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Everything posted by dirtydoogle

  1. That's one neat E30, GLWS mate. Wish I had the funds at the moment. Time to pull finger and sort the Hilux out and sell it off.
  2. Just do it Clinton. Real fags have a Velorex 250 hidden in their garage and I doubt you have one.
  3. dirtydoogle

    Nerve Damage

    Same here, except I did the damage at 16 and only got surgery when I was 19, I had several minor operations in 2008. I'm stuck with sciatica, lower back pain and a munted hip. Caused by a nice wee bike accident in '05. But, I can still walk (for now) so I'm going to live it up while I can.
  4. Yeah, 'twas a tiny ding, I'm amazed how they did the work as it was being transported from the U.K....on a boat!Neat looking Merc though.
  5. It's low. Good luck with the project.
  6. Good stuff man, nothing like a cage for a few extra inches.....lol
  7. Go the Honda route, that's not an entendre at all, I promise. They are good reliable cars, cheap to run and out perform the others in their class.
  8. Who cares about petrol if it looks that yummy? Around 12-14L/100km average I think?
  9. Merry Xmas from your friendly neighborhood Honda rider.
  10. Manual conversion....... as long as it's not going to do a head gasket. I'd seriously rock on and rape the jatco 'till it explodes.
  11. Damn niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice, love the wheels and the lip!
  12. I'd be happy with 5.8k, I would have happily paid around that much for the car, going by that first picture. You could almost get a nice 328 manual coupe for 6500 now. Sorry about the loss of your car, was a sexy looking beast
  13. ^ This man is correct. I'd buy a Honda VTR1000F though, because big VTwins are the best ever.
  14. Nice score! Love the hat and the beer, more E30's should include hats and beer.
  15. either way, not going to pass judgment etc. Has become a seriously neat E30 dude. Thumbs up.
  16. Imagine how rusted the bores are in them.....unused 365gtb Daytona? That's like a million years of deteriorated steel parts in the engine...
  17. Slightly more rear camber, slightly harder bound on the front or raise the front spring rate, lower rear rebound. A few ways to go about it, or don't turn as hard? Using one of the fancy steering wheels will sort it.
  18. Can you have a clutch button? Kicking the clutch completes any game....slipping it could be fun too.
  19. Nice offset wheels..... Oh wait. I'd rather buy a Fiat X1/9 and keep the other 60k, spend it on whiskey, then it'll look like a Fezza.
  20. Bit of a classic, always puts a grin on my face and starts up the want for whiskey again. The Affluence of Incohol I had eighteen bottles of whiskey and was told by my wife to empty the contents down the sink or else. I said I would and proceeded with this unpleasant task. I withdrew the cork from the first bottle and poured it down the sink, with the exception of one glass, which I drank. I then withdrew the cork from the second bottle and likewise with it, with the exception of one glass, which I drank. I extracted the cork from the third bottle and poured the glass down the sink, which I drank. I pulled the cork from the fourth bottle down the sink and poured the bottle down the glass, which I drank. I pulled the cork from the next glass and drank one sink out it and threw the rest down the bottle, which I drank. I pulled the sink out the next glass and poured the cork down the bottle. Then I corked the sink with the glass, bottled the drink and drank the pour. When I had everything empty, I steadied the house with one hand, counted the glasses, corks, bottles, and sinks with the other, which was 29 and as the house came by I counted them again. Finally, I had all the houses in one bottle, which I drank. I'm not half as think you drunk I am. I fool so feelish I don't know who is me and the drunker I stand here the longer I get. I'm not under the affluence of incohol as some tinkle peep I am.
  21. I want to do things to it that would inspire a late night documentary and many internet sales of the uncensored videos.
  22. My condolences mate. I know what it's like on a push bike and a motorbike, there's less trouble on a motorbike as people aren't passing you.... Plenty of w*nk stains from all modes of transport, some of the idiots just need to grow up and stop having grandiose delusions. A tiny bit of patience would save so many lives!
  23. dirtydoogle


    Sacrilegious bugger! Nice dub though, I would rock one.
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