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Everything posted by cainchapman

  1. What is your question Gus? Have we dealt with DCH Motorsport before or what are AP calipers like? It's no coincidence my car has DCH as a prefix on the plate. Tell Richard you are a mate of mine, if your question is about what are they like. AP calipers, good reputation as far as I know. There are plenty of far more knowledgeable people on that question here.
  2. cainchapman


    In addition to the $1000 per year for the first 5 years, the government will match you up to $1040 in contributions. So, If all you do is put in $1040 dollars per year yourself. You will end up with an additional $2040 from the government. It's a good idea. Start saving. There is a good range of choice. Talk to a financial adviser. You really need to look at your age versus investing strategy. The younger you are, then you should go for a High risk portfolio as statistically you will come out better off over 10-20 years than the more conservative funds. You can't rely on Super to be around when I get to retirement age. Let alone when you guys get there.
  3. 3pedals has done his before and after fitting an M3 exhaust. Do a search. I'm sure he's posted the graph.
  4. cainchapman


    Optima are not great. Better than your average Flooded cell, but the power density and charge acceptance are nowhere near as good as the Odyssey. There is a significant difference in running a bit of electronics and cranking a car with the best power to weight ration.
  5. cainchapman


    Best batteries on the market for cars. http://www.enersysreservepower.com/ody_b.asp?brandID=5 Check under the seat of a Formula Ford if you want a recommendation. In another form, used in Harrier Jump jets etc. I used to sell them.
  6. cainchapman

    Turbo 318iS

    Jock and I can always share the garaging duties.
  7. Nice car. Shame you didn't get to hear the motor. Looking forward to it coming here.
  8. You wouldn't get the Holden for that. Maybe the BMW though.
  9. I'm with Andrew! As the advert said "Real men smoke Eagers!"
  10. Well, I guess that proves that you shouldn't let your missus choose her next car with some of those selections. Although, mine would pick the DB9 and I'd be very happy. Obviously an American list. Find a European one Andrew. Then you'll get it right.
  11. The way it should be!
  12. Go and have a look around Papua New Guinea, Fiji, the Cook Islands and do acomparison of where you'd like to be treated. And those are countries that aren't 3rd world.
  13. Well done and welcome. Maybe I'll bump into you at Teretonga sometime.
  14. Imagine your 540iS with more luxury and an additional 100 horsepower. Sold.
  15. cainchapman


    Not knowing where you are. BMW Dealer, Mosen, SD European or Brent (where is he lately?) Hell BM
  16. Go to Mt Wellington or Patiki racetracks and check out the karts. They have bike motors and geared classes. Insanely fast.
  17. I'd stretch a bit further and get the real thing. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.as...&key=519856 Try having Cruise control, Electronic Damper Control on top of yours. The ///M bits do cost you more than the standard parts. The difference between your 6 speed gear knob and my ///M one $110+GST $255+GST when I bought it 2 years ago. BMW got the wrong one in. The EDC shocks cost an arm and a leg. Realistically, if it fails. I doubt I'd replace it. I'd go with a sport set of shocks and springs. You'll go a long way to find a better all-round car than a 540iS.
  18. Well done. There is a load of work in there! Looks great.
  19. I don't know of any, but the 540 doesn't have any less technology in it than the M5. The E39 M5 is great. Spend your money there. A few cheaper parts in the 540 being less performance orientated. But no less complex.
  20. cainchapman

    Turbo 318iS

    More like he's jumping camels! They don't call them "the ships of the desert" for nothing. Something about Arab Seamen.
  21. So what does that say about Clive Owen? He's great! Must have a really small one.
  22. Great driving by both. It's obviously not BTCC.
  23. cainchapman

    Turbo 318iS

    Gus gets blown! Great news. Yes, what happened to him leaving? Criminal record stop you Gus?
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