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Everything posted by twisted

  1. twisted

    Awww sh*t yeah!

    Hawt. I like it with the green lips and white centres better. This surprises me.
  2. always wanted one. Might replace the soob with one IF i decide to sell. Otherwise might just encourage the GF to upgrade her honda
  3. I believe the Ranger/Mazda's are quite capable trucks.
  4. Last time I pulled out because I was going to sell my beast. Quite glad i did now as I'm keen as on a painted one. So. Put me down for one for an E34 Painted, made to length. Colour = Fjordgrau (#310) Cheers Sam
  5. M60b40 = 282hp and is one of the sexiest sounding V8's on the planet when the pipes have been done properly, imo. These were voted the worlds best engine by wards for both '94 and '96 If your hell bent on a swap though, then I'd either go the turbo ford engine or a lexus V8. But either way, thats going to cost you lots of coin. In which case, i'd get a 540.
  6. 1: 1983 Holden Gemini - The engine was so shot that people would regularly come up to me at traffic lights and let me know that my car was on fire, due to all the smoke pouring out of the bonnet. The oil usage was so prolific, that i would just fill it with waste oil from the workshop. It would use approx 20l a week! 2: 1993 VR4 - turbos were rooted, and the suspension was sloppier than the lada 2104 i had. would use $20 in gas to get from jville to pram - at gas prices that are now 10 years old! 3: VR COMMODORE - for no other reason than the buick v6 is harsh, the plastics looked like they were moulded by a 3 year old and they are just an all round sh*t car!
  7. Correct. New engine is DI, quad cam etc, etc. http://www.themotorreport.com.au/48607/for...n-falcon-range/
  8. No, what it means is that they'll be utilising broadmeadows experience for the GRWD platform, hopefully bringing IRS to the american massess Ford are scheduled to bring in a 2.0 DI Turbo four as an entry level model in the FG's mid life update, Along with a heavily revised I6 (DI also), a new V8, and there's also speculation of a blown 5.0.
  9. Its Bollox. Just the MSM Doomstanding as per usual.
  10. In Flames Topped off by some Hendrix. Edit: quite liking too.But by far the best bit of music is
  11. Cats were required from 1996 on if i remember rightly.
  12. Cheers. and Simon/Brent, You say these will fit later E34 (mines a '94?) Does anything need doing to the airbag plug/slipring?
  13. Any Idea how much you want for it? Cant view TM at work.
  14. Saw the mintest E9 on Oriental Bay at lunchtime. Was Hawt. Then I followed an immaculate (new looking!) white, E34 525i around the bays.
  15. twisted


    Have been waiting for this.
  16. Saw just the front of This 635CSI In Raumati today. Looked mint as.
  17. '94 540i - 221,111 '98 RSB - 142,xxx BMW - Average about 48km per day. Subie: Average 108km per day!
  18. Mint as and has mega potential. Wonder if he'd swap a subie for it?
  19. God that's appalling. Really, really bad. Makes me appreciate my local BMW guy even more.
  20. Yep. And panel + paint, tints, zender kit, sports seats, 6spd and oooooh. I could just go on and on!
  21. Mine was done before i got the car, and the receipt is for closer to $350. Definately not top notch work though.
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