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Everything posted by hybrid

  1. thanks for the post. I'm not a fan of the Mtech 2 front bumpers with those carbon fiber addons . Otherwise a nice clean car.
  2. The factory head unit with a bit of work can be made to run aftermarket speakers and amp. In my years of e46 modding I still have not seen a good aftermarket headunit install. Unfortunitly youll probably be looking at getting the factory wireing harness put back together as who ever did the previous install has probably hacked it to run after market speakers which most likely run at 4ohms. Factory runs at 8ohm. The factory system talks properly on your IBUS to things like Multi Functional steering and in the case of the Nav units a whole bunch of other great options like bluetooth, video and voice operated commands. If you want, give me a PM as I have an NZ frequency Business 'world' head unit and relocation kit for your Aircon controls availible. Also have the CD stacker (minus the CD wiring harness and mounting brackets (easy / cheap enough to buy new from BMW) )
  3. Glenn probably read it the same way I did. If you booked it in with them as glenn said he would of found the same thing as your other mechanic
  4. I helped a mate restore a R65 ... and man the first day we got it together .. took it up the road and gave it the beans. They are just so torquey. Even more so than his k75 (inline 3 DOHC) I would love to get another r65 for myself as a weekend runner ...
  5. hybrid

    E36 M3 Cab

    Wouldnt mind doing a photo shoot those two for the calendar if your keen ?
  6. $7500nz BMW option or a carputer which has it for the cost of 3g / gprs. hmmm its a tuffy.
  7. so many .. and I do mean so many times I have nearly bought an LSD for mine but then I think of three things. 1) my rear tires cost about 1200 to replace. 2) I can put my funds into the race car (which does have an LSD). 3) I _would_ get arrested. nice intake
  8. 3 series coupes have totally different bonnets to sedans. Its actually quite a major task to make a sedan take coupe panels .. or vice versa. Has been ever since e46 days.
  9. Its actually not that hard to decode the mecahnical section of a key on a BMW. There is a key tumber that you can buy (with proof you are in the trade of corse) for about 1500 euros. (not for public sale)
  10. he has south east US based IP
  11. gayness ... Ill post some picture of how I do this in mine tonight (in 5 hours) if you like.
  12. Hmmmm I think you would atleast be able to open the boot blind ... Ive done it before for mine .. Im just not sure what shape the e60 releases are. The e46 is piss easy to figure out.
  13. If you have the Ski option as apex suggested (as I have in my e46) you could rip / unstitch the material ski jacket and maybe have enough room to use your arm or a hook to get it. Youll be doing it blind however. But it would be the easiest / cheapest way. This obviously only works if your hve the ski jacket option. Its behind the fold down middle backseat arm rest in my car. Im not sure what gromets you have in the e60 but the e46 has holes in it that could fit a small noose. You have to take out the rear seats for this (very easy to do) Where are ya mate .. one of us bimmersporters could give it a go if you get it towed to your property.
  14. Nope it wont but it sure as hell will tell you which path everyones taking to get here easiest way to finding common ground in the fault. Working backwards.
  15. Hmm doesnt seem to be one ISP then. Maybe the way they cache pages .. however ill get cliff to look into the server config. hold tight.
  16. interesting ... What ISP are you guys all on. for you more techy people open commnd prompt and type the following (without quotes) 'tracert bimmersport.co.nz' and paste the result here. And also post weather your having the problem or not.
  17. Here is mine finished with 16:9 OEM NZ nav. (the other 'what its spose to look like')
  18. In the mean time .. just use IE7.
  19. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1e9_1221487659
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