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Everything posted by Carl

  1. Ha, you'd be a fool to think a 320 could smoke anything
  2. Carl

    Pics please

    Manfeild, me and JD These are all I have at work but i've got heaps from the Taupo track day in Janurary plus Ian's car aswell
  3. NZ BMW manual says 10.5 for pre-FL, euros have cats Would've suspected that the FL would be quicker
  4. 9.5 or 10.5 from memory, at any rate it's around the 10s mark
  5. Any thought about struts that have been rotated?
  6. Carl

    Wheel Bearings

    I replaced a front bearing around 2001 to have it last only 3 years, both fronts are now SKF and coming up 1 & 2 years a piece, will be interested to see if there is a design flaw.
  7. Carl


    Interesting article...more interesting since i'm also the only person to have voted Opera so far...it does javascript considerably faster than all the other web browsers I use...especially for a game I wrote when I was bored that run entirely through script.
  8. Carl


    Well I now know why my firefox was freezing up every now and then, was a Hyper Threading issue, set firefox up to run as a single thread and whammo - all issues gone and she runs sweet
  9. Carl


    Cool, thanks Tane, that IE tabs comes in handy at work. I'm having to stick to Opera at home though as my Firefox keeps freezing up on me
  10. Given that i've recently replaced my own side window due to a smash and grab I can give some insight on this one as it's quite simple.There's two types of formats though. My windows (FL format?) have two metal runners attached with urethane to the window near the middle while the other type (pre FL?) has a metal runner at the front of the window attached by screws. I actually put an older style window into mine reusing the runners from my broken window. Basic format is: Take of door panel Remove ALL traces of old window Insert new window from top, front end first Hold window at top Wind up mechanism to top, mate to window, then secure Put cover back on
  11. There are alot of email worms that specifically target Outlook while not entirely affecting other 3rd party email programs, however, the main reason people get viruses is because they're quite ignorant and/or naive.let me see, who's this email from, it says "I love you" so it must be from someone I know...click...boom, headshot Any chance of seeing what the break down of browsers are?
  12. Carl


    Currently am using 3 browsers and still haven't decided which is best I'm currently torn between Opera and Firefox as I like tabbed browsing and the built in functions. I've used Firefox for the last 3 years but have recently used Opera as it's faster, less buggy, more feature rich, and has built in BitTorrent which is quite useful. Interesting to note that the forum software here has Mozilla specific tags...nice Have to use IE for some sites that are so ignorant that they're only developed for IE. Please give me your onions on this.
  13. Ah yes, and set your cookie settings to be only allowed by trusted sites: In IE you can set trusted sties, set everything else to untrusted In firefox you can add exceptions to allow only certain sites to be trusted
  14. I totally agree.Makes for a good secure server especially when it's the only exposed pc in a network setup but that's about it and having a dual boot pc is such a PITA it's not worth the time and effort. As I said before, have a clean windows with all security updates, and just use Mozilla instead of explorer and outlook. Then be vigilant with what you download and run. E: I've only ever had one pc virus in my life and that was back in summer 96 when the internet was unknown, Xtra had a text only home page, my top model modem was 33k, I had an ICQ number that was only 6 digits, and viruses were in their infancy. Since that i've never had one - more over because i've always tried to stay away from MS products. While on the subject, anyone ever seen the cascade virus on a DOS machine?
  15. Best solution IMO is to format and load a new version of windows back on. Then avoid IE and Outlook (express incl.) and use 3rd party software such as mozilla etc. I've found Norton AV can sometimes be useless. Best protection is vigilance - you wouldn't have unprotected sex with a foreign sex slave would you?
  16. I do Wellington city to Hamilton city without the fuel light turning on, 65L tank, ~550kms, getting just under 10L/100K. Town driving around Welly is shocking though given the hills I live in, 13L/100K, I fill up with the 10c p/L discount at the pak n save after my weekly shop. E: And I mostly use 95, mix it up with 91 in summer. E2: I've also done Welly to Gisbourne on one tank but didn't make it back on one tank as the foot was heavier.
  17. Think FI refers to forced induction. Now to get a roll cage...
  18. Carl

    HB Gus

    HB Gus Sam will deal with sorting out some head
  19. Yeah, the firewall behind the glove box is a common spot for rust, mine had it also and was making the carpet damp
  20. Carl


    This blue with all it's misgivings is alot easier to read, I also like the subtle alternating reply colours. I'm using 1280x1024 on 17" and 19" LCD's
  21. Carl


    Would've thought Inca was a closer match than Henna Any way to make more definition between posts, is a little cluttered, but could just be me getting older and slower.
  22. Carl


    Definitely fast post FTW Blue on White... E: Hey, this is fun watching the site go through modifications...
  23. Carl

    Fiat Ad

    *cough* subjective *cough*
  24. Driving style, diff ratios, gas type, tyre pressures, car load, drafting...
  25. Carl

    Fiat Ad

    Given the over use of the Kamate haka in nearly every nz sporting marque we have i'm personally sick of it and couldn't give a rats arse who's mimicking it now since our own country doesn't even seem to place the correct importance of it. It's not trademarked so anyone can do it. As for sensitivity, this country is anal about being PC it's sickening.
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