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Everything posted by Carl

  1. some more M$oft BS http://www.nzherald.co.nz/section/story.cf...755&ref=rss
  2. http://www.businessweek.com/ap/financialnews/D8MR8I0G2.htm
  3. So repulsive yet strangley intruiging...
  4. Mint, I want the stripes somehow
  5. Carl

    U get 5 * rating from me mate, you're one of a kind

  6. I gave ya the full 5 * rating mate

  7. Carl

    SD card

    Buy a decent camera
  8. I did comment on the girls 30+ being easy but had to self-moderate
  9. Trademe should pull all auctions where sellers have "I reserve right to pull auction...", fags
  10. What a bunch of whinging bitches, especially you Martyn, pneumonia is only bad for old people - you should be capable of working through it otherwise you're just a sissy.
  11. Carl

    God damn virus's

    Better yet, learn not to get infected in the first place and just buy the software instead of stealing it
  12. Carl

    God damn virus's

    Good news is, the infection is probably not the kind that ruins files and infects all your apps but more likely the annoying infection that plagues internet explorer and keeps popping up warnings with links to anti-virus software.
  13. Carl

    God damn virus's

    That popup you're getting is the virus/malware you've got, not actually windows telling you you're infected, clicking okay won't help you as you need to kill the infection. Virus scanners won't help you and probably not spybot or AVG Anti-spyware either. You'll need to find the specific fix for the infection you've got, there's a bunch of forums out there to trawl through (eg http://archives.devshed.com/forums/computer-virus-128/) but best bet is to search on the specific infection you've got.
  14. The standard manifold on the subaru could be the cause, if replaced with tuned length headers the scooby sound disappears
  15. Carl

    Happy Birthday Ian

    You saying all young girls are tarts? hehe
  16. Carl

    I want that (ph)one

    Bout time someone made dialing with touch screen, get so much more real estate! Only issue would be the touch screen though...random buttom activations when in pocket!
  17. Carl

    e9x m3

    That's utter BS, it's just an E90 with some electrical tape mods gone wrong
  18. Carl

    Happy Birthday Ian

    Yeah, when you're 20 you say 40 right
  19. Carl

    Happy Birthday Ian

    Not this week Mike?
  20. Carl

    Happy Birthday Ian

    Lower Hutt Ian is 41...not sure where 27 came from E: Mind you, if you're only as old as the person you're feeling then that's a different story
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