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Everything posted by gjm

  1. If it is the one I think it is, he's being trying to sell the engine for quite some time. And the box is from a W124 diesel. It'd work, but not really what I'm after.
  2. In the UK, I owned a Carlsson converted W201 with a 4.2 V8, the all-alloy M116. It predated the Subaru use of blue bodywork and gold wheels by a number of years. Bling! That was an automatic.
  3. So... Engine, box, rad, cooler, etc from 'spare' car. That'd cover the chunky bits. Technically, what is required? Wiring, coding, new/different parts...?
  4. Nothing, as far as I know! Just considering options at the moment; there's probably be a few 233s around from cars with bent front or back (or both) ends. Possibly. I know someone with a 190E fitted with a 6.0 Mercedes V8, but thought I'd be sensible and stick with 5 litres. I may have some issues with RHD - this conversion seems to work better on LHD cars. I do know a man who has a full-blown 5.6 V8 race 190E, so will ask for some pointers.
  5. This is also a consideration - I thought I'd look at BMW boxes first. I think some of those west-island based manufacturers used this, so maybe one can be found over here. Definitely a case of using an adapter plate though, rather than adapting to fit. Mercedes M117. I can use a Getrag 265 but really wanted a 6-speed. To fit the 265 you use the bellhousing from the US-spec M119 E420/500 W210 automatic - this is separate to the gearbox. Use a M116 350 flywheel (with 240mm clutch like the M5/M3), turning it down on the outside to fit the starter gear from the M119. As you say, it's the 233 in the Supra and Skyline, 420G in the V8s, and it is the 560G in the E31 850s. The 1995 Euro BMW M5 had a 280/6 - probably a bit like rocking horse droppings. Early days... Just trying to line up a plan before acquiring any bits.
  6. You have a big BBQ, with lots of beer, and invite a carefully selected group of people to bring their toolboxes and cranes over. Probably best to check it's a viable swap first... Sorry, I have no idea about that bit, or what (specifically) would be involved.
  7. Can anyone tell me the model designation for this? I think it is a Getrag, and the same (or very similar) box fitted in: Toyota Supra Skyline (although at the back) One Maserati or another Some 740i models Some 840Cis E39 M5 And possible the E46 M3. Not going to be for a BMW... Just having some idle thoughts and looking for a strong, reasonably readily available gearbox. The BMW V8 boxes look a good bet for what I have in mind.
  8. Much better idea and a good mod if folk can be bothered. Removes the possibility of this issue (if not the possibility of leaks).
  9. The numbers probably bear little or no relationship to the engine size anyway.
  10. You can prolong the interval between this happening with regular coolant changes. Sadly it is possibly one of those "it'll happen eventually" problems. Nathan - I did pop 'round this arvo but I think you were out.
  11. Head gasket was my first guess, too, but the consistency of the leaked fluid is just too good. Even emulsified oil tends to be a bit lumpy - mayo, as Nathan says - and not like paint. I could have a quick look in a half hour or so, if that would help?
  12. Unfortunately the numbers (over the Christmas period) are small enough to be all but insignificant anyway. 4 less deaths (a good thing) representing 25% of the 2014/15 figure is ludicrous. If we were talking in terms of a 25% reduction in the annual figures, then there becomes some merit to the figure.
  13. The figures I saw previously were misleading - a careful selection of statistics conveniently excluding the figures for last year (2014-15) so as to make the figures for this year look like an increase. (A propaganda-type publication.) The reality is that figures dropped this year (from last year). The police will no doubt hail this as a resounding success, quoting a 25% reduction in fatal accidents. In perspective - that's 4 less. And the weather has been pretty rubbish so a lot of people will have stayed home, a detail that will no doubt be forgotten. Regardless, the stats are lying - again. The selections here are small enough that any variation is within anomaly value. Edited to do battle with the image of a table!
  14. I understand that year-on-year, the number of fatalities as a result of road traffic accidents over the seasonal period, during the time in which the lower or zero telerance towards speed limits is applied, has continued it rise. Dramatically, this year.
  15. It's catering for the lowest common denominator, again. Those who simply cannot handle a couple of beers, and those that think they are invincible, and/or "drive better" with a couple of beers inside them. Make drink driving an imprisonable offence, with (say) 2 days for being over the limit, increasing 2 days at a time as the level of alcohol rises. The offending individual will serve this time between Friday evening and Sunday evening, doing something useful while being detained.
  16. They've pinched the engine out of Miss M's car!
  17. Understood. And apologies if my PM may have seemed a little blunt... I was confident you weren't incompetent, but didn't know how far your skills might extend. Great to hear you're sorted.
  18. I've not made any attempt to contact the other party involved, either her directly or her husband who's number was provided to me. This morning, I have received a call from their insurer. I explained the situation, and the representative said "I assume you're not admitting liability?" Lol. He asked if could email me, asking if I would respond with details of what happened. I duly received his email: "Thank you for speaking with me today. As discuss can you please provide a statement and diagram of the vehicle incident? Please draw basic pictures to show where the vehicles were and how they came to hit each other with a brief description," No problem. I'm happy to do that. I replied: "I’ll get some details and a description sorted for you. It may take a day or so. Be assured I most certainly am NOT admitting any liability!" I anticipated that would be it until I had sent through the details, but the insurance rep responded: "Thank you for your reply, no worries if it takes a day or so. And yes, definitely understand you are not liable for the damage." This is verbatim - I've not edited for grammar, punctuation or anything.
  19. These really are quite a pretty rim. Kyu... These would suit your car beautifully.
  20. I'd suggest 12.06 is a bit low - probably should be 13.2V. Not enough to cause the problems you're having, though. Our 320d went to ~200000 miles, likely with no ATF change. We didn't have any real issues with it, but I'd certainly never suggest that's a good idea. Change the ATF every 100000km. Go and see Glenn (assuming he's local).
  21. I see what you're saying, but this wasn't an overtaking move (on my part). I was passing a stationery parked car. Hopefully this shows what happened. I was passing her, she started to pull out, I stopped. Had she of been heading straight down the road we might have been OK, but she turned tighter on something similar to the line I've showed, and contacted my car. She didn't stop at that point, and continued to move forward, dragging her car on the corner of mine. At one point she was virtually at 90 degrees to me, something she would never have been if just pulling out. Then she seemed to realise something was wrong, turned away slightly and pulled into one of the bays shown. (I think it was the 2nd or 3rd bay from the end.) I reversed, then moved forward so I could also park in one of the bays. In basic terms, I was proceeding along the road when she pulled out of a parking space and drove in to me.
  22. Just to clarify - she had been parked, stationery, on the left side of the road. I had positioned myself to pass a stationery, parked vehicle. The driver of the other car pulled out from the kerb in a manoeuvre intended to perform a u-turn. As such, I was expecting to pass a stationery, parked vehicle. Had I been there as little as a second earlier, she may have driven into the side of me when pulling away. As it was, when I saw her start to move I braked hard, coming to a full stop. Then she made contact with my car, as a result of the u-turn being performed. Had she been simply pulling out from the kerb (around another parked car) and driving down the road, there might have been no contact at all; the only consequence would have been me forced to brake hard to avoid a collision. (Which essentially I did anyway.)
  23. gjm

    And now the news...

    I took a bathroom suite home in a Porsche 928...
  24. Nathan - I'll be interested in the wheel & tyre. I'll drop you a line.
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