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Everything posted by polley

  1. I wouldn't either after such an embarrassing episode.
  2. He's a f**king retard. 0.5 seconds is ages when things start to go pear shaped. And you can see from the video he hardly counter steered, he was either asleep or hopeless. It was a low speed tiny power slide
  3. Hardly attempted to correct at all. If you can't react within 5 seconds there no hope for you at all lol
  4. Hardly attempted to correct at all. If you can't react within 5 seconds there no hope for you at all lol
  5. polley

    FS - E30 2.7 Turbo

    I remember following your build thread to this car years ago.
  6. Prepared to pay $$$$, instead of what, magic beans? Lol
  7. polley

    uh oh...

    Replacement fet's are on the way. Will replace whole set.
  8. polley

    uh oh...

    Turned up this morning. Those 4 devices are a H bridge driver to drive the motor forwards and backwards. Confirmed the darker one is shorted, will remove it later and see if I can identify it. If it can be identified there should be no trouble replacing it, hopefully it hasn't taken out anything else with it.
  9. Haha not at all, dosent interest me in the slightest. An ironing board has more shape to it
  10. Just a random rambling. Can't believe the boring annoying broad I went to school with has won miss world super model. Still don't see what people see in her, I don't think shes very attractive at all!
  11. Yes, but the thing is it should work with or without the www. If I told my old man to go to botanymotorworx.co.nz he would put the www then wonder why it does not work
  12. 240 at the wheels would be around 280-290ish at crank i would say, definately not well over 300 100hp / L is about right for a pretty hot engine.
  13. Hey Glenn, it appears your site is setup incorrectly it should work with or without the WWW in front of it. It's either a redirection or DNS issue. Just a heads up as some people still think addresses need the WWW so they still put it there and it will lead them to the 404 error page. If you get it setup correctly then all will be well and will work with or without it
  14. I think the M62 would be quite strong, similar crank / rod and piston design / technology as the M52. Can't see why it wouldn't handle 600hp + on a good setup
  15. polley

    Link G4+ Monitor

    Tried but got an array error. Pm me your email address and what info you need and I'll send it through . Cheers
  16. polley

    uh oh...

    Just the board. Pm'd
  17. polley

    uh oh...

    If you send it to me I can test it and possibly repair it. We do this kind of stuff regularly at work.
  18. polley

    uh oh...

    Has that component actually failed?
  19. polley

    Link G4+ Monitor

    You should add support for the dtsfast data stream then I wouldn't have to bother with mine ?
  20. polley

    Link G4+ Monitor

    Been making my own as well but for the dta s80 and using canbus instead.
  21. You wouldn't build it for that price.
  22. polley

    uh oh...

    Can you take a picture of said board and semiconductor that got a bit hot?
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