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Everything posted by Carl

  1. Paul, all the sony headunits have keys to get the magazine out, i've got a set if you need to borrow them
  2. Worse milage than a viper or a H1
  3. oh so wrong on too many levels that it's actually funny
  4. Carl

    Movember Sponsorship

    I have a MO Log that's kept up to date.Nice ginger tinge Grant...amazingly that really common
  5. Screw the photos, where's the vids!
  6. Wear smaller shoes, like racing booties, makes gear changing smoother IMO
  7. Carl

    What psi?

    Sounds right. I've got the exact same rubber and run 32psi all round. That was the recommendation from e30zone and bmwnet forums.
  8. Carl

    Movember Sponsorship

    I'm now up to $205 in sponsorship!!!
  9. I f my car gets a warrant before then then yes i'm in
  10. There's no reason why you can't just switch from using mineral oil to synthetic other than sticking synthetic in to a mineral engine supposedly loosens the mineral deposits and causes blockages but a good flush should resolve that and so long as you use the right grade for your engines state then leaking shouldn't be a problem. I use semi synthetic since my current engine is nearly 20 years old but with a rebuild just done on a replacement i'll be sticking to synthetic afterwards. Of course this assumes your oil gaskets don't need replacing and your rings aren't f**ked
  11. I've had this once, personally thought that in the end it was a serious waste of money, you really need to read what is and what is not covered...and then there's still the excess
  12. Carl

    Movember Sponsorship

    I've achieved my $100 in sponsorship so got free tickets to the Wellington gala party, already got my costume sorted
  13. I feel naked without protection I've got AVG set up to just scan incoming emails and add the context menu shortcut for quickly scanning files. That plus sitting behind a router on home network using xp's firewall is more than adequate protection IMO.
  14. Carl

    Movember Sponsorship

    My MO log, Tane's is there aswell http://www.movember.com/nz/popups/mo-logs/...?member_id=7321
  15. Worked out my problem, f**king XP was setting some of my program default priorities to lower than normal making them take forever to run whenever norton was running. Switched to AVG and it was better but reinstalling XP resolved the priorities being all mashed up.
  16. Digging up an old thread here, but who's using which anti-virus program and what's your thoughts on them? Norton McAfee AVG free AVAST Kaspersky Other... I'm finding Norton is killing my Steam connectivity and I have to stop all it's services just to get Steam to connect to the servers. I'm hearing good things about AVG free for home use. Thoughts Tane? Andy, what's the break down now?
  17. I've been driving for over 13 years and have never had a single demerit point, don't have a radar dector, and yet I still have fun and enjoy it
  18. Carl

    Big bad 22

    Only Two Two!! Hell you've not even had your quarter life crisis yet!!! HB
  19. Carl

    Mileage Per Annum?

    Averaging 10k a year. Had it for nearly 7 years, got it with 57k on it and now it's at 126k
  20. Carl

    NZ Darwin Award

    Updated with cut and paste Smoking kills
  21. Carl

    NZ Darwin Award

    You've got to read this Darwin award nomination Cut and paste: Screams filled the air as a Marlborough teenager lay dying after an LPG cylinder his friends were inhaling from exploded in the back of their car. Described as a "primo fellow" by friends, Thomas Hillman's death on Monday, after someone lit a cigarette in the car, has prompted warnings from police and anti-drug groups on the dangers of teen experimentation with hazardous substances. The other four teenagers in the car during the 9.30pm accident in Blenheim suffered minor flash burns, but Hillman, 18, a construction worker, of Picton, suffered fatal heat-inhalation injuries. Witnesses described a bang that was followed by screams as more young people arrived. The Marlborough police acting area commander, Senior Sergeant Tony Sampson, said some of the five teenagers, aged 16 to 18, had been inhaling gas from a 9kg bottle inside a car parked in Howick Road. "It appears that an attempt to light a cigarette in the vehicle a short time later may have caused the explosion," he said. Hillman had been with the group only briefly and it was unclear whether he had inhaled gas, Sampson said. Police and ambulance officers performed CPR at the scene, followed by a sustained but unsuccessful effort by Wairau Hospital staff to save Hillman's life. Sampson said details on the gas inhalation were released as a public-safety measure, and the case would be heard in more detail at an inquest. Substance abuse involving flammable gases was an extremely dangerous practice, Sampson said. Hillman's family declined to comment yesterday. A friend and former Queen Charlotte College classmate, Corey Winther, said he was gutted when he heard the news. "He was a primo fellow; cool as. "He loved his rugby and I played in the First 15 with him. I was pretty gutted," he said. Hillman left the college midway through last year to work for construction company Crafar Crouch. College principal Tom Parsons said Hillman had a sister at the school and five members of the family had attended Queen Charlotte. Students had made a card for family members and the school was offering its counselling service to them and to students affected by the death. An assembly had been held to inform students. Several students were upset by the accident, Parsons said. The college had an extensive drug education programme, and ignorance was no excuse for students. "School health programmes are such that there are no students in New Zealand unaware of the dangers of huffing, sniffing, injecting – you name it," Parsons said. The chief executive of national addiction-treatment provider Care NZ, Tim Harding, said LPG was just another substance to add to the list. Experimenting with a dangerous gas like LPG could be put in the youthful-misadventure category. "The tragedy of this is there are youths who will try all sorts of stupid things," he said. New Zealand Drug and Alcohol Foundation executive director Ross Bell said inhaling LPG was uncommon, but there had been at least two deaths. An Ashburton teenager died in August last year after sniffing gas from a barbecue gas bottle. There was a similar case in Wellington. Bell said young people experimenting with substances was difficult to deal with because they were often people who would not normally be identified as a risk. "Monday's accident was different because he had died from the explosion rather than the gas itself," he said.
  22. I personally wouldn't want to risk using an unknown brand of cam belt. My B20 and B23 both have 127 teeth so what Tim said. I also wouldn't reuse a cam belt even it was used for less than a few months. There's been a few people here that have snapped cam belts...
  23. Carl

    Movember Sponsorship

    Andy, does yours grow all ginger styles? I'll have to consult the rules as I was planning on full chopper from the outset... BTW, my rego is 7321
  24. Carl

    Movember Sponsorship

    What style you going for, the full facial growth then sculpting or just the mo from the outset?
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