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Everything posted by gjm

  1. Given the MXS5.0 Battery Charger included in this kit lists at $237 on it's own, this is certainly a good deal for the kit in a case.
  2. It was always an awesome car for us, and as you've noticed, peppy yet economical. Oh - it's an M47, not an N47.
  3. Profile suggests North Shore of Auckland.
  4. Thats how we roll in NZ.mp4
  5. I was kinda kidding. Not sure I've seen one hereabouts!
  6. One teensy prolem. What is this 'public phone' of which you speak? Withholding my number does seem appropriate. Of course, I may not get an answer...
  7. Annoying, frustrating, time-consuming, awkward... Yup - been there.
  8. The email source is good - I've checked the headers. Seems odd that someone would be using a years-dead address.
  9. Sadly, this. Not that it is in any way unusual and most organisations have a few like this. Often they mean well and don't understand the impact (on others) of their way of working.
  10. Contact has been made correctly, but I can't reply to the email (bounce back, address not found), only phone (or text) the person. The email won't have worked for a few years.
  11. It's a sad fact that Mrs Ms Baur is for sale. Been on TM for a while, which was expected Received an email today. Fair enough - there is a button on the listing inviting interested parties to email the seller, and I have said that if someone would like to make an offer, please email using that button. The offer is obviously some way below the asking price. This is expected. However.. The person using this option is registered on TM with an ihug email address. For those that don't know, these haven't worked for a few years. By the powers of tenacity vested in me, I have ascertained this person has no active listings, no recent purchases or sales, a total feedback score of 10 (with 2 stars) and a feedback percentage of 80-something. So not perfect, and hasn't bought or sold anything for some time. This person has included a pone number in the email I have received. Is this an occasional person who has found something on TM they like, or a calculating individual using an old untraceable account to initiate something unpleasant?
  12. gjm

    Quick rant thread.

    Juggling the options between buying genuine in Oz, or (as you suggest) going the cheap 3rd party route. I've no issue supporting local, or even just NZ, business, but at double the price (albeit only a $20 difference) they can go... get stuffed.
  13. gjm

    Quick rant thread.

    More NZ price gouging Our Makita sander uses a rubber backing disc with 'hooks' that hold the sanding disc. After a lot of use, the hooks aren't holding the disc as well as they did and the paper discs have developed a habit of flying off in any direcction that takes their fanc. Being a Makita, you can buy spares. Yay! Part number 197468-0. In NZ, $42 - $50. In Oz, $20. What possible reasonable reason can there be for something so simple costing twice as much here?
  14. The more used ones are more used than I recalled. $250 ?
  15. Think I've seen this one before, but it's a good-looking car. PFL 318i, factory manual - asking $27900. https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/cars/bmw/listing/3725723321
  16. $300 ? Buy the new tyres, get the very good ones and the rims for free? I'll sort some pics ASAP.
  17. I've got a set of Style 156 16x7 et34s with excellent Goodyear Optilife 20555-16 tyres - two of the tyres are virtually new (around $300) and have covered maybe 500km, and the other two are very good. I'm in Hawke's Bay, but may be able to arrange transport to Lower Hutt in the next few days.
  18. Vink, Oldtimer GP, Nurburgring
  19. Someone probably misread a /2 - seen lots of E30s cited (officially) as /2 or /4. (Number of doors.)
  20. And then someone asks for pictures of the roof...??????
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