to zip around with the higher ratio diff but eventually you'll want the more practical lower ratio. The Z3 shifter change is a really good mod, do it.
  5. Carl

    linerider 2

    MAn that is so much more addictive now. Loops are easy, the accelerator is wicked
  6. I catch a train to work, takes me 30mins from my door to my desk, and I get to read on the way in -$96 a month
  7. I've had the same problem for god knows how long. It only happens AFTER the car has been running and engine is warm. It's a fuelling issue but since it always starts on the second attempt it's no major to me. I suspect that it's actually an injector problem, possibly a small leak and flooding. I'm actually replacing my fuel injectors with those from a 2.5 so I hope that fixes it
  8. Carl

    Tyre choice

    You can never give a straight forward simple answer can you Martyn Direzza's for the win
  9. God knows how many times i've just used an old twistie tie to jumper mine. If you get the wrong holes it's not too bad, just make sure the car isn't in gear as you can trigger the starter motor if you get it wrong
  10. Carl

    Vodafone 40song remix

    2 songs...bring on an 80s remix!
  11. Had mine for 3 years, done 8 track days, no probs. My ball joints haven't done so well though
  12. Carl

    Forum Downtime

    How'd they hack you Andy?
  13. Carl

    42 below ads

    According to an international tasting comp it did considerably better than most. Go figure huh.Their flovoured stuff is a dman site beter than other flavoured brands. I actually quite like the manuka honey one.
  14. Your car needs a log book too
  15. Yes they're SAE correctedDynapak
  16. If you're going onto the track for fun you need to put in decent race fluid with a higher boiling point than the BMW standard stuff.
  17. I think in most cases that if someone is going to smash your window then it doesn't matter if it's going to be loud or not. It's also a pain in the arse to remove all the little bits of smashed glass so there's benefits there. Pays not to leave your radar detector in full view aye.
  18. Carl

    Wow coffee

    Tea, black, ftw
  19. Carl

    Movember Sponsorship

    Gesuz Will...that's some very technicoloured handlebars you've got there...
  20. I wish they'd hurry up and just put their max bids down...
  21. Yip, i'd saved my pennies to bid up to a k on them but not over that, they're worth what someone will pay alright but at least the bidders are kiwis!
  22. Went to put $900 on in the last 30 secs and someone beat me...too rich for me now
  23. Carl


    Go into the maintenance thread and look at the BMW places sticky
  24. What wheel are you talking about, steering wheel?
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