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Everything posted by Jacko

  1. ECS Tuning, they are just like schmiedmann but waaaay faster and better customer service
  2. I can achieve the same by standing on one of my boys matchbox cars...
  3. 1000 ways to adjust, 999 of them wrong. Ive done coil overs on an e30, cheap BC golds, and they were rubbish not worth the effort in certing/welding/crack testing. Its worth doing its worth doing properly. I imported a german made TUV certed coil and spring package before the coil overs, and they were much nicer to drive and just worked far better out of the box. Was under a grand from memory.
  4. Jacko

    Quick rant thread.

    I actually sent a picture of the trademe listing to the wife a few days ago, in jest... thought it was hilarious to spot it in front of me a few days later. And then witnessed the knob try and kill everyone else on the road
  5. Jacko

    Quick rant thread.

    Can confirm it is reflective. Clown needs it as well, at least he is highly visible as he crosses the centreline while playing on his phone at 130kmh.
  6. Jacko

    Quick rant thread.

    This jackass.. https://preview.trademe.co.nz/motors/cars/bmw/640d/listing/1661941021 If the dudes driving wasn't so terrifying it would be hilariously cliche. His tasteless pile of crap nearly put me into a ditch as he played lane pinball on SH1. Lucky the listing has expired or he would be getting some feedback.
  7. Damn that glass layup looks nasty! looks like sprayed strands. I expected a mclaren to be built better ?
  8. Jacko


    Bump, make me a decent offer. These are way harder to sell than they should be!
  9. Jacko


    Bump.... I didnt think these things would be hard to sell, and Im selling way less than what it cost me
  10. You can get away with running a rattle gun on a single hex non impact socket a few times, normally just beats up the 1/2" drive square on the top, doing it on a multihex (like the one I lent you) will kill it pretty quick and has the chance of rounding off the nut and making it even more of a mare Tried soaking it in WD40 and cooking it up good with a heatgun? I have a ryobi impact driver from bunnings, wasnt expensive (under 2 hundy from memory) and it has saved the day more than once, worth the money. If you are still stuck by the weekend bring it around Ill have a go (and that way I break my tool and not you )
  11. Jacko

    Quick rant thread.

    I took redundancy a few years ago, company made a total goatfridge of the whole process, but totally worth it in the end...( couldnt even get rid of staff properly, how the hell are the supposed to keep em...). And going out on the piss with all ya mates that also got made redundant and got a big wad of cash is always a good idea
  12. Damn that is beautiful.
  13. I could think of better things to blow 55k on personally, nice car, but its gonna depreciate like a mofo really quickly, compared to the others on the market, unless you dont drive it and wait for the populations odos to catch up.. Get something thats already been forgotten about by the Jones's, and has done all its depreciation, then blow 40k on it #cough#S65 1 series#cough#
  14. Some people shouldnt be allowed to have nice things...
  15. //M and N\\ are just cliche. Im waiting for the Daewoo \O/ range personally.
  16. Yeah throw up a pic of your spring compressor setup, sounds much more difficult than it should be.
  17. No change. Anyone handy have the right box of tricks to reset the adaptation on DME? Edit - Anyone know if Carly can do this? Been playing with the idea of buying one.
  18. Eccentric sensor plug is dry, was a nice pool of oil beneath the valvetronic motor and down the sparkplug tube for #4, doesnt look like the valvetronic seal is leaking, just that someone decided that oil belonged on the outside of the engine and not in the sump. Will clean it all up and see what happens.
  19. Eccentric cam sensor seal leaking and filling the plug with oil ? Seems plausible.
  20. Car has done this for awhile, mechanics couldnt find fault, its a little disconcerting sometimes as it can do it when acclerating from lights/crossing a road/going around a round about. Under no/low load, WOT only, from idle only, the engine hesitates and splutters around before accelerating. Sometimes it lasts seconds, sometimes its just a cough. Only does it from idle, and otherwise works perfectly. No fault codes. Nadda. Ive reset the DME by pulling the battery. No change, No change in fault code logging. Ive pulled the vanos solenoids and cleaned them. No change, didnt look dirty either. Done the throttle calibration thing. No change. According to service history plugs are less than 20k old, everything else has many thousand k left on it. Doesnt feel likes it misfiring anyway (and surely the DME would pick a misfire up) Any ideas? My next step was to just change the vanos solenoids and cross fingers. Anyone come across this before? Im trying to avoid unleashing the parts cannon at it to solve!
  21. Name and shame! Is it just me or have the number of half pie auto service companies quadrupled recently.
  22. All going in the skip in next two days if anyone wants any of this... free upgrades to your pov pack 1 series
  23. Theyre not perfect, as you only get half turn by half turn as the allen key/cut out interferes, but it works
  24. Yeah no worries, flick me a PM, am in south auckland.
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