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Kepes last won the day on February 11 2016

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231 Excellent


About Kepes

  • Rank
    3rd Gear
  • Birthday 02/27/1997

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  • Car
    1987 E30 325i
  • Car 2
    1992 Subaru Legacy GT

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  1. He got another volvo, maybe that's why he no longer owns it... ? (no, I don't own it but know the current owner's son)
  2. Here's the other one! SMG, Imported in 2005 as far as I'm aware. Owned by a friend of mine - I've got dibs when it goes up for sale
  3. Not sure if these are even worth trying to sell since they've been installed?? Anyway, installed half (7) before realising I had the wrong ones, and the remaining 7 wouldn't fit into the bearing caps. Crank wasn't sat on them or anything. Wore gloves while handling them. Installed with assembly lube as per pictures which I have since cleaned off. Pics are of the 7 which were installed, as the other 7 are as new These should fit earlier M20 motors 87 and earlier, but best to confirm yourself. Edit: Part #11211265459 Brand: Kolbenschmidt $50 shipped SOLD
  4. Yup and take that quote to Tony's (call them) and they'll usually beat it.
  5. As per title, after a harness from an M20 motor to fit E30. Needs to be Motronic 1.3. Don't need the injector harness as well. Located Wellington and happy to pay freight. Thanks
  6. As per title as mine's leaking. M20B20/B25. Used preferred. Located Wellington but happy to pay for shipping. Thanks :~)
  7. Kepes

    E39 2000 540i Msport

    Unreal work man! Ran by your driveway last night, looks like new ? New tyres too? Didn't you get bridgestones just recently?
  8. Around $250 landed, Ate brand. Got it off ebay
  9. Kepes

    Quick Questions

    Yup, you're right about where the two-piece comes together. Good logic regarding the one-piece (I thought to join it there too) however I think the back, in the middle, is the correct spot. A guy on E30 facebook group said that's where his comes together too. Cheers Nick!
  10. Kepes

    Quick Questions

    E30 - I've got a new sunroof seal. Being a pre-facelift it comes from the factory with a 2 piece seal. I'm replacing it with the 1 piece seal from the facelift. Where should the 2 ends of the seal meet? Is there a spot that's better than others? Or if anyone with a facelift could please tell me where they join from the factory, I would really appreciate it. Thanks :~)
  11. The E30 wasn't stopping very well, so it was time for a brake overhaul. New pads, rotors, rebuilt calipers, braided brake lines, and brand new master cylinder originally fitted to the bigger 7 series of the same era. Oh, and new tyres, Bridgestone RE003. Car stops much better, success! Off for a WoF on Tuesday. Unpainted one is from the E32, noticeably beefier
  12. You're not wrong but I think 1 in 4 is a bit extreme. In terms of having passengers while on your restricted, I think we should adopt some of the conditions which apply to Australian Provisional 'P' licenses, particularly being able to drive with one passenger, regardless of what license the passenger is on. When I did my defensive driving course, I remember the tutor telling us that studies found having a passenger was actually safer than driving solo, if they're aware of whats going on around them. Mobile phones definitely don't help. As for actually passing your restricted test, I think it's a pretty thorough test which is good, however it involves no open road driving. The full license test is a bit of a joke. Took me around 15min, a third of it was spent sitting at traffic lights as I did it just before a long weekend.
  13. Kepes

    E39 2000 540i Msport

    Good stuff mate! Saw you in the E30 a couple of weeks ago and was wondering how the progress on the 540i was going haha. Wicked, glad you got it all done!
  14. Kepes

    FS: BMW Waffle Caps

    These won't fit 4 stud weaves. I have a set sitting next to me and the back/locking mechanism looks totally different. Edit: Kyu bet me to it!
  15. Kepes

    Quick Questions

    Definitely not ripco. They charge something like $40 a metre, and they only sell it by the metre. Supercheap has it for $12 a metre, mind you they too only sell it by the metre. Might be worth trying somewhere like BNT if supercheap is too far away.
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