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Everything posted by Carl

  1. Carl

    Movember Sponsorship

    I'm doing this along with Tane, shall we have a BS before and after thread? <-- I look good with choppers so i'm all down with it anyway
  2. Carl

    What is this kit?

    It's really not that bad, if the front and rear mouldings weren't so protruded it'd be toit
  3. MrHamWallet, I get the feeling you should be posting on some other site with posts like that, I personally don't think anyone should attempt to out-run the police and put other motorists in danger, no matter how bullet-proof you 'think' you are. Unfortunately most of these crims have stolen cars so abandoning the pursuit has more than one negative, however, while I think 140 is not too high, 180 is and that's when the cops cause crashes and cause public backlash. Bring back more CHiPs officers I say
  4. You should accelerate faster and chew through a hell of alot more gas. $160 is at the higher end.
  5. Carl

    E30 LSD

    Ha, that's the ratio I was wanting for Manfeild, when you back from uni?
  6. The 731 head is for the 320 nd 323 M20 engines, the double valve sprung heads came on the 85 323i heads, 149hp as opposed to 139hp and slightly lumper, not heard of a 320i head having the double springs. Still, being a saffa import anything is possible, they've got that crazy dutch gene in them
  7. Carl

    I'm not dead

    Haha, did I tell you what happened when I ran Barums, just prior to the Direzzas? Not cool having the rear end always stepping out and I don't want to be drifting around Manfeild raking in 2 minute times
  8. Just to confirm something, if you go for the unichip you can ditch the AFM for a MAF, the guys in the UK have done this and report execellent gains and response. Still not cheap but for $1500 it's probably one of the better bang for your buck mods. Just to clarify, $1500 was the quote I got for the unichip installation and tune, excl. MAF mod.
  9. I can't believe how much people pay for "modz" without first installing a decent alarm. One of the few times I locked the car by key instead of alarm, due to the alarm constantly going off, it got broken into - I always arm it now
  10. Carl

    I'm not dead

    Geezus, you make it out like i'm as tight as a dead nun's youknowwhatzit!!! Been missing you at the meetings Jimmy, with summer looming i'm expecting you to put the push on for some drinking sessions
  11. Carl

    I'm not dead

    F**k it, if that's your responses then you can continue to feel the flat spot love - it's only on the passenger side
  12. Carl

    I'm not dead

    Some of us thought you'd been made redunant but thank god you haven't as I need new tyres soon, flat spots are annoying my passengers!!!
  13. If it succeeds in raising the value of my car, it will also succeed in raising the value of other cars, and therefore cancel out any gains were I to sell up and buy another.
  14. Carl

    Flywheel specs

    For your sake i'd get them to get you a new one as if it's too thin it'll fail, but ask Grant (325Grant) what happened to his one he got machined down Did you ask tell them about the minimum thickness?
  15. Carl

    91 or 95 Petrol?

    I've seen some do that, but not mine, my little nippon import runs happily on 91Tend to use 95 during the cold winter months though, the 95 seems to do extremely cold starts better
  16. Carl

    Double locking

    Sounds faulty, fuel flap should lock when ever you lock your doors
  17. Carl

    Squeeky Brakes

    I've got squeaky brakes but I suspect it's just the surfaces needing a little sanding and re-bedding but I just live with the squeak That's the pad surfaces I mean
  18. Carl

    91 or 95 Petrol?

    I run both for the hell of it and can't tell the f**king difference except for the cost of a full tank. If you can show me on a dyno that 91 performs worse then i'd agree but since 91 doesn't pink in my car then it's good to run.
  19. I have enough time to watch prime news, and anything after 10pm, which invariably leaves the night news.
  20. Carl

    Double locking

    Test it for us because from my exp. the double lock just means the door locks cannot be opened from the inside
  21. Carl

    Unstable idle

    ICV or TPS, do a search on the previous threads to found how to resolve it Go up the top and click on search
  22. The old L300 wasn't too bad as the rear set collapsed to a 180 degree angle. IMO car size doesn't matter, it's the centre console that's the most prohibitive to having a little fun
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