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Everything posted by bravo

  1. I'd be demanding a refund (not as described) as I assume he didn't list it as damaged. Even if it cost you the return postage. I know what it's like mate - you spend big bucks on decent gear - you want it to be in mint condition when it arrives.
  2. ^^^Where have you been? This thread is on the brink of a disaster and going nowhere. Closed. Enjoy the vids.
  3. Don't you claim back the GST on all of these in your return so it's a non issue?
  4. Only as a percentage Glenn. You should be working it out as Mike says - all without GST. you're paying more on your outgoings, but you're collecting more on your hourly rate because you charge GST on it. If you work everything out exclusive of GST, and then just add the new GST rate, you won't have to change your prices. I work as a dept. manager in a professional services business. Nothing is changing for us. Everything we do is excl. GST, and GST just gets added on at the end. Our prices won't change. Yes, the client will end up paying 2.2% more at the bottom line of the invoice, but a $2,000 excl. GST job will still be a $2,000 excl GST job. For us, the issues surrounding the change are all administrative. We have pre-printed invoices with the old GST rate, so need to get new stationery. We have internal spreadsheets for pricing and so on, these will all need to be updated. We also manage large construction contracts, so we need to ensure that all of our contractors submit progress claims and these are processed by the cut-off date so our clients don't end up paying more on services provided before 30 sept. Glenn, I would think for your business, if you made sure you got all of your sept. invoices out on time (so your customers get to pay the old rate where possible), you change your spreadsheets, invoices, and accounting software to the new rate, and you talk to your accountant about your GST returns, you'll be pretty much sorted and shouldn't have to change your GST excl. prices.
  5. Tell me Josh - I've always wondered about the e39 phones - are they GSM? Can they be connected to NZ network?
  6. To answer the OP (now I've caught up with it all to some extent). it will depend on the time of supply. So, yes, potentially some of your stock on hand will have been claimed from the IRD at 12.5%, and when you sell it, the customer (and you) will have to pay the IRD at 15%. So you don't need to stock take, and you don't need to worry about it. You've already claimed the 12.5% you paid when you got the stock, and you'll be passing the 15% on to the customer when you sell it. You should be talking to your accountant now as there are quite a few issues which you need to consider (not to mention 2x GST returns to file).
  7. I don't disagree, but quad pipes for the sake of quad pipes without performance gains are equally silly. And cost more to boot.
  8. By value for money do you mean - get you drunk for cheap? 'cos they are more expensive than the 5% ones and they all taste like sh*t.
  9. Yeah, save your money and just stick a false set of tips on the other side. done.
  10. Meanwhile your opportunity cost of not having the cash available negates the 2.5% saving at nominal short-term lending rates. It's like the council suggesting I pay all my rates before September instead of waiting for when they are actually due ion 6 months time. Sorry dumbarses, but I'd rather save around 10%pa/2 off my business overdraft than save the 2.5% on the original payment. I suppose if you have the cash sitting around in a business account not earning interest, then it might be worth it, but most of us probably siphon excess cash off to term deposits and have some level of fluctuating overdraft or term loans etc. Besides, you'd have to buy a lot of envelopes to make a saving of more than a few cents.
  11. Ugly and rusty. But there are some nice e21's and e28's around - just not that one.
  12. Nathan - up north at the mo? There's a free talk on the changes at PKF Poutsma Lemon, Paihia on Wed and Thurs night at 5.30pm. Sorry you've missed the KK ones last week. I'm going to the Paihia one - will report back. Dad went to the KK one and said was very good.
  13. bravo

    Project cabby

    Dad did the roof on his baur. Will ask how he found it. There's a place in Auckland that specialises in cab roofs of all makes and models. Advertise in Classic Car Mag all the time, but I can't remember their name.
  14. bravo


    Will be a god gig. Will see if I can make it.
  15. bravo

    Attention Chch lads

    Great afternoon guys. Really enjoyed it and was good to put faces to names. Mark - good to finally meet you. Keep up the wicked work for the mod team. Gaz - Cheers for making the karting booking Atta - thanks for the ride in the v8. Just confirms what I already knew - that it is definitely the next project. Matt - I freek'n' love the tidy e28. Jason - Your super-tidy, super awesome s/c'd lexus v8 has made me reconsider the e36. My favourite non-bmw engine swap for sure. Henry, Sammy, Kirill. Cheers for stoppig in too. Great hospitality from the Canterbury crew.
  16. Hope you're having a good one Bruce. Good luck at the next race meet.
  17. bravo

    Attention Chch lads

    Arrived in your fine city a couple of hours ago. Looking forward to Sunday. Gaz, give me a text if you want a beer after work tonight. You could have warned me about the bomb site in front of the hotel! Bloody Council digging up the road right in front of the door.
  18. bravo

    Attention Chch lads

    Yeah mate, keen. PM'd number.
  19. My insurance co. wanted me to use Smith and Smith. I refused as I have always had great service from another supplier in town. They eventually let me use who I wanted. So if you're not happy, next time explain to your insurance company you won't use them and go somewhere else. Not much help this time I'm afraid.
  20. bravo

    Attention Chch lads

    Also, if any of you guys are bringing girlfriends, then you need to let Gaz know for numbers.
  21. My sc'd m20b25 is hella fun. Always want to go faster though. Using a wee toyota sc14 roots charger. If I did it again I'd chuck an eaton in as suggested above, but they take up lots of room.
  22. bravo

    BS RB Reps

    Yes sir. very sorry sir. Blackie - not decided, but will need to shift these when I decide, and I find if you wait until the new ones arrive you always accept way too cheap a price for the old ones!
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