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Everything posted by cainchapman

  1. Very nice. Clean too, how did you do that on your water restrictions?
  2. Ah Andrew, you are correct. I was trying to remember which Noddy car it looked like. A 121 is spot on.
  3. Our Medical system might not be perfect, but it is a hell of a lot better than the majority of countries.
  4. I just met NZ's oldest boy racer today. As I was driving through Te Puke to Rangiuru, I spotted a hand waving from the grass at the roadside. I slammed on my brakes and pulled over. Rushed across the road and another motorist stopped too. We found a dude in a mobility scooter (on it's side). He said he was OK and could we help him up. So we lifted him and the scooter (4 wheel one) onto it's wheels. He said he'd been going a bit fast (on the footpath) and clipped the kerb and rolled. He was fine, but it was bloody funny. A couple of workers from the Retirement home (where he was going) helped him back home. It was like like listening to one of my mates years back who lost it up the top of West Coast Road into the trees. No harm done there either.
  5. cainchapman

    What the?!

    It's at Volkswagen Wolfsburg.
  6. Zyklon B was a pesticide or disinfectant. Not used in Soap manufacture. Dictatorships achieve alot more than a democracy in a shorter time. Maybe not the best stuff though. Caesar effectively invented the Autobahn.
  7. And it would be a much better car as a daily driver. But nowhere near as cheap.
  8. Welcome, nice car. I've got a nice straight E34, it's be a bit of a waste to pull the V8 out though. Unless you could find an S38B38 to put into it. Already has the 6 speed.
  9. I'd be happy to have it in my garage! Needs a rear diffuser.
  10. This bloke is brave. Narrow road. I'd like to see him take this up the road from Thames to Coromandel!
  11. cainchapman


    Someone who got a ticket on the way to the Bimmersport/Botany Motor Works day shares the same initials. Coincidence?....
  12. Oh, had a look at the other thread. I definitely wouldn't stripe it up like that. Pinstripe the ///M colours. That could be cool on a white car.
  13. Mint! Had a fresh paint job from the look of it. You'll love the 540.
  14. It costs less than $500 to have a car transported down to CHC from AKL.
  15. Welcome. If I were you, I'd buy Andrew's already built M42 Turbo in a genuine 318iS. Turn the other car into an E30 racer.
  16. That's what a Supertourer sounds like. It's a later model than ours. And the reason Den was worried something was wrong with it when he first drove it at Puke. Bairdo flogged it around the track and said it was perfect. Just drive it harder. It really sounds like someone has left the bolts floating around in the gearbox when you are sitting in pit lane.
  17. State Highway 38 is fun. Not in a BMW though. I'm in for the Karangahake Gorge too. Actually the drive from Paeroa to Whakatane is a favourite of mine. Then onto Gisborne via the Waioeka Gorge or around East Cape. State Highway 30 from Kawerau to Rotorua. Ditto for Parakai to Wellsford. From Christchurch to Wanaka via Thompsons Track. The Crown Range from Wanaka to Queenstown. If you could close the road, the road from Thames to Whitianga via Coromandel would be awesome. Bloody trucks and Nana's slow you down.
  18. Welcome, nice car. Enjoy your time.
  19. Haha, I love it. You have to admire the british build quality. Look at that bonnet fit. Primo!
  20. I'm going with DCH Motorsport (even though we no longer own it). They still do the work on all our cars. 19 Washbournes Rd, Sockburn 03 348 3189. Say Cain recommended them, they will look after you.
  21. A 5 series from E34 onward is big enough for a child. You have to push a 728 a bit harder than the 740 to get it moving. The fuel economy of the V8 is good and so smooth. Once you've driven one you won't go back to the little cars. Whatever you buy, get it checked by BMW before you cough up the money. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.as...&key=494675
  22. The float sensor ages over time, as the heat changes it's bouyancy. Just drive it to a dealer and ask for a new one. Not too much money and the problem goes away. Had it with the E34. I swapped one from Brents to check if it was the fault first. So see if someone you know with an E30 will swap for a day.
  23. True, sprained ankle and concussion. So he'll probably be back if Dr Watkins lets him. Amazing crash. A testament to the build of these cars. He's a good driver. I'd like to see him do better this year.
  24. Welcome Shane. Nick, weren't there only 2 guys in ABBA?
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